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"Get lost." the demon spat as he walked right beside the woman he had grown an attachment to. She met something him more than he could comprehend but he knew that he won't allow anyone lay a finger on a strand of her hair. The rainbow eyed demon facial expression changed from that of a smirk to a more joyful look as soon as he laid his eyes on Akaza.

"Akaza-dono, what a wonderful surprise. I haven't seen you in such a long time I was beginning to the you had forgotten all about me." Douma smiled. Unmei knew that this was just an act something about the Uppermoon demon didn't see genuine at all and she held her sword firmly even though she knew Akaza was with her.

"I won't repeat myself Douma. Get. lost." Akaza said piercing his eyes at Douma. It was quite obvious that Akaza did not like Douma and Unmei understood it completely.

Douma's face dropped from a happy smile to a sad pout, saddened by Akaza's dismissal. "But Akaza-Dono we haven't talked in so long. I've sent you letters, flowers even invited you over for dinner and you never reply only for you to come here and choose a snack over me? I think I need therapy this is soooo heartbreaking" Douam said as he dramatically put his hand on his forehead. The more he talked the more angrier Akaza got and Unmei could feel the deadky aura he expelled. He walked towards Douma and without even a warning punched the demon right through his skull causing a gush of blood to ooze out.

"Now do yourself a favor and never ever attempt to touch this girl. I do not care if Muza-sama sees some value that you possess I will deal with the concequences later after I have killed you. Do I make myself clear?" Akaza said his voice chilling and smooth. It wasn't a threat but it was definitely a warning. Douma's punctured face quickly regenerated and he had a sick smirk and looked over at the girl and back at Akaza.

"Alright then. Anything for you Akaza-dono. I better be own my way then till then.." He said as he turned away.Unmei looked at the demon as it disappeared of into the woods.

"Thank you. Though I could have taken care of him myself." Unmei said as she looked deeply into Akaza's eyes. Akaza faced her and stepped closer to her. He looked deeply into her eyes and reached his hand to touch her, hesitate but he gently placed his hand on her cheek..

"I know you are strong but I can never stand aside and watch you put yourself in the line of danger. Don't trust the little act he did he will be back and I find myself terrified at even thinking of him getting to you when I'm not there." Akaza said. Unmei leaned her head into his touch and felt the strong connection surge into her veins like an electric current.

The tension between Akaza and Unmei is almost palpable. The way he spoke, his touch - it's like they have some sort of magnetic pull. The air around them felt charged with emotion, as if they were standing on the edge of something... forbidden, something that could have dire consequences. Unmei could feel her heart racing, and she knew that Akaza could sense it too. The atmosphere between them was thick with the possibility of something more...

Unmei reached over to touch the hand that caressed her right cheek, trusting every word the demon said.

"You are not obligated to protect me you know that right?" Unmei asked. Akaza stepped even closer and looked at the girl his gaze not leaving hers.

"Protecting you is a choice, not an obligation," Akaza said, his voice deep and steady. "And I choose to protect you, because you mean something to me. Even if you don't realize it yet." His gaze never wavered, his eyes boring into Unmei's. The air around them seemed to crackle with electricity, charged with the intensity of their connection.

Unmei felt the butterflies in her stomach run wild. Her breathe hitched in her throat as she stared at the demon who haunts her dreams. It was impossible to dismiss the fact that this more than a connection.

Akaza stepped closer to her, wrapped his strong hand around her waist. Her breathing rapidly increasing as she watched him come closer.

She felt his breath linger on her lips before he whispered, "I will always protect you Unmei." and with that he kissed her on her soft lips something he never thought a demon like him would be doing.

The kiss was like a lightning strike, sending a jolt through Unmei's body. His words echoed in her mind, a vow that felt both powerful and dangerous.

She instinctively wrapped her hands around his neck and deepened the kiss, fireworks erupting in her stomach while he snaked his hands around her. It was almost impossible to pull away from each other he just wanted her even more.

They slowly pulled away for what seemed to be an eternity and they looked at each other. Akaza the Upper moon demon, the one who held her so firmly in his arms and this moment. She didn't know what the future held but at this moment she knew her future was him.

Not my Destiny: A demon slayer fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang