Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm actually so sorry because I've been gone since April. Like I feel so bad. I have been so busy with summer sport programs and family issues and what not. Plus I have struggled with motivation to write. But today is finally the day I write!

Authors POV  - The next day (Tuesday)

Hyunjin and Minho were waiting at the front door with their suitcases for their parents, so they could get going to Hyunjin's hometown for the week.  "Mom! What's taking you two so long?!" Hyunjin yelled toward the stairs. "Oh were coming honey, don't worry!" Hyunjin's mom yelled while she was scurrying to button up her blouse while coming down the stairs. Mr. Lee was buckling his belt behind her also coming down the stairs. Both looking very disheveled. 

"Oh Mom really? That's so gross!" Hyunjin yelled while shielding his eyes from the scene in-front of him. Minho just laughed at him and patted him on the back. He came towards Hyunjin's ear and whispered, "Oh come on, that's nothing like we haven't done~" Minho's words make Hyunjin blush as he continues to hide his face with his hands.

"Okay boys, we ready now?" Minho's dad asked the two with a slight blush on his face. They both nodded and they all headed out to the car. After all the bags were packed in the trunk everyone piled in. Mr and Mrs. Lee were in the front. And Hyunjin and Minho in the back. 

"How far away is this place anyway?" Minho asked looking at Hyunjin. "It's about a 5 hour drive from here." Minho's eyes went wide. "Ugh seriously? I don't want to be in the car for that longgg." Minho whined while throwing himself over Hyunjin's lap. Hyunjin rolled his eyes looking down at Minho. "Really hyung? I had to do it a couple months ago. If I can do it, you can do it." 

Hyunjin ruffled the older's hair and pushed him upright in the seat. But Minho folded his arms across his chest and pouted his lips. Hyunjin looked at him with a 'are you fr right now?' look. But Minho wouldn't budge, he sat there, still arms crossed and his head looking out the window in that sassy way of his. Hyunjin sighed and decided to just ignore him and put his headphones on. 

But soon after he did so, he felt a hand on his thigh. His eyes shot wide and pushed the hand away. He looked over to the culprit, just to see him with a smirk on his face. 

Minho then pushed a button on the side of the car and all of a sudden a divider between the front and back of the car comes out. Completely blocking sight of whatever is happening in the back from the front. Hyunjin gasped and looked at Minho. He had one of those sly smiles on his face. 

"Don't worry baby they can't hear us or see us." Minho said as he unbuckled his seat belt and came over to Hyunjin. "Minho what do you think you're doing?" The older chuckled and wrapped his right arm over Hyunjin's shoulder. The other going on his thigh. "What? I'm just cuddling my boyfriend~" Minho smiled and nuzzled his head into the side of Hyunjin's neck. 

"Mhm okay yeah, while our parents are right in-front of us!" Hyunjin sounded panicked. Minho laughed and said, "Relax Jinnie, they can't see or hear us, okay?" Hyunjin still looked a little uneasy so Minho started to kiss his neck slowly to help calm him down. 

Hyunjin's breathing slowed and Minho brought his head back to Hyunjin's. Looking into his eyes just makes me fall in love with him all over again. Minho thought in his head while getting close to Hyunjin's face. He leans in for a kiss and Hyunjin smiles into the kiss.

They both kiss for quite sometime until they both pull away for air. Hyunjin notices this certain glint in Minho's eyes and shakes his head. "Don't get any ideas." He warned and Minho sighed while saying. "Your no fun!" Hyunjin had rolled his for what felt like the 100th time that car ride. 

"I'm not having car sex with you Minho. That just sounds uncomfortable." Hyunjin said while looking disgusted. Now Minho was the one rolling his eyes. "Trust me, it's not." He nudged Hyunjin with his elbow. "Omg ew!" Hyunjin exclaimed and pushed Minho back to his side of the car. Minho just chuckled and shook his head.

"Now there is definitely no way I'm doing anything with you today. You weirdo." Hyunjin said now completely grossed out. Minho gasped and said, "Oh come on that's not fair!" Hyunjin just shook his head. "No it's not. Now you can sit there for the rest of the car ride and keep your hands to yourself." 

Hyunjin stated in a firm tone putting his headphones back on and looking out the window. All while Mino is looking at him flabbergasted. 

Time Skip- At the hotel -Hyunjin POV

"Oh finally were here!" I exclaimed happily as I got out of the car and stretched my legs. I looked around with a wide smile. "It feels good to be back." I said while looking over at my mother. She smiled back at me. "Oh honey yes it is!" My mom said to me while coming to give me a hug. 

"I can't wait to see Kevin again. It feels like forever since I've seen him." I say to my mom and she replies, "I'm sure you are honey. Let's hurry and get checked in so we can get ready for dinner at their place." I smile and nodded. 

I grab my bags from the trunk and follow my mom into the hotel lobby. Once we get the keys to our rooms we head up to our assigned floor. "Okay here you go kids, you should be in room 412. We are in room 425 if you need anything." My step-dad hands each of us a keycard and starts heading the other way down the hall. "We will meet you guys in the lobby in about 45 minutes so we can get going to Kevin's house okay?" Me and Minho nod our heads and start walking to our room.

We get to the door and Minho slides in the keycard and the door opens. As we walk in we see that it's a two bed hotel room. "You have to be kidding me." Minho said as his face deadpanned. I just chuckle. "Oh relax Minho, it's not like our parents know we are together. This was to be expected." 

Minho just rolled his eyes and placed down his suitcase in-front of the closet in the room. "We are still sharing a bed. I don't really care what you say." He said while looking over at me. "Oh are we now? And who says?" I say trying to tease him. 

He turns away from his things and stalks over to me. He grabs me by the waist and pushes me right up against the wall. I yelp a little because of the sudden movement. "Who says huh? Well me, I say we are sharing a bed even though there are two beds." He says sternly trying to get his point across. 

"You understand babyboy?" He grabs my chin and makes me stare into his eyes. "Yes I understand." "Hm what was that?" I sigh in defeat and say, "Yes I understand sir." Minho smiles and lets go of me. "Good, now lets get unpacked yeah?" I nod and go to my bags.

I shake my head to myself not understanding how I let him get to me so easily. But I brush the thought off and start unpacking my things into the closet on the other side of the room. Once we were done unpacking the two of us started getting ready for dinner at Kevin's house.

"How do you know this Kevin guy anyway?" Minho asked as I was getting my shoes on. "Well we met in elementary school and we have been friends ever since." I get up after putting my shoes on. And go over to Minho who was waiting at the door.  "Wow that's a long time. How do you survive without him?" Minho asked as a joke. I laughed and said, "Well first off I have you." I smile and kiss his cheek.

Minho laughed and pecked my lips. "Ugh I can't wait for you to meet him! Come on lets go!" I smiled and grabbed his hand. I practically dragged him out of the room and all the way to the elevators.

We went all the way down to the lobby and met up with our parents. "Oh there they are! Okay everyone ready to go?" My mom smiles while asking. We all nod and we headed out for the Moon's house.


I will be writing the next chapter hopefully tomorrow or even tonight!

I hope you peeps enjoyed reading and be excited for the next chapter!

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