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Someone was touching her, she could sense their demonic aura around her. But the touch was warm. There he was looking deeply at her beautiful face.

"You look so beautiful" he whispered and leaned over to kiss her lips. It was passionate and warm and just like that she jolted up and opened her eyes. It was just a dream.

Her heart was pounding aganist her chest and her stomach infested with butterflies. Unmei woke with a start, her heart racing and her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. It had been a dream, but it had felt so real.

She could still feel the phantom touch of the demon's lips on hers, and she shivered at the memory. It was such an intimate dream, and it left her feeling strangely flustered. She shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs of sleep from her mind. It was just a dream, she told herself. Just a dream.

Even though she knew it was just a dream, Unmei couldn't shake the feeling of unease that it had left her with. The intimacy of the dream was so unlike anything she had ever experienced before, and it left her feeling both confused and strangely excited.

She got up and stretched out. Sleeping in a barn was quite comfortable rather than sleeping in the forest like she usually did. She stood up and thanked the farmer that let her stay the night. It was bright in the morning and she wondered what happened to the demon and the Kamado boy.

"Is he dead?, probably not"
The farmer was kind enough to offer her a simple breakfast of bread and cheese, and Unmei gratefully accepted. It was a relief to have a roof over her head and a warm meal in her belly, even if it was only for one night. As she ate, she couldn't help but wonder what had become of the demon and the Kamado boy.

"Maybe I should go look for the boy and his sister. Maybe I could get answers from the demon that got turned in the city." She said to herself and said her goodbyes to the farmer and left.

It would be much easier to find them if  she could track down the boy's demon sister. She walked down the path to the next village in hopes of finding him.

After a few hours of walking and resting. She saw a crow approach her way and instantly she knew where it was coming from and who it was for. She fought the urge to cut the bird into pieces. It gave her the letter and flew off to the direction it came from. She stared at the letter, annoyed by the very sight of it in her hand. These letters seemed to always make her angry or worsen her mood.

"I guess I will have to wait until you die right Kagaya." She said as she angrily opened the letter that stopped her in her tracks, disturbing her peace. Her facial expression changed sightly as she read the letter,

"Greetings, Unmei. It is my hope that this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Though you have not yet arrived at the mansion, I await your presence with anticipation and sincerity. While I am aware of your disinterest in joining the Demon Slayer Corps, I have a matter of great importance to discuss with you before I depart to join my children in eternal slumber. It is my sincerest wish that you will heed my request and meet with me as soon as possible.

Ubuyashiki mansion."

She looked at the letter. Carefully analyzing it. Deep down she knew the moment she stepped into the mansion the issue of her joining the Corps would be raised. But she could not push aside the fact that Kagaya had news for her. What could it be? With this in mind she decided to make her visit to the mansion part of her journey.

The sunset as she arrived to the next village  which was south east. The hairs on her back stood up as she felt a presence behind her. She grabbed onto her sword.

She turned around and a pair of yellow eyes looked at her. Her heart beat against her chest as the eyes approached her.

"Hello Unimei." The familia voice said. There he was with a smile on his face. Her worry ceased as she dropped her guard.

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