PART ONE - Chapter 1

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   Wow!!! I come and check this, and 26 reads?! This is more than I thought I would get for it being the first day!!! Thank you all so much!!! Thanks to Brookyoung1229 for inspiring me to actually put my fanfic on Wattpad! I appreciate any support or thoughts you guys have, and hope you're enjoying this story! Y'all are awesome! *salutes* 

(Italics will be used on ship names, and Comlink talk will be Italicized and underlined)

   During the War for Cybertron......

  The IGESS Skyblade One was no longer an exploration ship. The War for Cybertron had changed that. It was now a powerful battlecruiser, armed with tech most Cybertronians didn't have. 

   "MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!! GET TO THE SHIP!!!" Windblade ordered the crew of the Skyblade. It wasn't the same crew she'd had when she first explored the galaxies. Due to the war, she'd had to learn to fight things other than hostile planet natives, namely Decepticons. Over the course of her time in the war, she'd somehow managed to gain a following of her own. Starfleet, her Second-In-Command, Hammerhead, her lead Medic, Sharpshooter, her best Sniper, Junebug, the precious young scout she'd rescued in Mynphas... they were just a few of her crew of around 100 'Bots. 

   Starfleet paused next to Windblade, "Commander, what are we doing? The Skyblade'll just get destroyed if we take it into battle!"

   "We aren't taking it into battle. I've just received word: Cybertron is falling, and there isn't anything we can do but try to survive." Windblade replied, dashing out into the battle to help some of her injured team back to the Skyblade. Starfleet was stunned, but didn't question her judgement, knowing things were urgent.

   Windblade pressed her finger to her audio receptor as she called base, helping one of her Strikers along, "Hammerhead, is Medbay ready? Sharp, I need covering fire!!!"

   "I got ya covered, Commander!!!" Sharpshooter's voice came from the com, and the ricochet sound of a high-power sniper being fired rang across the battlefield. A 'Con fell' dead, and Windblade, along with several other of her teammates, brought the injured back to the Skyblade and to the Medbay. 

   "Everyone onboard?" Skyblade asked over the coms, heading up to the bridge and slipping into the Captain's/Pilot's seat, firing up the engines.

   "Everyone's accounted for, Commander!!!" Starfleet responded, sitting down at the Weapons Control.

   "Alright, then. Time to fire 'er up and take to the sky!!!" with that, the Skyblade lifted up, landing gear retracting.

   "Commander Windblade? If I may ask, with Cybertron falling, where are we going to go?" Starfleet asked, concerned as the ship left Cybertron's atmosphere into orbit.

   "I'm not sure yet. I've got a planet set where we can set up and plan more for the future, but I haven't decided if we'll stay there." Windblade replied, setting the course for the planet. She turned to Starfleet, "Get everyone to the pods. It's going to be a long flight, and we need to conserve as much of our Energon as possible. The stasis pods are designed to use as little Energon as possible."

   Starfleet nodding, sending the message on the intercom before getting up to head to the stasis pods, but he paused, "you coming, Commander?"

   "I'll be there in a few, Starfleet. There's a few things I need to finish first." Windblade replied with a small smile, and Starfleet smiled back before heading to the pods. Just as Windblade finished up, checking the systems to make sure that everyone was in the stasis pods, the ship lurched violently. She turned to the Weapons Monitors in alarm and yelled in panic, "No!!!!" 

   One of the last powerful Decepticon Battleships, the Apocalypse, was attacking Skyblade One.

"SCRAP!!!! Shields failing, come on, come on!!!!" Windblade frantically activated weapons systems and targeted the Apocalypse, spooling up their Warp Drives to get out of there. Skyblade One lurched again, sparks coming from damaged systems, red lights flashing and an alarm blaring. 


   "Acknowledged." the AI said in a monotone. Windblade took control of the weapons systems and managed to hit the Apocalypse hard in its main canon, "YES!" 

   "Warp Drive spooling complete." the AI said a minute later. Windblade grinned, "THANK YOU PRIMUS!!! Kai-Lyn, activate the Warp Drives and GET US THE SCRAP OUT OF HERE!!!" 

   Windblade got up and began to leave the Bridge for the pods, just as the Warp Drives activated, but she was thrown forward into a wall by an explosion that happened in the Bridge. She gasped, leaking Energon badly from the wound the explosion had caused, and just as a second explosion wracked the Bridge, the ship went into Warpspace. Windblade, dizzy from the movement of traveling through Warpspace, staggered towards the pods a little, loosing Energon quickly. Before she could make it, her systems shut down, having lost a lot of Energon. She collapsed on the floor, everything going black.

Hey guys!!! I know this was considerably shorter than the Prologue, and I apologize for that, but with how this scene is, I feel like it needed to end here. Thanks again for your support reading this, and I'd love to have feedback!!! As a quick note I forgot to mention before, I MAY have a ship or 2 planned, but because I'm not a super romance-y kinda person, they'll probably be pretty simple. If you have any suggestions for ideas, just lemme know in the comments! Please do not say anything hurtful, but supportive critisism is accepted.    Thanks! 

                                        ~ Starfire

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