Chapter Eleven

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Another hour passed before Aspenglow allowed Hawkstar to stand up, and within that hour Willowlight had died. None of the ThunderClan cats were particularly grieved, but the odd thing was that none of the RiverClan cats appeared to be either. Surprisingly, Slywhisker seemed to be the most affected. He'd let out a sigh and something that sounded like shame.

"We need to take her back to your camp," Hawkstar meowed.

Both the RiverClan cats and Aspenglow shot him looks.

"You just lost a life! You could make your injuries worse, Hawkstar, don't be stupid!"

Iceheart stepped forward. "And why do you have to come with us? We know where our camp is, thank you very much."

Hawkstar looked at the white tom, his gold-green eye blazing. "Because I'd like to explain what happened to Crowstar."

"And why would he even believe you?"

"Well," Hawkstar laughed, "my injury just might help to convince him."

Iceheart couldn't seem to find a comeback for that. He cursed under his breath and gave Carpfur an oh, great look.

"Aspenglow, I want you to stay here and look after Mapleclaw. You said his wounds aren't as bad as you originally thought, yes?"

The light tabby nodded. Brookpaw could tell she was still frustrated with the ThunderClan leader.

"Stormclaw, help her get Mapleclaw back to camp. Applefall, Rabbitflight, Berrypaw, Brookpaw and I will escort Willowlight's body and her clanmates home. I don't know how long we'll be. Crowstar and I will need a bit of time to discuss all that's happened. Emberheart is officially in charge of ThunderClan again, until I return." Hawkstar glanced around, making eye contact with all of the cats. "Is that clear?"

Aspenglow and Stormclaw nodded, and Iceheart sighed.

"Then let's get moving. I want to get there before night fall."

Coyotefoot and Carpfur carried Willowlight's body across their backs. They worked together as a team, completely in sync with each other. Brookpaw thought it was quite impressive. She and Berrypaw had carried Mapleclaw the same way, but they'd had to think about almost every move that they made. The fact that they didn't get along well hadn't helped either.

The last cat in the world that Brookpaw wanted to talk to was Slywhisker, but he was closest RiverClan cat to her, and she wanted to know about Carpfur and Coyotefoot.

"Are they brother and sister or something?" She asked under her breath, gesturing to the two cats.

Slywhisker shook his head. "No. But good friends? Yes."

Rabbitflight shot Brookpaw a look. What are you doing? He's an enemy cat.

She returned his gaze. It's not like I'm asking him to share a mouse with me, calm your fur.

Why had Hawkstar brought Rabbitflight along? He hardly seemed to be the cat to deliver a dead body. But maybe that's why he brought him. He hardly seems like a threat. Anyway, she was grateful that Applefall was with them. Brookpaw had hardly ever been out with her mother, and it was nice to see her at her best; out on a mission, side by side with Hawkstar.

She let out a long yawn. It wasn't even evening yet, but it had been a very long day for her. I certainly can't afford to be sleepy when I cross the river. They wouldn't have to swim, as there were stepping stones farther upstream, but the idea of slipping off a rock into an icy river did not sound appealing.

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