First Encounter

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I stood there frozen, unable to move a single inch. I no longer felt like I had control of my body. Paralyzed in fear of what I was currently looking at. 

"What are you doing here?"

Its voice boomed through my eardrums, emitting a strong bass to his tone. One of authority, loud and stern. I backed away a bit, the sudden sound making me recoil out of surprise. However, I still felt the need to defend myself and show whatever this thing is a lesson. 

"I should be asking you the same question." Anger flowed through me, anxiety slowly leaving my body as I felt more confident to beat this creature to a pulp. I took a step forward, hoping to stun the creature a bit. It did not flinch. Fuck it.

I lunged forward and sprinted towards the tall creature, with my knife tightly gripped, angled and ready. Closing in on it by the second, still, no movement from it. I aimed for the left side of its head, pouncing on its upper body. At the last second, it vanished and left me to fall on the grass in a tumble. Quickly picking myself up and looking around for where the creature went, I saw that it was behind me. Looking away from me, it spoke:

"You're more agile than I thought you would be. You must have not used your full power for all the victims you killed here."

What the fuck?! How did it know about that? Does it live near here.... or maybe they saw me kill that hiker a while ago.... The creature looked towards me, but its face had more definition than what I saw earlier. I saw the physical shapes that turned into two eyes, a nose and a wide, snarled smile with pointy teeth. The fear that I felt quickly went away again, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I am not letting this thing live.

Sprinting forward, I decide to land multiple attacks throughout its head, chest and tentacles. After I jumped away from it, only 2 marks were visible on its skin: one on its left tentacle and one on its right shoulder. No time to mope around now. I quickly ran again to the creature, this time aiming to slice its neck off. So close.... just a couple inches away. My knife got to touch its skin slightly until the tall thing was no longer in front of me. Damnit. 

It seems that it won't let me take its life that easily, if it does have one. Although, just as I was about to turn around to scout it out and continue my attacks, I felt pressure being put on my back. Pushing me to the ground harshly, knocking the wind out of me. 

The creature was on top of me, pushing itself on my back, keeping me pinned down. I heard a small sigh from above me, along with a weird sensation on my arms. A slimy, flowy touch was felt going up and down on both my arms, which could be only one thing. His tentacles kept their surprisingly warm contact on my arms, as well as the back of my neck and shoulder blades. I quietly groaned as I felt it still touching me nonstop while still having a strong hold on my back. 

"Let me go you creep! I oughta pummel you to the ground for this!" I am not going to back down from this. As I was about to push myself up from their grip and stab them, I felt the creature pull me back up from the grass and stand me up to look directly at it. Its tentacles were still wrapped around my arms, restricting me from going any further towards it. 

"My apologies, I just wanted to make sure that you were not severely injured. I saw the copious amounts of blood on you every time I saw you. I'm glad its not all your own blood."

I looked back at the lanky figure's face confused, wondering why it was worrying over a complete stranger. "Why would you care about what I do in my own time? You almost knocked out my internal organs from your checkup!" I spat at it for ruining my night with their stupid antics. I tried to break free from the tentacles, but it was no use since my arms and legs were bound, forcing me to look directly at them. Biting off one of the tentacles was also not possible, nor was shimmying my way out of their forceful grasp. I decided to accept defeat for once.

"Can you untie me now since you see that I'm not beaten up? I got places to be, all are far away from you." Suddenly, their aura changed completly, now feeling more menacing and intimidating than before. The creature got close to my face, possibly staring directly into my soul. 

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that. I have something to offer you. An offer that you won't be able to resist."

My eyes widen at their statement. What does that even mean?

"I'll tell you what it means. I know that you have been living on the streets for the past couple of weeks now. I see you every time you come into this forest. How you always look exhausted and tired from constantly hiding away from society. You always look as if you wished you could sleep on a mattress instead of the floor crawling with bugs and vermin." Leaning closer towards my right ear, he continued. "But don't worry, I don't want to kill you or mutilate you. I simply want you to join me. You can have a roof over your head with me and my team, all for the cost of helping me out using your mercenary skills."

My heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest with the way that this jerk is so close to me. Still, I was a bit convinced to go through with this exchange. I have been living off of other people's belongings, a lot of them were taken without their consent. It would be nice to live in a home free from rain and dirt. However, this all seemed a bit too easy for me. 

How do I know that they are saying the truth? Will they actually lead me to their residency or will they mutilate me once I let my guard down? No way of knowing until they let me go. I won't back down that easily, not until I guarantee that this monster isn't out to kill me.

"How do I know that you won't go against your word and backstab me? I wasn't born yesterday." It moved its head away from my right ear, to where I can see the outlines of its facial features. 

"Tell you what. I'll let you keep your knife in my back until we get to the location. That way you can see that I'm serious about recruiting you. How does that sound?"

Sounds way too convenient, once again. But.... they are letting me get a good chance to rupture their backside if they turn out to be lying. Though, would someone who's lying really go through all of this just to get me to come with them? These thoughts floated around my head, wondering if my initial thoughts had any truth to them at all. 

This brought me back to a memory that I had with my late brother. We were both at school waiting for the bell to ring to announce that first class would start soon. My brother Liu did not like being alone during these times, so he always stood by me in my classroom, hoping that I would distract him enough before school started. At first, I was fucking annoyed he would want to waste my time just because he did not want to go to his class or wander the halls, but I got used to it. There was no use talking him out of it, and he was there every morning when he started school, or at least when I still went to that school. He said he was terrified once I left him to go to high school. Then he never talked about it. Seems he grew out of this fear, he's a strong kid I already knew he could do it. 

As I looked off into my own memories, a certain creature was confused as to why I had stared at his tie for a couple minutes. He waved a tentacle in my face, hoping to break me from my trance. I fell back to reality, a bit dazed from unfocusing my eyes for so long. 

"So, what do you say? Will you join me and my operation, Jeff?"

I looked up at them, shocked they knew my name, but that was something that I will confront them with later. "Whatever scheme you have for me, whether you're lying or not, lead me to the place and the others that you talked about. I won't need to keep you close to me, for now." The creature's expression changed into one of confusion to one of satisfaction. "Just let me go. I don't want to have to wiggle my way out." The tentacle creature lightly chuckled and lowered me down on the grass, removing their tentacles from my body. I sighed, finally free from their strong, tentacle grasp. While brushing my clothes out, I looked up at their face that had a pleasant expression. Or at least that's what it looked like. 

"Well, lead the way big guy." I gestured for them to show me the supposed "operation location". The monster straightened themselves up and started walking to the left, looking at me to follow them too. I stuffed my hands in my hoodie, catching up to the creature beside him. I wonder where it's taking me. 

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