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TARA WAS ATTACKED LAST NIGHT BY GHOSTFACE. She fought back, but she was currently hospitalized. Sam came back to woodsboro for Tara. Even though she moved out years ago. Tara and Sam were still half silbings.

Sam still cared about Tara. Toby didn't like the guy that came with Sam. "What is he? An add-on package?" He asked, gesturing to the guy who walked in Tara's hospital room.

"Toby, be nice." Sam told him with a pointed look as she was saying,"If you don't play nice. I'm telling Papa, papá and dad on you."

"Yeah, sam. Who is he?" Tara asked, "This is Richie. My boyfriend," Sam told them ,"hi," Richie waved

"Oh, it's so greet to meet you at a time like this." Toby sarcastically said, with a forced smile

"Really?" Richie questioned ,"No. It's called sarcasm. Look it up, fuckrag." Toby told him , with an eye roll.

"Toby, outside now. Sorry, he's an asshole." Sam said, Toby sighed ,"I'll be back, Tara. " Tara only nodded, watching as Toby walked out, glaring at Richie.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Sam whispered as they were outside of Tara's room.

Toby crossed his arms, and Sam noticed the cast ,"What happened?" She asked, "Oh not much. Why did you bring that add-on with you? "Toby questioned

Sam rolled her eyes ,"his name is Richie. Stop being an asshole, Toby. That's papá job," Toby chuckled

"Right. Speaking of papá, I got go to tell him about your boyfriend." Toby said, backing up.

"Tell Tara I'll be back soon."
- -
There was something off about Richie. Toby could just tell. It was just his aura. There was something off about him, and Toby didn't like him at all. So, of course, he was being a complete asshole to him.

Toby was currently over at the blockbuster, where Mindy worked. He was sitting at the counter with a lollipop in his mouth, looking through movies

"The blob, The Attack of the swamp thing, My bloody valentine. Tara doesn't even like horror movies, Mindy." He told her, putting the movies down on the counter.

"That's why we have to show her the good in horror movies if she wants to survive." Mindy told him, and Toby tsk, "just let her watch my little pony or something," he said as he looked over as the bell rang,

"Oh look, it's the add-on." Mindy joked. She didn't like Richie either. There was something off about him, and she knew it.

"Richie? Sam's boyfriend, right?" Chad asked, coming to stand next to Toby, who rested his arm on his shoulder, pulling the lollipop out of his mouth,

"The add-on. I think the dude is a serial killer or something. He has the looks to be one, definitely the aura of one." Toby said, and Chad looked at him, noticing how close they were.

He watched as Toby put the lollipop back in his mouth, and his thoughts started to run wild , just thinking about something else in Toby's mouth.

"You know what I'm thinking. Richie is Ghostface." Mindy spoke up, snapping Chad out of his thoughts, and both boys turned to her

"How can he be Ghostface if he just arrived in woodsboro yesterday?" Chad asked ,"he has a partner." Both Toby and Mindy told him in synced, high fiving each other

"Then who's his partner?" Chad questioned, "it's so obvious, dude." Mindy said, and Toby nodded, looking at chad

"It's Amber." He said, and Mindy nodded, "as a member of Amber's hate club , I have to agree. It's definitely Amber."

"There's an Amber's hate club?" Chad questioned."I'm a member of Amber's hate club. I fucking hate that bitch." Toby said , jumping off the counter which resulted in Chad putting his hand on Toby's hips to make sure he didn't fall.

Toby smirked, "Thanks, Cha Cha. See you guys later. My dad wants me home before seven." With that, Toby walked out of the blockbuster

"Cha cha?" Chad looked at Mindy, who laughed, "Oh, we were so making fun of you on girls' night." She said, and he huffed, crossing his arms

"Wait, why was Toby in girls' night?" Chad asked ,

"Toby's one of the girls."
Word count - 707

Hope you enjoy!

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