Chapter 2

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The picture shown here is the closest thing I could find to what the location the Skyblade is currently at. This is also longer than what most chapters are going to be due to writing during a 16 hour drive

   An undisclosed amount of time later...

   Starfleet woke, wincing in pain. He gasped as he realized that the stasis pod he was in was cracked, broken beyond repair. He opened it up and got out, then awoke the rest of the Sky Fighters, immediately ordering Hammerhead, the Medic, to start tending to the injured while he searched for Windblade, whose stasis pod was empty. Starfleet ran through the ship's halls, then inhaled sharply when he reached the destroyed remains of the Bridge, seeing the dirt and part of a forest out of the massive hole that had previously been the 'window' of the Bridge. He commed Hammerhead urgently, "Hammerhead, we have an emergency. The Bridge is destroyed and there's no sign of Commander Windblade anywhere."

   "WHAT?!" The Medic cried, "I'll finish up here then meet you over there!!!"

   "Alright. Send anyone who is alright over here. I'm going to see if I can discover anything outside. Wherever we are, it's weird." Starfleet replied, then climbed out of the wreckage and onto the top of the Skyblade. He looked out over the forest, unable to see much in the dark of the night. All he could tell was that they were in a forest, on a mountain, and everything was strangely organic. He looked a little longer, then noticed an area where the trees had been torn down and destroyed, evidence of a crash. He noticed more scars in the land, and realized the Skyblade had taken enough damage to have parts break off.

   About a dozen of the Sky Fighters clambered out to stand by Starfleet. He stared at the forest for a few moments more, before making a decision, "Ultraground, Rockethunter, and Tumbler, check out the wreckage to the west. Finesse, Vendetta, Southbound, and Seabreeze, check the east. Talon, Circuittracer, Morningglory, and Flamebreaker, head south and check out what lies there. Sharpshooter, Junebug, with me to the north." he ordered, looking towards the crash he'd first seen. 

   The bots nodded, splitting up and heading in the various directions. Sharpshooter had his sniper at the ready in case of any threats. Junebug dashed up ahead, spotting drops of Energon poisoning the ground. 

   "This doesn't bode well..." she said, kneeling down to it before looking back and up at the mechs. Starfleet frowned slightly, "no, it does not...."

   They walked a little further until they reached the wreckage, then Starfleet held up a fist, "Sharpshooter, watch our backs. Junebug, see what you can find around the wreckage."

   "Yes Sir," the duo chorused. Starfleet stepped inside the wreck, turning on his wrist light to be able to see better what was inside. He went on guard, transforming his Ion blaster to be at the ready in case of hostiles when he heard a groan from deep within. He carefully stepped through the horrendous looking mess of metal and wires to an extra-dark area that had a pile of scrap that covered almost a third of the messed up 'room'. He narrowed his eyes at the pile as he heard the groan again, its source the pile. he started to clear the pile a bit, tossing the scrap to the sides. He gasped when he saw familiar blue-and-gold armor, leaked Energon crusted to it. he commed Hammerhead, "Hammerhead, I found Commander Windblade, and she's injured."

   "Can you bring her back here?" Hammerhead asked. Starfleet shook his head, despite Hammerhead being unable to see it, "negative. I found her buried in a pile of scrap, I dont know how bad her injury is, and she's got Energon crusted on her. You're going to have to bring your supplies here."

   "Alright. I'll get what I need then get over there. Send me your coordinates."

   Starfleet didn't respond, sending the datapack to Hammerhead as he opened the link to the other 3 groups, "Tumbler, Talon, Finesse, come to my coordinates. The rest of you get back to the Skyblade and keep guard. We don't know what threats this place may hold, and a lot of us are injured."

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