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"THEY FOUND a body!" Ezra happily announced as he came up to the group, "A body? A dead body?" Liv questioned, "No. A Body of water. YES! A dead body!" Ezra exclaimed with a grin

"That's a good thing?" Rudy questioned, and Ezra nodded ,"Yes. So, Toby ,what can you tell us? Peter? Wes? One of you has to know something, "he said

"Did I know them?" Toby asked ,"No, they didn't go to our school." Ezra replied, and Toby nodded

"Then I don't care." He said, eating a chocolate chip cookie. "My mom didn't say anything about it." Wes said, with a shake of his head

"Sorry, Ezra, but my parents tend to keep things from me because than I tell you, and then we all end up getting arrested." Peter told him

"Shit, my cookie broke!" Toby groaned , glaring at the broken cookie on the ground.

"Toby, my man! You have to know something!" Ezra kneeled down in front of him, "I'm begging you!"

Toby sighed ,"Alright. I overheard my dad talking on the phone with dewey. They think it's Ghostface starting up again."

"That's great news!" Ezra said, standing up ,"This is awesome!" Toby scooted closer to Chad, their shoulders touching.

"Dude, are you the killer?" Ruby asked, with a raised eyebrow ,"what? No!" Ezra quickly denied

"You seem so excited about someone getting killed." Mindy pointed out, "that's because nothing ever happens in this town!" Ezra said

"Expect for when a car gets set on fire, but that's just Toby." He added, and Toby scoffed ,"No, it wasn't."

Chad threw an arm over his shoulder, pulling him close, and Toby didn't bother moving away, but he blushed.

"Don't try and deny it, Toby. Car exploding literally has your signature all over it." Ezra said ,"but seriously. This is amazing, I mean, this is exciting."

"Alright, don't get a hard on." Amber joked, but their was something in her tone that Toby noticed but couldn't figure out what it was.

"Only you can make me get one," Ezra smirked, "ew! TMI!" Mindy faked gagged

"Yeah, seriously. Too much information, Ezra." Toby said, shaking his head , "what? It's true!"

"Anyways! I'm going to investigate!" Ezra told them ,"I am going to find who's ghostface before the cops do,"

"Alright, Fred Jones, calm down, and don't do anything rash," Ruby said ,"if I'm Fred, that makes you velma," Ezra said

Ruby gasped, smiling. "Aw! My favorite character!I feel so honored," she said

"Can I be scooby?" Toby asked, "Sure, be the dog." Ezra nodded, "fuck yeah!" The group laughed
- - - -
"Why is that thing on the table?" Billy questioned, gesturing to the hamster that was next to Toby.

"Oh, you mean gizmo? He's family. He gets to eat with us," Toby shrugged as he ate his spaghetti. He was getting used to eating with his right hand again.

"Right," Billy mumbled, nodding his head. "So, is Ghostface back?" Toby asked

"What makes you think that?" Angel asked ,"I overheard you on the phone this morning." Toby replied, drinking some soda

"What did we say about eavesdropping?" Billy asked, and Toby sighed, "Not too, but it wasn't my fault. I was hungry, and dad just happened to be in the kitchen."

"So, is Ghostface back?" Toby asked ,"we don't know for sure, but you don't have to worry about anything." Angel said

"Oh, I'm not. I don't really care about Ghostface, but you should keep an eye out for Ezra. He wants to investigate ,"Toby said

"Can I have more? I'm still hungry?" He asked

"Yeah, sure."
Word count - 600

Hope you enjoy!

More chapters are coming soon!

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