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"I'm glad everyone is finally back. Let me introduce you to your new roommate: Jeff the Killer."

Once everyone heard Slenderman's introduction of me, they all had mixed reactions. From what I could see in the moment, some of them looked pretty content with a couple of smiles, while others had straight smiles and faces. It seemed that everyone was pretty okay with my invitation, with some not seeming to care much and probably want to eat soon. 

'Welcome to the family!' 'Congratulations!' 'Good job man! Can we go eat now? I feel like I might pass out.' were some of the things said by my other roommates. Some of them came up to me, wanting to know more about me. I will admit, I felt really weird being put on the spotlight. I always hated being in the center of attention, especially if I wasn't sharing it with someone else to lessen the embarrassment. They crowded around me, asking me how I ended up joining the 'proxies', why my face was mutilated, if I used any weapons to kill, stuff like that. By the second, I could feel my social energy drain rapidly. Like I was using every single atom in my body to power my social battery. I tried to back away from the crowd, but I was cornered from each angle. The only thought that went through my head was "I need to get the fuck out of here before I die!"

Suddenly, I feel something slither on the left shoulder, then something else was on my right shoulder, pulling me slightly away from them. I instantly recognized who it was that was touching me, who else would have white tentacles besides the suit man himself. Relief washed over me, it finally feels like I can breathe again. It seems like everyone stopped their questions and chatter and looked up at him, awaiting his response. They all looked with curiosity and eagerness, kind of like how commoners would look up and worship their all-mighty leader. 

"The food will get cold very soon. Better hurry up and get your supper before its too late." That was all that he needed to say to see everyone scatter, all of them heading through the huge door from before. It looked to have a small tunnel that obviously led to the dining room and kitchen. I was going to join them, feeling my stomach rumble from a lack of food. I didn't eat anything all day besides a granola bar from the hiker I killed last night. I can feel it taking a toll on me once I smelled the food. God I'm fucking starving.

As soon as I moved my body forward, I bounced back into place, right where I was before. That's when I felt Slenderman's tentacles firmly grip my waist and chest. How did I not realize until now... he must have been planning this. The question is, what for? I tried to rid myself from his grasp, but just like last time, it was no use. Struggling and fighting with his tentacles, shouting for him to let me go or I'd make sure each of his tentacles get served into calamari. 

"Meet me by my office once you're done."

While chuckling, he finally let go, retracting each of his tentacles back to his sides. "Asshole." I would have spat more insulting words to him if not for my rumbling stomach, yearning for the food in the kitchen. I huffed, making it clear that I was angry and willing to kill him if he did that again, before I walked down the passageway. I saw him with his tentacles flowing in every which way, almost like they moved in a playful manner. 8 dog tails, possibly even more, wagging to and fro as if they saw a squirrel. I quickly threw those thoughts out of my head, too distracted by the food to really care right now. 

Arriving at the dinning room, I saw that it was huge! It literally looked like it was the size of a school cafeteria, if not bigger. This room doesn't even look like its in the same house as every other room. With all the rooms being painted in bleak black and grey sprinkled with rouge and gold, the dining room and kitchen walls were painted a gentle cream color with wooden and marble furniture. It looked so much more modern than anything I've seen in this house today. The windows were huge and decorated with detailed light brown frames. Modern with a touch of the old-fashioned feel. 

You're Insufferable || Jeff The Killer X SlendermanWhere stories live. Discover now