Pop Goes The Weasel

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Nighttime arrived just in time for Jeff to run out into the night, knowing exactly where he needed to go. His legs were far from tired. No amount of joint pain, wounds, or soreness could slow him down. His hair flowed with the light breeze of the night, no longer tied down. It seemed like no one could stop him from how high he had gotten from just the blood pumping in his veins. Oh how wrong he was.

From the draped window of Slenderman's office, the tall suited creature watched Jeff as he disappeared into the forest. Soon blending into the tall trees as he is no longer visible. Slenderman took another good look at the forest, knowing that his new roommate was gone. Running to a place he knows exactly where to find him. His tentacles went from being at his side to floating up and down in an airy motion, as if they were moving in zero gravity.

"I'll see you very soon, my beloved pet."

The chattering of the wild animals residing in the bushes and trees of the forest fell out of earshot to Jeff. The rustling of the trees from the oncoming wind did not fazed the pale killer, the sting from the harsh coldness to his unprotected eyeballs meant nothing to him. He realized that he was close to being out of the forest, now entering into the city of Portland. A park was the first thing that Jeff saw, no one in sight besides a couple of small animals like rabbits and squirrels. Street lamps shined on the concrete trail that were empty and cracked from how old they were. Jeff's footsteps landed on the trail and back to the grass, continuing on foot to the abandoned carnival, the one that should have his formidable foe.

Oh how Jeff couldn't wait to meet them. He wondered what they would look like, how they fought, how they spoke. Anything this psychopathic killer could think of. He fantasized of who their opponent is. Any joyous emotions he latched onto was because of his vibrant imagination.

Through the shortcuts he used to enter the forest, he made sure that he wouldn't be seen. Jeff was running on dreams but he wasn't stupid. He made sure to avoid the streetlamps and the various shops situated close to the park edge. No oncoming bystanders noticed his presence, just how he liked it.

Minutes passed until Jeff was out of the city, moving towards the outskirts of the city, out where the grasslands outbeat the buildings in residing territory. He ran until he arrived at his destination: Outskirts Phantom Family Festival.

The place used to be packed full of families lined up for the carnival rides and food stands. All the drunk uncles and aunties would go to the live stage area and drink to their hearts content, or until their family dragged them back home. Now the place lost all of its color and character. The multi-colored rides like the ferris wheel, carousel, and bumper cars had their paint chipped off, revealing their silver base underneath. Dust and mold covered the entire place. It's been years since this place closed down, yet all of the rides have just been left here. Some of the stands and tables from the food trucks looked rotten with how wet and broken they looked.

Now all that was left of the carnival were the memories. Yet here Jeff was, about to make another one in his book.

With every step he took, he felt the broken gravel and the layer of mud under him. As he looked around, not a single soul could be seen or heard. Not even any animals were around to take shelter on any of the rides or stands. It looked completely deserted.

Jeff moved over to the carousel, where it still appeared to hold up, at least compared to everything else. The colors still sticked on besides some grime and rust. The wooden horses were the most well-kept, they still seemed to look brand new.

'Where are they? I thought they should be here by now.' Jeff wondered if Slenderman lied to him about their whereabouts. Maybe he already knew he would go looking for them. He did, but what Jeff didn't know was why he would mention it to him anyways. He could have just not said anything, that would have kept him from wasting his precious killing time.

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