Chapter 9

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Hey y'all!!!! So I had a thought, and decided to put it out to my amazing readers! Does anyone want 'bloopers', A.K.A. just random goofy moments I come up with while writing? If so, let me know by commenting! I'm always happy to hear from you all!

SOMEHOW I MANAGED TO MAKE THIS DECENTLY LONG YAY!!!! Don't worry, I have a plan, and everything is gonna work out XD

   When Windblade awoke, she was hanging by chains wound around her arms in a dark room, clearly in the Decepticon Warship, the Nemesis. Her blue optics looked around dazedly, not sure where she was in the nightmare vessel in the sky. Moments later, a navy blue and gold seeker mech walked in, and the royal blue and gold femme looked up with a weak glare at him. 

   "ah, so, the Autobot awakens," the mech said roughly. Windblade struggled against the chains, twisting and kicking out. She let out an enraged yell, glaring at the mech. 

   "My name is Windblade!" she snapped, going limp once again. The mech scoffed, "I know that, Autobot. I am Dreadwing, Lord Megatron's Second in Command."

   This time it was Windblade's turn to scoff, "I thought it was Starscream. Or was he thrown away the same way Buckethead'll throw you away when he finds a more worthy SIC?"

   Dreadwing narrowed his optics, then with a raged yell, slammed his fist into her tanks, causing her to grunt in pain. Windblade coughed, trying to ignore the lingering ache, but still glared at the Decepticon. Dreadwing growled, "Lord Megatron would not throw me away so quickly, Autobot slime. I am loyal to him."

   "Sure... believe that if you want," Windblade snorted. Dreadwing growled again in anger, "Tell me the location of the Autobot base!!!!!!!!"

   "Go and rust, 'Con. I wouldn't give them up," Windblade snarked. 

   During the next few hours, Windblade resisted everything Dreadwing tried to get her to break down and give up the location of the Autobot base. Finally, after 3 hours, she ended up passing out from the loss of Energon. 

   Windblade awoke to Metagron being in front of her, and he grabbed her neck in a rage and forced her to look him in the optics.

   "Tell me... WHERE IS THE AUTOBOT BASE?" He demanded. Windblade laughed breathlessly, "get... scrapped.... Megatron....." 

   Megatron yelled in anger, releasing his grip on her, unsheathing his blade, and slashing across her chest, over the previous wound he'd given her, that Ratchet had mended. Windblade cried out in pain, her wings flinching back and downwards. 

   "Take her to the medbay. We will find the location of the Autobot base through a Cortical Psychic Patch." Megatron ordered, and Windblade finally noticed Dreadwing's presence. She weakly struggled against the restraints, but failed to do anything useful. 

   "Yes, my Liege," Dreadwing said, "but may I ask, how will we preform the Cortical Psychic Patch when Knockout is currently in a wall?"

   Windblade looked up at them in slight interest, "Doctor Diva in a wall..? that's a first..." she chuckled weakly. Megatron growled his anger at her, "see to it that Knockout is removed from the wall. For both the purpose of probing her mind for the location of the Autobot base, and to find Starscream's true intentions."

   Dreadwing bowed as Megatron left for the bridge again, still furious. The SIC pulled Windblade out of the chains and dragged her along to the Medbay, the femme too weak to fight. She watched the way they were going, letting out a weak laugh when they passed Knockout in the wall. 

   When they reached the Medbay, Windblade 'passed out', hoping to fool Dreadwing just enough to escape. She heard the swish of a door opening, then felt Dreadwing drag her through the door, which shut behind them with another swish. Windblade bided her time, waiting till he set her on the berth, then snapped her optics open and kicked him in the face, leaping off the berth and running, out of the Medbay and making her way upwards through the Nemesis. 

   Come on.... she thought, feeling her energy draining and causing her to become more sluggish, I've gotta get outa here... gotta get back to the team... to my team....

   She managed to make it to the flight deck, but before she'd reached the edge, she heard multiple pairs of running footsteps, and one heavy pair walking. Windblade turned, pausing, to see Megatron and 5 seeker vehicons, the drones all aiming their blasters at her.

   "There is nowhere to escape to, Commander Windblade," Megatron said, half mockingly, "so why do you bother running?"

   Windblade smirked, backing up slowly to the edge, "'Cause I ain't a grounder," she snarked back when she felt the edge of the flight deck, then backflipped off and transformed, blasting straight down to pick up as much speed as she could. She heard Megatron's roar of rage, then more running and transforming as they took chase.

   "Ratchet, I need a groundbridge!!!" Windblade yelled into the commlink to the Autobot Base.

   "WINDBLADE?!?!" A chorus of voices yelled in surprise through the commlink, shocked. Windblade snapped, dodging a volley of blaster shots from the vehicons on her tail, "JUST OPEN A BLASTED GROUNDBRIDGE BEFORE I'M SCRAPPED!!!" 

   She dodged several more shots before she saw a groundbridge open and turned to jet towards it. She saw Megatron's cybertronian jet form approaching from her left swiftly, and she pulled up, transforming and barely dodging him before flying through the groundbridge, crashing into Bulkhead by accident, crying out in pain at the jolt to her broken frame as Ratchet shut the groundbridge. Bulkhead helped her stand again, a little dented, but nothing like the dents and gashes covering Windblade's frame. Ratchet looked like he was about to blow a gasket, half-dragging her to the Medbay, Bulkhead supporting her from the other side, and they helped her lay down on a berth, keeping her awake so they could be sure she didn't offline while Ratchet repaired her wounds. 

   "Windblade," Optimus started, "what happened aboard the Nemesis?"

   Windblade glanced over at the worried faces of her allies- no... friends. She vented softly, then began to explain, "last thing I remember before I blacked out was Smokescreen getting hit by something and slamming into me, and I hit the ground hard. When I awoke, I was hung in the brig in the Nemesis. Dreadwing tried to break me down into revealing where your base was. They don't know of my team, thank goodness....  I don't know how long they kept it up, but they finally decided to attempt a Cortical Psychic Patch. heh... as Dreadwing dragged me to their Medbay, I saw Knockout stuck in a wall. That was funny... before Dreadwing could actually restrain me, I kicked his face and ran. Made it to the flight deck, leapt off, called for a bridge, narrowly avoided Megatron, and came through crashing into Bulkhead --sorry about that by the way." she finished. 

   "No problem, just caught me off guard," Bulkhead dismissed her apology. Windblade gave them a faint smirk, before Ratchet sighed, "get some rest, Windblade. Primus knows you need it." 

   She nodded, letting herself slip into recharge.

Well? what did you all think? action-packed enough? it wasn't easy trying to make sure it was long enough for me to consider a decent chapter, not to mention I had a couple pauses while writing this over a few days where I couldn't decide what to do. Happy Reading, my Warriors!!!

            ~ Starfire

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