Chapter 3- Clubbing

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Din Djarin's pov:

Now I was being pulled through the dark busy streets of Alderaan by a prince. It still was not going through my head properly. He was wearing a dark cloak with the hood draped over his head to make sure no one recognised him. I'm not exactly sure how effective that is though.

"This won't be happening again by the way." I assured him, "This is your last night out of the palace." I said sternly. I am now seeing his point about me being 'grumpy'. The streets of Alseraan are busy and crowded.

People were drinking and... things I don't want to mention but they all seemed so wrapped up in their own affairs that they wouldn't notice a prince just casually storming through the streets with a Mandalorian.

"Yeah yeah sure it will be Mandalorian. You've already caved it's too late." He joked. Does he really think he can get whatever he wants? This kid is spoilt, stuck up and so naive. "Here we are," we were standing outside of a nightclub? "This one's my favourite." He said.

His favourite? Why has been to multiple clubs on Alderaan. How many has he been to?

He dragged me into the club and music was blasting, it was in a language I didn't understand. It was completely packed and there was pretty much no room to move. Prince Luke let go of my hand and he slipped into the middle of the dance floor, his hood slipping off and beginning to dance with a stranger.

I stood rigid closer to the wall but made sure that he was always in my sight. If Senator Organa finds out about this he will kill me. Although, the grin on Luke's face as he danced along to the music made me feel a little bit happy. I can only assume how isolating the Prince and Princess are and to see him have one hour of joy made me feel slightly happier.

But this was never happening again. This is the last time.

When I had brought myself out of my thoughts I couldn't see Luke. Frantically I looked around trying to spot him. Luckily I saw him taking shots at the bar with someone and I rolled my eyes. He spotted me, grinned and began walking towards me while moving his shoulders to the beat.

"Dance with me!" He shouted over the music. He rested his hands on my upper arms and slowly brought them down and held my hands, moving them to the beat forcing me to dance a little bit.

"Not happening. No way." I said sternly and standing as still as I ever have.

He looked up at me in a way that can only be described by saying 'batting his eyelashes', "If you dance with me we can reduce my time here to thirty-five minutes?" He smiled up at me coming a little closer to me.

I don't really want to be in this place any longer so this is probably the best option. I sighed, "Fine. Nothing crazy though." I rolled my eyes under my helmet as we danced.

He pulled me into the middle of the dance floor still holding my hands. I don't know how to dance in a more freestyle way (the Mandalorian had only taught me some traditional dances) so I just followed his lead.

He leaned into me and pulled away then leaned into me and pulled away. He kept doing this jokingly twirling around and leaning into my eyes. I narrowed my eyes but made sure that he didn't fall.

"You know," he proceeded to shout over the music, "this would be a lot more fun if you just danced a bit." He smiled up at me.

I pushed his back up to make him stand again, "If I do can we leave in five minutes?" We had already been here far too long, I was cutting it down.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah sure. But I want to see energy. I know you secretly know how to dance." He smirked. He let go of my hands and gestured to me to get me to dance.

"I don't know how to dance Prince Luke. I'm a bounty hunter not a stripper." I said with a plain monotone voice.

Luke shrugged, "Could of fooled me." He joked Ren swiftly moved in, "All you have to do is," he grabbed my hips and I tensed up, what is he doing? "Relax. Now just sway them and wave your arms around a bit."

I hesitantly did what he said and only because I wanted to leave. I stopped 'dancing' very quickly when Luke started laughing, "What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing it's just- you know what come here." He wrapped his arms around my neck and swayed to the fast upbeat music and I followed along. I hated every single second of this experience and I cannot wait to go back to the palace.

Once his time was up I pushed him off me and dragged him out the club, "All right! You've had your fun, we are going now." I pulled his hood up to give him a little bit of a disguise.

He groaned but accepted it, "Dod you have fun tonight?" He asked drunkenly bouncing along side me as we walked back.

"No." I stated.

He rolled his head back and hit my arm (he immediately recoils it out of pain from hitting my armour), "Oh come on! You defiantly did. I bet you were so happy to dance with a prince in a club, I bet you were blushing like crazy under that helmet of yours Din Djarin." He was partially sliding his words. I have no clue how I'm going to hide his hangover from his father tomorrow.

"That is inappropriate Luke. You are drunk. Here we are." We sneaked through the palace gates and the guards didn't even see us - im not exactly sure how secure this place is- then I began climbing the wall to his balcony.

I turned around and saw Luke sitting on the wet grass, "What are you doing? Come on you've got to get back in your room." I urged him.

He snorted, "You think I can climb that," he lazily pointed
to the wall, "while so drunk that the corner of my vision is blury. No way. He lay down on the grass.

I groaned and hopped down. I picked him up and rested him on my back. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist (never once in my life did I think I would give a drunk prince a piggy back but here we are). I began climbing and it honestly wasn't that difficult, he wasn't really that heavy. Which I didn't really expect because he is fairly tall.

Once we got up to the balcony I pushed him over the side and he clattered on the floor. He groaned and in my head I thought, thats pack back for earlier.

I dragged him over to bed and forced him into it. I put the covers over him and left the room making sure to lock the balcony doors. When I left I saw the other night guard. I sat down next to him and he said, "Your the new guy aren't you?"

"Yep." I said closing my eyes. Senator Organa had told me i was aloud to sleep in these bits.

"Why were you so late coming out?" He asked suspiciously.

I groaned, "The prince talks a lot." No way was I going to tell him what had actually happened tonight."

1295 Words

Yay Luke and Din goes clubbing. I'm sorry it was very funny to write

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