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THE RED BUTTERFLY. the meaning behind the red butterfly , it means rebirth, but in some cultures, it means a sign of bad.

Toby knew what it meant. His dad once told him that his papá always had red butterflies around him. It was like the butterflies were warning him that he was a bad person.

In that moment, the moment the drawer went crashing down and the door was swung open behind him.

He accepted it. He accepted that he was going to die, and if seeing that stupid red butterfly, then it was fine.

"Toby!" Sam screamed his name, her voice filled with panic.

Ghostface grabbed a fist full of Toby's hair before slamming his head against the wall.

"Ow! What the fuck!" Toby brought his hands up to his nose that was now bleeding.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Sam shouted as she went to crawl on the ladder, but Ghostface dropped the ladder before Sam could even get on it.

Ghostface pulled the knife out and taunted Sam with it before Sam's eyes widened as Ghostface slammed the knife right into Toby's sternum.

Toby's eyes went wide as pain filled his body. The knife was twisted before it was pulled out, and Ghostface pushed Toby into the floor.

"No!" Sam screamed, tears streaming down her face as she could only watch in horror.

"Toby!" His name sounded so gut wrenching coming out her mouth, and Toby couldn't help but let out a small laugh as tears slid down his face.

He was ready to die, but hearing his sister screaming his name as she couldn't help him just broke his heart.

Toby groaned as he stood up, "F..fuck you, Asshole!" He spat out, and Ghostface rushed towards him, and the two were fighting.

They went to the kitchen, and Toby was thrown against the stove before he punched Ghostface in the face, but Ghostface pushed him against the counter, wrapping a hand around his neck.

Toby let out a small yell as the knife was jammed into his side before it was pulled out again and jammed on the other side.

Blood slid down his mouth, and he smiled. His white teeth smeered with blood, but he was smiling.

Toby shakily held up a lighter, "if I die, you die with me, motherfucker!" He laughed as he flicked the lighter on as the smell of gas hit them.

Toby has managed to turn on the stove when he was thrown against it.

"No!" There was a yell that sounded familiar before Ghostface was ducking, and he pulled Toby with him.

Sam was running of Danny's building, and she was rushing towards her apartment, but she was stopped as an explosion occurred.

Her eyes were wide, staring in horror as she took a small step forward, a sob stuck in her throat.

She shook her head, "No, no, NO!" She wailed, falling to her knees, hanging her head low as she couldn't hold back her sobs anymore.

"Where's Toby?" Chad had rushed over to where Mindy was, and he looked around but only saw Sam crying while Danny comforted her.

"He saved us.." Anika whispered, "he saved me." She was looking up at the burning building with tears sliding her face.

Chad looked at their expressions, "No, where is he!? Where's Toby!?" He questioned

Mindy stepped towards him, her eyes sad, tears sliding her face. "Ghostface got him, and they were fighting, and then..then Sam's apartment blew up."

Chad shook his head ,"No, no, tell me he wasn't in the apartment when it blew up?"

Mindy sniffled, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Chad. He's gone."

Chad felt his heart shattering into millions of pieces. He felt nothing but guilt.

Was this the feeling of losing the one you love?

"Sam? Sam!?" Everyone turned and saw angel rushing over to them. "I got your voice mails. What happened? Where's toby?" He questioned, and Sam stood up and weakly hit him in his chest.

"Why didn't you answer your phone! Why!? I called you and I called you and you didn't answer!" Sam questioned, her sad eyes turning angry

"My phone was not disturbed mode, and I just noticed a few minutes ago. Sam, what happened? Where's Toby?" Angel questioned, fearing the answer

The anger in Sam disappeared and was replaced by sadness again.

"I..I should've made him go first, "she cried out, "he's dead because of me!"

Angel froze, those words echoing in his head.

Toby's dead? It couldn't be.

Toby can't be dead.


Word count - 760

Hope you enjoy!

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