(17) The Farewell

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Jimin woke up with a pounding headache and a stuffy nose.

He groaned and rubbed his temples, trying to ease the pain.

But as he opened his eyes, he realized something that made him panic.

Today was the farewell party for the seniors, and he had a song to perform...

Yesterday and day before yesterday when they were practicing...Sure Jimin did sneeze and mess up the performance a few times too but he didn't knew it was going to be this bad on the Main day

He sat up in bed, feeling dizzy and disoriented.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was already 10 AM. The performance was scheduled for 6 PM, and he had to be at the venue by 4 PM.

He knew he had to get up and start preparing, but his body felt heavy and sluggish.

Jimin tried to stand up, but his legs wobbled, and he stumbled back onto the bed.

Just then, Jungkook and Hobi walked into the room.

They had come to wake him up and make sure he was ready for the performance.

"Hey, Jimin, wake up!"

Jungkook said cheerfully while opening the door

But as soon as he saw Jimin's face, his expression changed.

"Whoa, are you okay? You look terrible."

Hobi nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, dude, you look like you just got hit by a truck."

Jimin tried to get up weakly.

"I don't feel so good, guys...I think The cold has gotten worse."

Jungkook and Hobi exchanged worried glances.

They knew how important this performance was for Jimin, and they didn't want him to miss it.

"Can you still perform?"

Jungkook asked.

Jimin shook his head.

"I don't know, man. My head is pounding, and I can barely breathe through my nose."

Hobi put a hand on Jimin's forehead.

"You're burning up, Jimin. You have a fever."

Jimin groaned.

"This is the worst timing ever. I can't miss the performance, but I can't perform like this either."

Jungkook and Hobi looked at each other, trying to come up with a solution. Then Jungkook had an idea.

"Hey, Let's just go to yoongi sunbae...We can practice there while jimin can rest...We still have 8 hours"

Hobi nodded in agreement.

"I think kookie is right..."

They helped him get dressed and packed his bag with tissues, cough drops, and painkillers. Then they headed towards the venue, where Yoongi was waiting for them.

Yoongi was surprised to see Jimin looking so sick, but he didn't hesitate to help out. He listened to their performance and practiced with them for a few hours until they got it right.

Jimin watched from the sidelines, feeling grateful and proud of his friends.

They had pulled through for him when he needed them the most.

As the evening approached, Jimin's headache started to ease up a bit.

He took some medicine and tried to rest, hoping that he would feel better by the time they went on stage...

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