Chapter One

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One moon had passed since the day Hawkfeather had uncovered the mouse den. Since then the snow had melted, flowers had started growing, and prey was returning to ThunderClan's forest. Brookkit had been saved by an early new-leaf. She was now one and a half moon old. She had recovered, and now was healthy, strong, and as adventurous as any kit. Perhaps a little too adventurous. Her latest expedition would cause a panic among the cats of ThunderClan.


It was a normal day in the ThunderClan camp. The midday sun was beaming down upon the cats, and was making them drowsy. Applefall had left her kit in the care of a young queen named Lilystream, and had gone to share tongues with her friend, Duskpelt.

"Look over here!" Lilystream called to Brookkit. She had a long reed, taken earlier from the river. "You can practice your stalking skills!"

The kit bounded up to beautiful white and golden tabby queen.

"Let's see what you can do," Lilystream meowed, and began dragging the reed away from the little silver tabby.

Brookkit crouched low, and slowly began padding forward. She thought she was in pouncing range of the reed and lept, but Lilystream pulled it away at the last second.

"You'll have to be quicker than that, young one."

The game continued on for a good while, but the warmth of the sun was making Lilystream sleepy, and eventually she settled down near the nursery, letting the kit play with her tail. Slowly she began to nod off. Brookkit noticed this when the queen's tail stopped flicking.

"Lilystream?" She mewed, but the only reply she received was a soft snore.

A blue jay called, grabbing her attention. The idea of exploring the forest quickly flashed through her mind. I wonder what's out there! She began searching for a hole in the gorse barrier that surrounded the camp, trying to remain out of the sight of the other cats in the camp. After a few minutes she was about to give up when she saw the tiniest of gaps in the barrier, creating a perfect escape route for her. She slid through the hole and scrambled up the slope, stepping into a whole new world.

For a moment Brookkit stood awestruck. She looked up into the trees, goggling at how large they were.

A tinkling, gurgling sound suddenly caught her attention. Her ears twitched upon hearing this new sound, and immediately she bounded off in the direction it was coming from. She was small enough to squeeze through the brush and undergrowth without getting stuck, so she arrived at the source of the sound very quickly.

 She was small enough to squeeze through the brush and undergrowth without getting stuck, so she arrived at the source of the sound very quickly

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A small stream lay in front of her, creating the tinkling melody she had been hearing. Her eyes grew huge, and she inched a little closer to the water. In her fascination, she hadn't heard the desperate yowls coming from the camp.

"Where is she! Where is my kit?!" Applefall screeched at Lilystream.

"Brookkit!? Brookkit where are you?!" Others yowled, searching every corner of the camp for the little silver tabby.

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