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CHAD TRACED THE SCAR ON TOBY'S ARM. Toby was still sleeping, but Chad had woken up a few minutes earlier. They still had an hour before their first class started, and Chad decided to let Toby sleep for a couple of more minutes.

Toby's arm was getting better by each day, and Chad was glad to see that Toby was doing better.

Though he relapsed half a year ago but with the help of his family and friends, Toby got better and is now a few months clean from drugs.

Toby stirred and turned on his side, buring his face in Chad's shoulder. Chad smiled, softly chuckling. Toby mumbled something that Chad couldn't make out.

"What?" Toby lifted his head, smiling a little ,"what time is it?" Chad looked at the alarm clock ,"Uh, 6:30."

Toby sat up, yawning. He ran a hand through his hair. Chad sat up, wrapping his arms around Toby. He pressed a kiss to the back of his neck before pressing another one to the side of his neck.

"We could stay in bed for a couple of more minutes." Chad told him, and Toby hummed, leaning against him. "I wish, but I promised Ethan I would meet with him before class."

Chad arms tightened, and Toby chuckled ,"Don't be so jealous, Chad. Ethan and I are just friends."

"Friends?" Chad scoffed ,"I see the way Ethan looks at you." Toby turned around and sat on Chad's lap, looking down at him.

"Yeah? But I love you." Toby told him, leaning down and placing a kiss to his lips before he stood up.

"I'm gonna shower." Chad quickly stood up, "and I'm joining you." Toby laughed, and Chad smiled.

- -

Ethan watched as Toby completely ignored what their professor was talking about as he focused on whatever he was doing.

Ezra sat beside him with a look of boredom while Peter sat on the other side of him, making a figure with pens and tape.

Ethan thought they were a weird trio of friends. The three had completely different personalities.

Ezra was sarcastic, blunt, and pretty much your average asshole but he was a funny guy.

Peter was awkward, and he rambled too much. He also has this look of guilt behind his eyes every time he looks at Toby.

Toby, on the other hand, is sarcastic like Ezra, sometimes shy, but all-time trouble maker.

Ethan never put those typs of personalities in the same friend group. It was bound to end up in a disaster.

Toby lifted his head and looked at him. His dark brown eyes met ethan's Hazel eyes.

He raised an eyebrow at him ,"What?" He mouthed

Ethan blushed, shaking his head. Embarrassed that he was caught staring, "Nothing." He mouthed back.

Toby stared at him for a couple of seconds before he looked away from Ethan.

Ethan sighed before he looked away from Toby.

- -

Toby's favorite class was film studies. Laura Crane was his favorite teacher, and she was also Mindy's favorite teacher as well.

The class was currently having an argument on who's better , Michael myers or chucky.

Obviously, it was Michael, but a lot of people disagreed with that. Many probably haven't seen the movies, but clearly, Michael would overpower chucky, but then again, horror slashers never really die.

Toby listened to Mindy agrue with some student, clearly Mindy was going to win that argument thanks to her uncle Randy and his knowledge of horror movies.

A soft tap on his desk made him look up, and he smiled ,"Hey, Professor Crane." Laura smiled down at him

"I thought I told you to call me Laura." She said, "What'cha drawing?" She questioned

"Well, um..it's just something I keep seeing in my dreams." Toby told her, showing her what he has been sketching all day.

"It's a room." She noted, "Yeah, the room was very old." Toby said

"Who's the kid? And the man by the door?" She questioned, and Toby shrugged, "I haven't figured that out yet." He lied

He knew what he was dreaming about. The kid in that room was him and the man? That man was Roman.

"It's a very nice drawing. You should consider art class." She told him, handing him the sketch back.

"Tried that once. Never really made halfway through the first class." Toby told her,

She smiled ,"Who do you think wins this argument?" She questioned, gesturing to the arguing classroom.

"Hm, I guess both sides are kinda right. I mean, Michael and chucky never really die. It's like Jason vs. Freddy." Laura chuckled

"I guess so."

Toby watched as she went and talked with the others. He sighed, looking down at his sketch.

It has been years. Why was he dreaming about it? Better yet, why was he drawing it?

He groaned and dropped his head on the table, softly banging his head against it.


Word count - 820

Hope you enjoy!

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