Surprise Mission Pt. 1

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The sun arose to a beautiful light orange and yellow, slight hues of pink still present from the sun still coming out. The clouds were fortunately not that present as they were yesterday. Only a couple painted the sky accompanying the sun, letting it shine throughout all of Portland.

In the slenderman household, a lot of the proxies got out of bed, hurrying out of their rooms changed and prepped up for the day. The communal bathrooms that they used were cramped but bustling with energy. Some woke up earlier than others, and almost all of them helped out with preparing breakfast for the day.
While everyone was getting ready for the morning, there was a certain change in ambiance when the proxies entered the dining hall. Hunger and tiredness aside, it seemed that some, no.... all the proxies knew of what happened to their fellow roommate. Word spread quickly, especially during and after the altercation Slenderman and Jeff had. They all knew now that Jeff the Killer was not to be messed with.

He was a dangerous being capable of slitting all their throats if he wanted to. Still, the day needed to start soon, and the busy work that the proxies did helped distract them from the horrid reality.

Along with the proxies, a lot of the non-proxies woke up and got ready, all except one. Jeff was still sound asleep, not noticing all the noise from everyone else moving around. He was the last to wake up, and with how much of a heavy sleeper he was, it wouldn't be possible to get him up easily.

Finally, Jeff regained consciousness and awoke slightly, feeling the radiant sun beam on his open eyeballs. Jeff got used to sleeping without eyelids, although it still irritated him when he would first feel the sun on his tender eyes. Scratching his bedhead, he got out of his warm blankets and got up to use the bathroom. Being out on the run made Jeff not care much about how he smelled or looked, not like it would make a difference to his disfigurations. However, even Jeff knew he needed a bit of a touch-up. He took his only dirty hoodie and pants, along with a pair of clean underwear that he found in one of the drawers. He had no idea if they would fit, but anything was better than putting back on his old ones.

After finishing his quick shower, he got dressed in his prepared clothes and brushed his teeth. Since Jeff 'barely had shit' with him, his own words, he was thankful enough to appreciate Slenderman for stocking him up with clothes and items that he didn't have before. Jeff thought that he would have to thank Slenderman later if he ever came around to it. Jeff would have to prepare himself before seeing that retched monster again. Out of keeping his cool before doing something that he will regret.

Once Jeff freshened up and finished changing, he went downstairs to the dining hall. He did not see anyone when he went through the halls. Everyone seemed to be downstairs already.

Jeff knew he would have to face not only Slenderman but all the proxies, too. He thought that they must have hated him.

'They must not like me anymore. Whatever.'

Jeff stands in front of the closed gate that leads to the dining hall, staring at the intricate decorative details of the doors.

"Better to be stared at than starve."

He opened the door slightly, letting himself inside. He could instantly feel the atmosphere change once the doors opened. Everyone got silent once they looked at the entrance and saw Jeff enter. He could see that their expressions were far from welcoming. Most of the proxies looked at him in fear, eyes wide and mouths open in arupt surprise. Some others looked at him in anger, disgust, as if they wanted revenge for killing one of their own. He no longer would be praised as he was yesterday. It's not like Jeff cared much for that anyways.

Jeff nonchalantly walked across from some tables of proxies eating breakfast, making his way to the kitchen. There was still food on the counter, yet to be served. Jeff grabbed a plate and served himself some of the food, looking back at his audience, which still stared at him. Murmurs could be heard from some tables, but it was much calmer than before.

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