Chapter 14

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      AYO GUYS!!!!!! I'm finally getting out a chapter for y'all! Hope ya enjoy!!!! THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES!!!!!!

   Windblade stared in shock at the beings who were now revealed to be Predacons, an ancient species to have gone extinct in the Great Cataclysm, eons before the Golden Age of Cybertron, and whispered, "Predacons.... you're Predacons...? How...?"

   "Our late Clan Leader, Dykorros, sensed the Great Cataclysm coming, and we fled Cybertron, reaching Luna-1 just in time to escape it, along with several other clans, and we eventually made our way here, to Earth," the tall green and blue one said, tail swishing. Windblade's wings, despite being so very different than before, twitched, and she tried to process the stunning information. 

   She shook her head, breaking out of her thoughts, "Who are you? How did you choose an island, of all places, to settle? Why did your artifact choose me?!" She panicked again when she remembered what had happened, "my crew!!!! I have to return to my team!"

   "Easy there, my queen," the green and blue one said, "we will help you return to them. I am Jeager. The griffin is Stormwind, my fellow mech is Kaiju, and our shy friend here is Shatterdome," Jeager said gently, "as for why it chose you, I cannot say, for I do not know all of its knowledge or power."

   Windblade nodded a little, then looked at her hands, "If I'm like you... a Predacon....... do... do I now have a beast form?" Jeager nodded, "Indeed. You have no need to scan an alt form, for your frame already knows the form it is meant to be. As for whatever you may have had previously, I do not know if you will still be able to access it as of now."

   She took a deep breath, then nodded, closing her eyes and attempting to transform. She gasped, eyes shooting open, at the shock that ran through her, feeling her T-cog activate, her frame almost splitting apart as each part shifted and moved around, staggering back, only to land on four talons, a long, powerful tail swishing behind her, a glow lighting up her chest from the inside, massive, gorgeous wings flaring out, and her neck elongating to carry a long-nosed head with elegant horns, and the large, new Predacon let out a powerful roar, the glow flowing from her chest up her throat to blast out white-blue flames, before lowering her head. 

   The four Predacons gasped, in shock at how large, how elegant, and how clumsy Windblade was, as she tripped over her own talons while just trying to observe them and falling on her side, blinking in stunned confusion. Jeager chuckled and helped her stand again, "Welcome, Celestia Prime," he named her, and she blinked, her eyes widening.

   "Celestia Prime?!" 

   Jeager nodded, smiling, "indeed. The artifact that chose you was one given to Onyx Prime, the First Predacon, to pass down through a lineage of Primes for our people, the Predacons," he said, "The Matrix of The Stars."

   Windblade, now Celestia Prime, stared at him in shock, her eyes wider in amazement, "but.... me?" Jeager nodded again, "you. Come. We will help you get used to your new frame." he said kindly, helping her deeper into the cavern. 

    Over the next few days, Celestia got used to her size, power, and new status, along with getting to know her new, additional team better. Jeager approached her, and she could tell from his expression he had something important to say. 

   "Celestia," he greeted, ducking his head respectfully, and she did the same in return, "you have been quite eager to return to your Crew, and we have taught you much for a short amount of time. If you wish, we will visit with those on this island with us, before we search for your 'Sky Fighters'." 

   Celestia perked up, then nodded, "please. That would be appreciated." She sighed, "It'll be good to see how my Team's doing. I hope they're alright.... Starfleet's probably going crazy in worry about me, since I've been gone so long." 

   Jeager nodded, and let out a soft roar to the others, and they gathered their meager belongings, the green mech motioning for Celestia to go on ahead to the others.

    Celestia flew over the island, getting much better at it, before landing near the cave where the two bots and the three humans resided, transforming to her bot form. She walked inside, "Hello? Radiowave? Koda? Adira? Charlie? Shadeshot? Are you in there?"

   Radio looked out of her 'room', "Windblade! You're back! Did you find the answers you were looking for?" 

   Celestia smiled, "yeah. I did. The Predacons aren't as scary as you all thought. And... well.... I'm... one of them now, actually.... I'm not Windblade anymore."

   Shadeshot appeared out of seemingly nowhere, "then who are you?" he asked suspiciously, while Koda, Charlie, and Adira walked up, also curious.

   "I am Celestia Prime."

    All five of her friends stared at her in shock, the three humans knowing what Primes were from living with Radiowave and Shadeshot. Celestia laughed softly, "I know, I reacted the same way. The Predacons consider me their leader, too. But.... that is not why I came." she knelt down so the humans wouldn't have to crane their necks to look at her, "I came to say goodbye.

   "What? Already?" Charlie asked, saddened by the revelation. Celestia nodded with a soft, sad smile, "my team needs me. I will try to visit sometime, alright?" 

   "Celestia. You keep yourself safe out there and kick some villainous backsides, ya here me?" Koda said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one leg, smirking at Celestia, who nodded back with a smile, while Adira nodded her own agreement, "win that war."

   "I will do my best," Celestia promised, before standing to say goodbye to her fellow Cybertronians. Shadeshot looked a little more disinterested than upset, "try not to die. Or do. Its your choice," he sighed for the umpteenth time during the conversation.   

   "Oh my Primus, Shadeshot, that is so morbid!" Radiowave yelped, before she was shifted to Pulsewave, who snickered, "I agree with him. But still. Hit 'em hard, Celestia." she rubbed her hands gleefully before shifting back, Radio blushing blue in embarrassment, but Celestia waved their words off with a laugh, before the younger femme mumbled, "be careful out there...." she looked a little less embarrassed as Celestia smiled gently, "We'll miss you."

   Celestia nodded, giving Radiowave a hug, then turned to see the Predacons waiting outside the cave. She stepped back to give them a salute, "Till All Are One." She grinned, before running outside and transforming, leaping into the air, Stormwind and Shatterdome following, their armor gleaming in the light. Shatter hovered, twitching her tail forward, and the triple claws expanded, the little lights that ran from her crest, down her back, along her sides and the sides of her tail, all the way to the claws, lighting up brightly as she opened a groundbridge close enough to the ground for their flightless companions to go through. Jeager ran forward and leapt through, Kaiju just behind him, and Stormwind dove through next. Celestia glanced down, laughing at her gawking friends, before diving through herself, Shatter going through last, leaving the island behind.

      Well, what did you think? I am actually pretty happy with how this turned out, despite almost getting stuck halfway through. Don't forget to leave a comment on your opinions, and any suggestions or ideas you may have! I'm always happy to see your comments!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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