Indoctrinated Lust

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Hello! Just as a heads up, this chapter will entirely be in slendermans pov. The beginning takes place before he meets Jeffrey and ends at where the last chapter took place. hope yall have a wonderful day (^з^)-☆


As I strolled through the forest near the southern Portland suburbs, I felt the wind brush past my limbs. I tend to use these walks to reflect. Not so much on my own life, but on others that I take an interest in. I have little to no worries about what I want my life to be or regret anything I've done in the past. My philosophy is that the past is already finished, and I might as well put your energy into what happens in the present. Everything happens for a reason, so there's no need to try and wish for a chance to change the past.

However, there is something that has been bothering me for the last couple of years. No matter how many victims lives I take. No matter how many children I lure into my mansion to become a proxy and serve me. Even if it does give me a small amount of satisfaction, it's not enough. You can only go so many years of doing the same routine every other day until you want change. Being alive for longer than a humans entire lifespan changes you, especially once you start passing through centuries of age. I wanted a challenge.

I wanted to find the most wild and savage victim I could find.... that would still be considered human. Animals are easier to tame once you understand their nature, so a human is the way to go. So, I set out my hunt, finding a couple of candidates. Unfortunately, the majority of them were just as I suspected: stubborn but not enough to put up a good fight. I disposed of most of them by impaling their cleaned out bodies, with their organs clean outside of their bodies. They were all disappointing to me. It's not every day that you find entities like me who don't fit in with the humans.

Then..... he appeared. My first successfully tamed non-proxy. I chose not to name him as such since he's more of a leader to the little ones. I first spotted him coming out of an arcade after he got done with frying and killing all the humans with the electrical outlets from the arcade machines.

As surprised as I was to find someone who had supernatural powers, I needed to dig deeper to find out if they were worth the effort. Most of what I saw from my first victim was they were most likely stuck inside of a video game console of their victims, using the device to lure them into insanity and kill them once they download a certain file that'll corrupt their system. I saw in their eyes that they had no remorse for their actions. A true sadistic monster. Nothing really changed after stalking them for a few months. They didn't notice my prescence, or they did not care for my prescence.

Either way, I was able to see their change in behavior and how they felt sour towards their occupation. They had second guesses on their constant cycle of murders, increasing steadily through the outlet of a video game. While they may have not fully come to the realization until much later, I realized as soon as their sadistic nature wasn't as prominent through their taunting and manipulating. I decided enough was enough.

After numerous attempts to talk to them, they either wanted me to fuck off or kill me, failing on all tries. I did not want to use my abilities to brainwash him yet, but it seemed that it was necessary to get him to agree to be with me. Luckily, he was not difficult to calm down and I led him into the mansion, where I made him lead all the proxies whenever they were in dire need.

Sadly, this did not go as I wanted it to be. There was a fight that went down to tame him, but something felt off. It was too easy. While I enjoyed Benjamin's company and his incredible abilities that he uses on his mission, it wasn't enough. Same goes for the other non-proxy victims I've had. Multiple fights with a happy ending of finally having them bend down to my will.... yet they still did not fully quench the thirst that I wanted to get rid of.

You're Insufferable || Jeff The Killer X SlendermanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang