all these years

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Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick hello
And you had to go
And you probably will never know
You're still the one I'm after all these years

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

After she managed to get her very unnecessarily heavy suitcase out of the cab, she struggled to unlock the front door and made her way in. It was quiet. A rare occasion in the Acosta household.

Could they have forgotten i'm coming home today? Isabella thought making her way through the house looking for any member of her family.

They were out in the backyard having their coffee.

'I'm home!' she said excitedly. 'Isabella we didn't hear you coming in. Hi.' Liliana, Isabella's mother, hugged her tight. 'Jezz mom i wasn't gone for that long.' she protested in the hug trying to escape.

Her father, Pedro, was sitting down at the end of the table so she made her way over, giving him a kiss on the cheek while wrapping her hands around his neck which he reciprocated by placing a kiss back and caressing her arm. 'Your mother missed you nena, we both did.'

'I missed you too.'

Isabella had spent the first two months of the summer in Ibiza, more specifically at her best friend's summer house, Luna's summer house.

Luna and Isabella met in high school. Well actually that's when they became close. Luna has always been in Isabella's life. They grew up together in the neighborhood. At the time Isabella - or Izzy as Luna calls her- was a freshman while Luna was two years ahead making her a junior.

When she graduated it was a bit hard for them to remain as close as they did but they pulled through. It helped that Luna stayed home for collage.

'Sit down, there's some leftover coffee. I'll pour you a cup.'

'Thank you, mami .' Liliana kissed her cheek before going inside.

'How was Ibiza? I suppose same as last year?'

'Exactly as last year actually.'

'And you were just the three of you? Luna and what's his face?'

'Adam dad. His name is Adam. I know you know that.' Isabella was annoyed.

'Yes, Adam.' Pedro paused for a few seconds trying to hold back from expressing his true feelings for his daughter boyfriend, yet again.

'What are you still doing with him anyway? He is not the right guy for you nena.' He could have tried harder.

'Oh my god dad.' she rolled her eyes. 'I can't do this again. What did he do to make you dislike him so? He has always been more than nice and respectful to both you and mom AND me! I wish you'd just be happy for me.' she started getting worked up.

'I just don't like his face. I can't explain it i just don't.'

'Are you talking about Adam again?' Liliana said making her way outside with a cup of coffee in her hand. 'Leave the poor kid alone. Tell me about your trip honey.'

And that was the end of the conversation.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

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