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"And who the hell do you think you are" Unmei said with a serious tone. The demons presence made her feel unease. Maybe it was the figure that she saw after her first face to face with Muzan.

"She is truly something. She would be a perfect little thing in my cult I would make her my queen" he said as he licked his lips.

"Douma... Do not lay a finger on her, she is mine-" Muzan said before being interrupted by the furious girl.

"I am nobody's property".
"How dare you presume to speak to me in that manner!" Douma sneered, his eyes narrowing. "You would do well to watch your tongue, girl."

"I will speak as I please, demon. I answer to noone but me. I am a human, and I will not be treated as anything less than that." Unmei's voice was steady, but her hands trembled slightly as she held her sword. She was facing two of the most powerful demons in existence, and she was all alone.

Muzan watched the exchange with amusement.
"That tongue of yours, maybe I might silence it if I bite it off" Douma said as he approached her.
"Don't you dare touch me!" Unmei's voice was shrill with fear, but her eyes were blazing with defiance. She would not back down from this fight, even if it meant her death. She would not be cowed by these demons.

Muzan's smirk grew wider as he watched the exchange. This was more interesting than he had anticipated. Although the thought of Douma of having what belonged to him as he had self proclaimed her responses made it quite amusing and entertaining.

Muzan found the whole situation rather amusing. Douma's possessiveness annoyed him, and Unmei's refusal to be cowed by the demon made it pleasing to watch. She was brave. And she definately could stand up against them.Muzan was curious to see how this would play out. He watched with glee as Douma continued to taunt Unmei.

"Oh well, I have somewhere to be anyway. But I promise you Unmei is it? One of these days you will find yours in my chambers, waiting for me one way of the other" Douma said as he turned around.

"Fight me. I am not scared of facing both of you on" Unmei said.

"Upper 2. I would like to meet you later be prepared" Muzan said. "And as for you Unmei I look forward to seeing you again on better terms"

"Oh, you want to fight me, do you?" Douma's voice was smooth and mocking. "I would love to see you try. But I have business to attend to, so this will have to wait." He turned away, but as he did, he shot Unmei a wicked grin.

"You will not get away with this." Unmei's voice was shaking with anger. "I will find a way to stop you both." She held her sword in front of her, as if to ward off any further attacks.
Douma disappeared into the night. Muzan gave her sick smile, not wanting to fight her in this state and left. He was angry though very angry at how Douma remarked what he clearly had told him that was his and he had to be clear with him that he should back off.

Unmei dropped her sword her blood boiling.Douma's departure left an uneasy feeling in the air. Unmei's anger and fear were still palpable, and the city around her seemed somehow darker and more menacing than before. The streets were empty, and she felt alone and vulnerable. She dropped her sword, her hands shaking with the adrenaline that was coursing through her body. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She needed to calm herself and focus on what to do next. There was no time to wallow in fear or anger.
She took a few deep breaths and walked away from the alley.She walked away and saw a stand that was selling some ramen and her stomach .

Unmei's stomach rumbled loudly, and she realized that she was indeed very hungry. She had been so focused on her search for answers that she hadn't stopped to eat. She looked at the ramen stand, and her mouth watered at the thought of a hot bowl of noodles.

Not my Destiny: A demon slayer fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن