chapter 7

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Nothing happened for a while.

Once the timer hit zero, absolutely nothing happened. Was it just a glitch or something else? Everyone thought this party was supposed to be fun, but no, nothing happened.

"Did we forget?" One of the men outside the party place asked as he looked at something in the distance.
"I guess we did." Another one replied, walking towards a shiny blue button on the wall.
"Well good luck with that, I'm going home." The man walked away to his car, driving home.

The other man walked closer towards the button, pressing it. Soon after, he just ran away really quickly, acting like nothing happened. Once he saw a dark blue thing falling down inside, he then stopped in his tracks to see confetti falling down from a window above everything else in there. He smiled, but only for a short while, but once the confetti stopped, he walked to his car.

"Finally something happens." California said, staring at the little black box on the stage.
"What's so convincing about the box right there?"
"Nothing, just wondering what's there." California kept staring at it for a while. She had to know what was in it.

The lights suddenly dimmed and someone walked in.. Who could this be?

It was America.

Everyone looked at the stage in confusion as America walked up. It must be time..

"Texas, please come up to the stage." America called as Texas came up to the stage. In between them, the small black box stay there on the ground. America picked it up and opened it, giving the gold star to Texas.

"Congrats, you're not there yet, but you're close." Texas put on the gold star as everyone cheered, but the lights turned fully on again and someone else walked in. It turned out to be UN once more.

"Hey America, can I take Texas for just a moment?" UN asked as he reached out their hand to Texas.
"Go ahead, make him a country." America replied, crossing his fingers behind his back.

Texas and UN walked out of the party room, but everyone kept watching as they did so.

"Hey Texas, just wanted you to know that you're not a country just yet.." UN reminded him.
"I know, just wonderin' why you brought me here." Texas wondered as he adjusted the gold star on his red ripped jacket.
"Oh, I brought you here because I gotta send you somewhere where you can get 'approved.' You know?"
"Oh ya, so where is this 'place' you talk about?"
"It's somewhere 5 hours away, pretty far, but you'll get there."

Meanwhile, everyone in the party room was expecting Texas return at any minute now. Everyone wondered why it took him so long, but they didn't know the truth. He looked over to the party room and saw a spray paint can on the ground near the stage. It wasn't long before there wasn't just one, but 5 more spray paint cans appeared out of possibly nowhere.

There was a sound of spray paint nearby. Looks like someone was spraying paint all over the party place and leaving notes on each of the tables. Texas looked out of the room he and UN were in to find out if was none other than Mexico once again, spraying paint on the stage. The star on Texas' face goes completely black as he runs out to find Mexico and chase him out of the party place.

As everyone watched the fight go on, UN ran outside in the early darkness to stop Mexico from attacking Texas any further. He wasn't really invited anyway, and the fact that he wouldn't recognize Texas as a country for a while would be a shame to hear, but they both hated each other since that one time..

Texas' star changed back to white soon enough. It was late at night for once, and soon enough everyone would leave.

He had to look at the notes Mexico put on each of the tables, but all of them were exactly the same. Literally exactly the same.

"No dejes que Texas se convierta en un país." (translation: don't let texas become a country.)

Wait... Don't let him become a country?? What does he mean "don't let him become a country?" Texas sighed, turning off the lights of the party place as he walked out of the doors, getting in his car to go back home, finally.

As he drove home, he thought of the note on each of the tables. Why was it all in Spanish though? Maybe just so people wouldn't know what it said. He was worried of the future plan Mexico may be planning soon enough. Besides, there's been enough craziness that came from the one who made the notes, right?


Once Texas got home, he finds something on the floor. It wasn't just anything, it was another note.

"A nadie le gustas, cobarde, así que deja de pensar que le gustas a todo el mundo." (translation: nobody fucking likes you coward, so stop thinking everyone likes you.)

Maybe Mexico was right in someway, but at the same time, Texas may have taken the note he saw just now too seriously. As he threw the note away, he suddenly got a text from D.C.. He looked at the text for a short while.

"It takes five hours.." D.C. had texted, but doesn't Texas already know that? Maybe he just took it too lightly.
"Why does it take so long?" He texted back.

He didn't get a response for a while.

Maybe he should forget about the five hour thing. What was so important about it taking five hours? It wasn't long enough until D.C. finally texted back.

"There's no highway leading to it, and it's literally almost impossible to get there anyway else."

Impossible to just go to one place in the middle of absolutely nowhere? It was difficult to understand, at least for someone who hasn't heard of this place in the middle of absolutely nowhere. It could be possible somehow, right?

Right now wasn't the time to think of that place, especially late at night. He tried to sleep somehow, somehow.

___________________ time skip by meeperbleepers 🐸🐯🦊🙉

The next day, the gold star...

Was gone.

How could someone steal it so quickly? How so soon? Maybe one of the states has it. Texas heard his phone ring, so he tried to find it in his bed. Once he found it, he answered it, thinking that it would be someone he knew, but it wasn't.

"Two weeks, remember that."

As soon as the caller said that, she hung up as a distorted song was being played in the distance. The song wasn't what he thought of, it kinda sounded like a distorted version of the Polish national anthem.

A huge flag was hung up somewhere far away,

And it was visible to Texas.

Texas actually woke up for once, luckily it was just a silly nightmare.


-1168 words.
awoop jumpscare lol
you thought this was going to be
normal, right? you may be wondering
who the caller was, but you'll
find that out later..

also this was made last minute so yeah hehe

message from future me: 3/2/24- hello beeps! i will be editing this chapter as soon as the book is done! honestly i think i did good on this chapter, the end just needed a little fixup, that's all. nothing much at all. see you in chapter 24!

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