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   Hey Y'all!!!! Welcome to the first section! Hope you all enjoy this. Just a quick note, my Windblade is NOT the Cityspeaker that is in Combiner Wars and Robots In Disguise. My Windblade was originally BASED off of the Cityspeaker, but is much different than her namesake. Mynphas City (pronounced min-fuss) is a City I made up to suit the needs of the story. Also I wrote a lot more words than I thought I would XD

Also! Before I get too far into this, (and yes I added this while writing Chapter 7 XD) I need to make a few notes!

"Hello!" ~ regular speaking

Hello ~ thoughts

"Hello" ~ Bumblebee

"Hello" ~ Communications Link/Commlink/Comms (yes those all mean the same thing)

Bold is just for Author's Notes for now :3 


1000 years before the Great War.......

   In an alleyway deep in Mynphas City, a femme seeker kept watch while her twin dug through a dumpster of trash, looking for any possible discarded Energon or anything to sustain the twins. "got anything, Wayward?" the royal blue and gold one asked her twin. 

   "Nada, Windblade. Looks like Mynphasians finally stopped being wasteful, but... it means less for us to scavenge," Wayward replied, finally leaving the dumpster to step up beside her twin. Her white and gold wings drooped, and Windblade hugged Wayward in worry, "don't worry, sis. we'll make it through. I've got another interview today, so wish me luck. If I can get a job, then we won't have to worry about getting Energon anymore." 

She smiled at her twin, causing Wayward to laugh, "yeah, and then we'll get that ship we've been wishing for!" 

   "Oh you know it, Way!!!" Windblade said fiercely, laughing. They looked out at the street from the alley, content for the moment with each other. Wayward sighed happily, but Windblade's smile faded to a frown, "Wayward, we gotta hide."

"What is it? What's wrong, Windblade?" Wayward asked, getting scared.

   "Mafia gang. They're heading our way." Windblade led her sister away from the street and wound through the alleyways, but as they ran, Windblade felt something slam into her head, and she cried out in pain and anger. She shook her head, looking up only to see one of the gang members stab her sister through the spark with a sword. "NO!!!!!" she cried out, feeling the pain. Something slammed into her head, and she went limp.

   Windblade woke up sometimes later to the Mafia Boss yelling to the other bots, "YOU IDIOTS!!!! I TOLD YOU TO KILL THE FIGHTER AND GET THE OTHER ONE!!!!!!"

   "But Boss, we DID!!!!" a crimson and purple mech said, looking scared. Windblade could hardly see what was happening, due to her currently-blurry vision.

   "all you did was kill the one we NEEDED and bring the warrior. We can't make supersoldiers out of HER! Get this pest out of my sight and kill her. It's too late to do anything about it now." the Mafia Boss said, leaving. 

   Windblade felt herself dragged outside and managed to clear her sight. She grunted as whoever had been dragging her dropped her pedes and heard a gun charging, then a mech's voice, "well, ya may be pretty for 'n alleyrat, but orders is orders."

   Windblade kicked up, knocking the mech back. Four mechs surrounded her, and they yelled before attacking her. Despite rarely fighting, she fought back valiantly. The second mech tried to stab her with his armblade in the gut, but she twisted out of the way, grabbing his wrist and yanking his arm up to stab the third mech's, who was holding her wings, head with the blade. The two mechs yelled, the third mech falling dead behind her as she snapped the second mech's blade off and thrust it through his spark chamber, only to be slammed to the ground by the fourth mech. His companion charged up his blaster, but Windblade managed to slam the fourth mech into the first, disrupting the charging of the blast. she transformed her arm into her own blaster and didn't hesitate to shoot both of them, leaving them dead as she fled the scene.

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