Chapter 4: Interception

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(Next Morning)

(On top of a cliff facing the ocean Javelin and Laffey were having a picnic. While there they ponder on their thoughts.)

Javelin: I wonder if she's doing well.

Laffey: Hmm? You mean, Ayanami.

Javelin: Ayanami, right. 'Do we have to fight her?'

(An eagle suddenly flies to them and lands on a nearby tree where she and Laffey are having a picnic.)

Javelin: That bird...

(Just then Enterprise arrives at their location. Seeing her Javelin stood up and greeted her.)

Javelin: Enterprise!

Enterprise: (*just stares at her*)

(Enterprise stood near the two deep in her thoughts.)

Javelin: Want a bite? (*offers her a lunchbox*)

Enterprise: No, thanks.

Laffey: Enterprise, are you hurt?

Enterprise: You noticed? I am a little hurt. I'm nearly repaired though but he fought them off before I could help...

Javelin: What do you think about him though? Aegis, I mean.

Enterprise: I don't know yet. He is the first shipboy to ever exist in our world. Being from the future and another world and all, he certainly is formidable. I can't think any of us even come close to matching him.

Javelin: Yet, from what Cleveland said, he has a trait similar to yours.

Enterprise: (*flashback.*) ('An unrelenting resolve to fight and protect.')

(Just as Enterprise ponders on her thoughts she sees Aegis running on the dock where ship form was moored. Once she saw him transform into his rigging form, he jumped on the water and glided in a hurry. Wanting to know why she decided to head back to the command building.)

(20 minutes ago)

(It was 11:30 A.M. when Aegis woke up from his quarters after his arrival. The concept of sleep was...foreign to him as felt he didn't need it due to being a nuclear-powered battleship. However, when Cleveland saw him still awake at 2:30 in the morning, the shipgirl promptly told him -more likely yelled at him- to sleep despite his reluctance. After washing and drying himself in the bathroom, he quickly dressed and put on clothing from his nonexistent crew -after checking the crew lockers to find the right size of underwear for him-, and went to the Command building. As he walked through the halls of the building, the shipgirls of the base couldn't help but stare at him as he walked. From what he had learned, he was the only shipboy in existence. Learning about females from one of his former crewmen before his destruction he wasn't surprised. Once he arrived in front of the commander's office he knocked on the door to see if someone was in.)

Prince of Wales: Come in... (*door opens*) Oh, Aegis, good morning.

Aegis: Good morning to you as well, Prince of Wales.

Prince of Wales: Please, you can call me Wales.

Aegis: Ok.

Prince of Wales: Is there something you need?

Aegis: Yes. I would like to speak about proposing an alliance between the Royal Navy and the Union Navy.

Prince of Wales: Why?

Aegis: I have nowhere to return to. I was destroyed in my former world. This place is the only one I can stay at the moment. So I am offering my services in helping you fight against the Sirens and Red Axis in exchange for granting me access to the resources on this base.

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