Creative side

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English. English, was my 5th period of the day. It was probably the only class I looked forward to throughout the day. English was a form of letting my mind run wild, free, and being able write down words on a piece of paper for an hour. Words that I wouldn't dare to speak aloud. Words that only myself and I knew of. I wasn't always the best at English. I always had an eye for it. I enjoyed reading, but not when I was forced to read. Espically if it was a book I didn't get to pick out. Then I no longer had the urge to read anymore. When I read I felt as if I could escape. You know, being able to enter a world that someone's fascinating mind invented with words. Being able to feel the characters emotions,desires, and longings. If I had to have a job as a Author I wouldn't mind at all. Being able to write and inspire others was something that put a smile on ny face just thinking of.

I walked along the halls of campus to English. The hallways were packed as usual. With kids walking too slow, or too fast bumping into others, or shoving and pushing, you know, the usual. I arrived to English not too late or too early. My teacher greeted me. He was a nice teacher, a teacher I actually had a strong liking too. His name was Mr. Müller. Mr. Müller was a tall lean man, with light brown eyes, and a sharp jawline. He had a face of a movie star. He was a very handsome man.
"Good Afternoon Y/N." Mr. Müller greeted, with a smile. "Good Morning Sir." I smiled back, taking a seat at my desk. As everyone began rushing in before the bell rang I pulled out my notebook and a pencil. My notebook was pretty beat up but it had good story's in it. So I guess you could then say, "Never judge a book by its cover." As students began to settle down Mr.Müller began his lesson, "Good Afternoon class I hope you all are having a Great day today, I hope your classes didn't bore you too much or give you too much work to do." He said, "Today I want to let your creative side take over, now I know alot of times in our lessons we're being "creative" but this time I want you to take over." "Let your creative side run wild, let it write a poem, a song, a story, anything, the sky is the limit my friends."

Everyone looked around at one another. Most of the time Mr.Müller would give us an assignment and give us instructions. Sure, sometimes he would let us add our own touches or mess around with our work but with this assignment we could do anything. Everyone began to raise their hands. "So we can work in groups?" Cole asked, "I don't see a problem with that." Mr.Müller smiled, "So we could sing a song?" Hannah questioned, "Why not." Mr Müller smirked, "Again, you can do anything as long as it's English related, and please. Keep it school appropriate I shouldnt have to ask you guys you're in high-school now." "I'm mainly talking to the boys." Girls began to laugh, "Some of you girls too." the boys began to laugh, "Settle down now, now, you may all begin to create a rough draft of what you want to do. If you're going to work in a group or with a friend I suggest now you now move around."

Everyone began to do as Mr.Müller instructed. Half the class teamed up in groups or with partners. "Quickly and quietly please." Mr Müller asked, I looked around. I was the only one by myself. Geez. If I did partner up in a group or with someone it would be with Georg and Gustav. Maybe even Bill and Tom. But I didn't have any friends in this class and don't think I would make any, anytime soon. I slumped down in my chair. Mr. Müller noticed and walked over. "Everything okay, Y/N?" I looked up, "Yes, Sir." I nodded, Mr.Müller looked around the room. "Why don't you join a group? I'm sure some groups could use your creative ideas and imaginative mind." He offered, "Thanks Mr.Müller, but it's okay. I'd prefer to work by myself." "Are you sure?" He said, taken back. "Positive!" I smiled, I didn't mind working by myself. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not having to focus on who's taking part in the project and who's goofing off. I could just focus on myself and my work. That was all that mattered. When it came to English, I didn't mind being alone. I could write and write for hours by myself and never get bored. "Okay, just let me know if you change your mind. I'm sure I could squeeze you into a group." "Thank you." He smiled and walked off. I opened my notebook and flipped to a page. I could feel eyes staring at me. After a while you get used to it. Espically after the whole "fight incident." What should I do?

Write a poem? I'm not too shaby with poems, Write a story? I could, Make a song?... I paused for a moment. Writing a song isn't bad. I guess I could write one. But what about? I thought for a moment. Maybe it could be about your emotions. But what emotions? I started to write notes on my paper on what I could write my song about.

BRING,BRING,BRING, Before I knew it the bell rung. Everyone began packing up. "I want you all tonight to start having a idea of what you want to do for your assignment." Everyone began rushing to their next classes. "Bye Mr. Müller I grinned, "Bye dear." I walked to my next class. Science. I didn't mind science but wasn't to big on it. Probably because of how boring my teacher Mrs.Keller made it. Gustav complained and complained about her saying how she made the class a snooze fest. I didn't believe him at first and called him dramatic until I really started paying attention. He was right. Total snooze fest. I made sure to walk extra slow to her class. I caught Gustav leaving her clas. "How was it?" "Tiring as usual!" Gustav yawned, "Something about Matter and physics." "Got you. I'll see you, tell Georg I said hey." "Will do." I waved to Gustav as I walked in.

Science wasn't as bad as Gustav made it, just really boring. When students would talk over Mrs.Keller she would pause and wait for them to be quiet. It never worked. She would get mad pretty easily. Like a bomb, pull the wrong wire and... BOOM! her class went by pretty quickly. We took notes and studied for a upcoming test.
BRING,BRING,BRING, school was finally out for the day. I packed my bags as I walked through the hallway being swallowed alive by students running and others walking slowly home. I soon reached the front of the school and boy did it feel good to be going home. Well not so much on the part about my mom wanting to talk to me... As I began to walk lost in my thoughts down the street I heard a car honk. I looked next to me to see a familiar red car driving next to me.

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