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ANGEL GLARED at Harvey, who sat in front of him in the interrogation room. "Why did you sell drugs to a minor?" Angel questioned

"Why not? The kid looked like he needed some." Harvey replied with a shrug, and Angel nodded ,"That kid that you sold drugs to? That was my kid, my son." Angel told him, watching as Harvey's smug look fell off his face.

"What?" Harvey asked in disbelief. "You sold drugs to my son. My sixteen year old son. Why did you sell drugs to him? He told me that you approached him during school hours. What the hell were you doing at the woodsboro High School?" Angel questioned,

"I was paid too!" Harvey confessed , "some chick and some dude came up to me and paid a thousand up front, saying that I should sell to drugs to some kid. They gave me a picture, and the kid was in pain , so it was easy to convince him to buy some drugs." He ranted

"How much did they pay you?" Angel asked ,"at least 5 grand." Harvey said

"Did they also pay you to try and sexual assault him?" Angel angrily asked ,"n-no. That was me.. I mean... I mean, come on, your kid is hot. It's was hard to res-" Harvey was cut off by Angel punching him in the face

"Shit! Angel!" Dewey and Judy rushed inside and dewey took Angel outside of the room.

"That asshole!" He growled out , "you need to calm down, Angel." Dewey told him, and Angel took a deep breath ,"I am calm."

"Good because Harvey's going back out on the street." Dewey said ,"What?" Angel asked, in disbelief

"We don't have enough to convict him for." Dewey said, and Angel scoffed ,"he just confessed!"

"It's not enough. As much as I want him rotting in a jail cell , we can't just arrest him without evidence." Dewey said, and Angel cursed

"This is bullshit!"
- - - -
Toby sat in front of Billy and held out different color markers towards him. Billy raised an eyebrow. "I want you to sign my cast. Pick a color," Toby said

Billy blinked, and he picked the purple marker. It was stu's favorite color and Toby's even though he denies it.

Billy gently grabbed Toby arm and started to sign the cast. "Did dad tell how long I have to wear the cast for?" Toby questioned, stealing Billy's coffee

"Just a couple of months. How's the pain?" Billy questioned, finishing signing the cast. He simply put, "Stop making stupid decisions." Love, B

Toby chuckled at what Billy wrote. Billy took his coffee back ,"The pain is..tolerable." Toby told him

"Scale to one to ten?" Billy asked ,"an seven on most hours and others a ten or an eleven." Toby answered

"Your papa signed it, yet?" Billy asked, and Toby nodded, smiling and showing him what stu wrote. "Love you, no matter what." Love , S

Billy chuckled,"Mines better," Toby let out a small laugh, "dad signed it. He almost wrote the same thing you did."

"This is what stupid decisions look like." Love, A, and Billy let out a laugh , shaking his head

"You want to play some video games?" Billy asked ,"Sure. Call of duty?"

"Hell yeah!"
- - - -
"Do you need any help, sir?" A young girl questioned, and Angel looked at her, "Uh.. yeah. I'm looking for a pet that's good to be an emotional support animal?"

"Well, any animal here can be an emotional support animal. It just depends on what kind of animal you want?" She told him.

"A hamster. My son likes hamsters," Angel said, and the girl smiled ,"Alright, follow me, and I'll show where the hamsters are."
- - -
Angel walked into his home with a cage and a hamster. "Uh..babe, is that a hamster?" Stu questioned

"Yeah, it's for Toby. Emotional support animal, kinda thing." Angel replied, with a small shrug

"He's sleeping in the living with Billy. They got tired after playing Call of Duty." Stu told him, and Angel nodded

"I'm gonna go put the hamster in Toby's room." Stu nodded and watched Angel go to Toby's room.

Stu walked into the living room, grabbing a blanket. Billy was lying on the couch, and Toby was lying on top of him. Both of them were sleeping, and stu chuckled as he saw what Billy and Angel wrote.

He covered them with a blanket , pressing a kiss to both their heads.

"Sleep well."
Word count - 748

Hope you enjoy!

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