Chapter 10

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   Hey guys! sorry about the long wait. It's been busy for me as of late, and it's still gonna be busy for a while, but I'm going to try to write when I can.

   Windblade woke an undetermined amount of time later to Smokescreen and the others speaking, Optimus holding a large, golden hammer with a sky-blue glow, "it's no Star Saber, but I bet it could put some dents into Megatron's blade, and put some dents into that ugly mug of his." 

   She let out a slight chuckle as she sat up, Arcee looking up slightly at Smokescreen, "it's not that kind of hammer."

   "With the Decepticons in possession of all four Omega Keys, a more appropriate use of the forge would be to use it to replicate our own," Ratchet broke in, but Optimus spoke immediately after, "even with such power, their reconstruction would require a level of expertise I do not possess." 

   Windblade watched as only Optimus had taken note of her awakening, the conversation continuing.

   "I guess we better hope Megatron doesn't destroy the Keys to prevent anyone from going home," Arcee said, and Windblade frowned heavily, shifting so her legs were hanging off the berth. She rubbed the sore wounds from her recent ordeals, knowing it wouldn't help, but wanting to try to relieve the pain anyway.

   "Megatron may be evil," Optimus said, turning the massive hammer over to rest its head on the ground, "but I believe he will use the Keys for their intended purpose."

   "Then I say we let him keep 'em and let him do the work for us," Bulkhead said, not quite understanding what the big deal was, and everyone turned to look at him, and he tried to defend his thought, "well I mean what difference does it make who restores Cybertron?"

   "If Megatron revives Cybertron, he will no doubt use it to his political advantage," Optimus said gravely, and Bulkhead blinked and stuttered, "he- wha- he- ye- y-ya lost me."

   Windblade's wings twitched as Optimus explained, "in all likelihood, the leader of the Decepticons will portray himself as our planet's savior; and brand all Autobots as war criminals."

   "The grand deception continues," Arcee said blandly, and Ratchet walked forward a few steps, "Megatron's so-called achievement could influence Cybertron for eons to come, poisoning the sparks and minds of its returning citizens. Hardly the ideal way to begin a new age."

   "But there is hope. For while Megatron may hold the Omega Keys, he has yet to discover the existence of the Omega Lock itself."

   "Omega Lock? Bulkhead asked, Ratchet looking startled and Arcee blinking in confusion, while Windblade finally slid off the berth as the smaller femme spoke, "wait... now you lost me."

   Windblade snorted, letting them know she was up and about, "You didn't think that with relics called 'Keys' that they would go inside a Lock of a sort?" she asked, shifting her weight to one leg as she stood, crossing her arms.

   "That which the four relics were designed to activate. We must locate the device before Megatron does," Optimus said, "and secure it, until we can recover the Keys."

   Animated, Ratchet spoke up, "there are no more Iacon entries to decode. This 'Lock' could be anywhere on Earth!"

   "Actually, it is on Cybertron," Optimus said, the entire group flinching back in shock, "what?"

   "How do you know?" Ratchet asked, and Optimus turned, swinging the hammer to rest it on his shoulder, "Alpha Trion revealed its location to me during the message conveyed by the Star Saber," he said as he walked away, and Ratchet followed a few steps, "and you didn't think to tell us.?"

   Windblade frowned as Optimus paused to turn to his old friend, "Alpha Trion did not wish it so," before he turned back and continued walking, leaving Ratchet to blink and attempt to process the information.

Later, as everyone had returned to most of their normal activities, Windblade looked up from cleaning her sword as Arcee spoke to Bulkhead and Bumblebee, "is it just me, or has Optimus been acting... differently since that message from Alpha Trion?"

   "Yeah... you're kinda right..." Bee buzzed softly, and Bulkhead nodded slightly in agreement, "yeah.. he has been keeping things from us."

   "Even Ratchet's out of the loop," Arcee added, Bulkhead continuing, holding up a finger, "Well give me ONE good reason why Optimus couldn't trust his own teammates. Why he couldn't have told us about the Omega Lock."

   "Because if he had," Smokescreen interjected, walking up, "Megatron would've pulled it out of my head with his patch."

   "Like it matters. The 'Cons are holding all the Keys anyways." Bulkhead grumbled. Windblade sighed, wings twitching, "It matters because we still have a chance to get the Keys back, Bulkhead, and since only we know the location of the Omega Lock, or rather, Optimus, only we can activate it at this point in time."

   The conversation lulled, and Windblade turned back to watching Optimus use the Forge turn the Groundbridge into a Spacebridge. 

   She must have nodded off against the wall she was leaning on, because the next thing she knew, Ratchet was making a remark, "yet another astonishing convergence of magic and science. Curtesy of the Ancients."

   Windblade opened on optic to watch the Medic fidgeting with the controls of the Groundbridge-turned-Spacebridge. She snorted as Smokescreen added expectantly, "and our Leader?"

   "Its hard to believe," Bulkhead said, awed, "a few swings of that hammer, and bam!" He, Smokescreen, Bumblebee, and Arcee turned to the spacebridge, and the femme continued his sentence, "our Groundbridge is now a Spacebridge."

   Windblade pushed off the wall and walked quickly over to them as an alarm went off, green lights flashing, Ratchet reporting, "our sensors are detecting a massive Energon burst occurring outside the Earth's atmosphere," he turned to them, "a surge of that kind could only mean one thing: activation of another Spacebridge."

   She jumped as Optimus spoke from only a little ways behind her, "Megatron has discovered that the Omega Lock is on Cybertron." 

   "It appears we have lost our advantage," Ratchet said gravely, turning back to the monitors, and Windblade frowned, wings twitching heavily, and she rubbed her healing wounds, knowing that they needed as much help as they could get, but she wouldn't be much help in her condition.

   "But with Megatron unaware that we now possess the means of interstellar travel, the element of surprise remains in our favor," Optimus replied, "we must embark on this mission with every resource at our disposal." 

   With that, the Autobots began gearing up, aside from Windblade, whom Ratchet and Optimus had forbidden to join them. She watched as Optimus left the room, and as the others came back, they paused at the open Spacebridge, looking towards the hall where the sound of the Forge came to them, and Bulkhead spoke everyone's thoughts aloud, "what's he forging now?" 

   The pounding ceased, only for a faint shing to come to their audio receptors, and Optimus walked out, holding a WHOLE Star Saber. Windblade's optics widened, and she murmured in astonishment, "its... its repaired!" 

   The Prime walked to the Spacebridge, pausing at its entrance, "Megatron must be stopped no matter the cost." he sheathed the Star Saber on his back and ran through the Spacebridge, the others following, transforming midway through. 

   "Good luck..." Windblade murmured as the Spacebridge closed.

Aannndd Imma wrap it up there! I considered making the two parts of the ending 2 episodes into one chapter, but decided against it. ENJOY THE SUSPENCE!!!!! XD

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