My First Roommate

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I had no idea what this place would look like from the inside, but it turns out that I wasn't 100% incorrect. It was pretty rickety and dusty, almost like no one has bothered to clean the place in almost a century. From entering the house, I could see two staircases that connect together to lead to the next floor above. In between the staircases was a tall entrance, with small lion statues standing above both sides of the door. The carpet on the stairs and floor looked a bit torn and stained, but still decently colored with rouge and gold patterns. The walls were colored in the same rouge color as the carpets, but in a darker tone. What I also noticed was the ridiculous amount of candlelight's in this singular room. They littered throughout the staircases to the statues, to the huge chandelier with multiple of them lit. A lot of the room felt like I was brought back to the 1800s with how detailed and royal-like all the furniture looked. Its nothing like I've ever seen, that's for sure.

As I stepped inside the room, I kept on observing each detail I could digest, before Slenderman walked past me towards the left staircase. He went to a small corner table right next to the staircase, grabbing a small item from it. It turned out to be a keychain with 3 keys attached to it. On the table was also a baby blue box that looked like a small ring box and a black pocket folder filled with a lot of papers, almost overflowing through the folder. I looked back up at Slenderman to see that he was smiling, showing a bit of his teeth through it.

"I see that my partner has succeeded in his mission already, would have thought he needed more time." He finished his sentence, then looked to his right, his expression still the same. "Thank you for retrieving these files, Ben." I looked to where he was looking, to see a blonde boy around my age leaning on the staircase railing.

"No problem boss man, it was a challenge trying to get in. Man, you should have seen how many guards kept on popping up, on every corner too! But yeah, I guess I'm just that good huh?" Slenderman let out a small chuckle. The blonde boy apparently called Ben turned his attention to me. His smile turned to a smirk, noticing my presence. He walked down the stairs, towards me, where I could see him more clearly. He had a green tunic that matched his pointy hat, accompanied with tan pants. He wore a dark brown belt that matched the color of his mid-ankle combat boots. Seeing him more up close, I saw that he had pointy ears that made him look like an elf. What is he?

"You must be the newbie that Slenderman was talking to us about." He looked me up and down, taking in my appearance while making me uncomfortable with how long he looked. "Oh yea, I think I remember you being on the news, something about killing your family I heard. Am I right?" He was staring right at me, making it impossible to ignore his dark red eyes. His pupils looked to dilate a bit, but quickly went back to their normal size. God, does this dude not know personal boundaries?

"And what if I did? You gonna give me a morality lesson or something?" I spat at him, feeling like I could suffocate from how close he was in my personal space. Ben chuckled, thankfully moving away from me. "Was just curious. Not everyday that you see people like us, especially ones that make as much noise as you." Ben turned his smirk into a smile, a creepy one that's for sure. Noise? Was there really a lot of commotion over that still? Even after its been a couple of weeks? I would of thought it had died down a bit by now..... Maybe he's just fucking with me.

"I'm surprised that people are still talking about me, its been so long since that's happened." Ben snickered at my response. "They would've, but something about your 'unique' appearance seemed to cause the most commotion on the news." Ok did this dude just call me ugly? "I mean, not like I have any room to criticize, look at these bad boys!" He pointed to his pointy elf ears, pulling on them a bit to emphasize their length. While laughing at his own joke, I lightly chuckled at how easy it was to converse with him without feeling uncomfortable, too uncomfortable I should say.

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