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Slenderman's voice echoed through the entire building, booming through all the rooms, where even the ones closed off and locked could hear him clearly. Everyone stopped what they were doing immediately, some frozen in place over the sudden noise. A couple proxies came out of the dining room with caution to see what the ruckus was about. They were a safe distance from Slenderman and Jeff, some murmuring to each other and others listening in on the two.

Jeff was in shock, not like he could do much with how restrained he was under Slenderman's tentacles. He was face to face with him once again, he hated being so close to him, especially when he was looking at his featureless face. Jeff could see Slenderman's mouth hole slowly open, revealing his razor sharp teeth now coated with a dark red ooze, some of it dripping out of his mouth. He was breathing heavily, his suit accentuating his chest moving up and down rapidly. Jeff felt like he was looking at a wild beast, with an aura that indicated that it could attack at any moment. A hostile beast who has its eyes locked onto their target, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. It sounded too familiar to Jeff. 

"ANSWER ME! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!" Jeff seemed he has no choice but to tell him. Jeff could feel Slenderman's tentacles loosening a bit from his throat to let him speak, however the grip on the rest of his body did not relax one bit. As he opened his mouth to speak to Slenderman, his voice seemed to sound strained, only  incoherent noise came out of his mouth. Jeff cleared his throat up, he spoke his first words after what felt like an eternity:

"I have no idea what you're talking about! I didn't do anything to your proxy!! You have no proof!" Jeff's constrained speech made it challenging to sound clear without his vocal fry being heavily present in each word he spoke. His throat tight and dry, a parched and scratchy feeling engulfed it, small heaves were present in Jeff. He could hear a high pitched sound emit from Slenderman, not hiding the fact that static was forming around Slenderman's figure. A headache slowly forms on Jeff, it felt like something was constricted and wrapped tightly around his forehead. He couldn't take it anymore. He needed this to end. Jeff closed his eyes for a bit, a reaction to the high pitched screech coming from so close to him. When he opened them back to get ready to speak again, Jeff stopped himself. Oh no. 

"Does this look familiar?"

Slenderman held up the proxies' dismembered head in one of his tentacles, holding it up by its tangled locks. Blood drops fell to the ground, staining the wooden floor. The head's eyelids were not fully closed, leaving them half-lidded with soulless eyes staring into nothingness. Jeff had a feeling that Slendy already knew that he was the perpetrator. He just wanted to hear him say it. It felt like he had no other choice. Any other words besides the truth would land him into immediate trouble, although its not like Jeff cared that much. 

Anger boiled deep within Jeff, bubbling beneath him ever since he killed that proxy. He would never admit it, but words deeply affected him. He would play it off as nonsense and laugh it off, but the sharp weight in his heart was still there. It was always there. He'd be damned if he went out without putting up a fight.

"So what if I did? They had it coming once they opened their mouth to talk shit about me! I gave them a chance and they ate their own words!" At this point, Jeff needed to let his adrenaline-filled frustrations out otherwise it would eat him alive. "That's what they get for disrespecting my skills!"

Slenderman had enough. 

The tentacle around Jeff's throat tightened, strangling him of even more oxygen than he thought was possible. Jeff thrashed violently under him gasping for any sort of air to get inside his closed-off throat. Blood started to replace the spit that Jeff was drooling out, covering his chin and neck, some of it making it onto Slenderman's suit. 

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