Chapter 6

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   Welcome back, guys and gals!!! Hope you all are having a good day! So, for the chapter after this, I'd like to use an idea from a Reader! Let me know in the comments what you all think it should be! I'm hoping to get a few ideas to work with, so don't be shy! Thanks again for reading this! This was originally going to be another filler, but I finally got the idea for how to combine the storyline with the Prime storyline Friday and I'm SO HAPPY!!! Got the idea for the spar while listening to the included song :)

    "Block left!" Windblade instructed Junebug, who was training with a spear and panting. The young scout barely managed to block the blow from the Stormblade, Windblade's sword. Junebug knew that Windblade wouldn't intentionally hurt her, but her training was some of the most intense, as she didn't hold back or hide the reality of how brutal war could be. How dangerous it was to fight the Decepticons. Windblade leapt up above Junebug, twisting around, "spin-block left and thrust!" Junebug spun on her right pede to whirl left, holding her double-headed spear to take the blow from the Stormblade, then twisted it to thrust the lower, left spearhead towards Windblade's abdomen, Windblade leaping back at the last second. Both were venting heavily, but Windblade was intent to push Junebug to her limits. 

   "No more instructions for now. Remember what I've taught you. Now. Fight," Windblade ordered, lunging back at her pupil. Junebug waited till Windblade was close, then half-sidestepped left, thrusting her body out of the way while swinging her spear towards Windblade, who flipped over it and slashed at Junebug. The Scout pulled her spear up to hit the sword away, avoiding injury. Windblade gave her a proud smile, before going all-out. Junebug knew that smile had meant her Leader wasn't going to hold back, and focused mainly on defense until she realized exactly what Windblade was doing, then slammed the tail-end of her spear up into Windblade, thrusting forward before dashing two steps towards her Leader and sliding under to smack Windblade's back with the spear, using the flat side of the blade so as not to harm her too badly. Windblade used the momentum to leap forward, away from Junebug, and spin-flip so she was again facing her Scout. 

   The two Sky Fighters lunged again, each blow of blade against spear causing the sound of clashing metal to echo through the forested mountains, disturbing flocks of birds, which flew up into the sky to quieter areas. Finally, Windblade stood straight and held a servo up, signally the match to end. Junebug was venting heavily, Windblade herself not venting much harder than she usually did. 

   "Well done, Junebug," Windblade congratulated, walking over to set a servo on her trainee's shoulder. She smiled at Junebug, "Let's go cool our systems and get some Energon."

   Junebug beamed, glad that the best fighter on the Team -who was also her Leader- thought she did a good job. She sheathed her spear on her back, between her car door 'wings', then looked up at Windblade, "Ma'am?"

   "Hm?" Windblade looked down at Junebug. The Scout went shy, a thing she did when she was nervous, "I-I didn't hurt you, did I?"

   Windblade paused for a moment, then laughed, a reassuring sound for her Scout as they walked back to Skyblade One, "no, you didn't. That attack on my back was a surprise, but proved you're getting less predictable! And with the Decepticons here, as Or- Optimus told me, we need that unpredictability. The 'Cons won't have a chance if we're as well -if not more- organized than they. Hopefully some of our scouts come back with news of an Energon mine. Primus knows we need it."

   Junebug nodded, staying right next to Windblade. The femme Seeker suddenly stopped, and Junebug blinked her large sky-blue optics in confusion.

   "Junebug. Back to the Skyblade. Now."

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