Chapter 13- Rythm

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Din Djarin's pov:

I couldn't think about anything but my interaction with Luke. He loved me? And I loved him! It was so obvious. But he thought I didn't love him. I sighed. What am I meant to do now? Also, how had I not spotted this earlier, Leia clearly new and practically told me.

I lay wide awake in my bed, I had told Senator Organa what had happened (maybe leaving out a few details to do with love) and explained it was best if I wasn't with Luke tonight. He agreed and set up double security just to be safe. So now I lay in the comfort of my own bed feeling disheartened and sad.

Before I knew it though, there was light outside - I hadn't slept, not even a little bit. I began getting ready and put my helmet back on. As I was putting my blasters in my belt though my door swung open. Leia came rushing in and she looked like she was panicking, "We think Luke's ran away!"

I jolted round, "What?!" I asked in an alarmed tone.

"His balcony door was smashed and he left this note." She rushed over handing me a piece of paper. It read:

Dear everyone in the palace,
I am fine. This isn't a hostage situation, I just wanted to leave for a bit. Have fun without me for a while.
Lots of love, Luke.

"I'll get searching." I said. I began walking out and Leia followed.

"You know what this is all about don't you?" She asked.

"I may." I peered through an open door but he wasn't in there.

"What's going on? Is Luke okay?" She asked checking another room.

"We had a fight last night." I said anxiously. Leia was very defensive of Luke and I didn't want her to be angry with me as well.

"You phrase that like your married." She laughed and I tensed up a bit. "So what was this fight about?" She asked.

"Well Luke had snapped at me and told me to leave. So I was talking to a friend and I may of said he was childish and irritating. He over heard- and it all escalated. Pillows and words were thrown and then something came out..." I said checking in another room.

"Like what, a secret?" She asked confused.

"More like... he did." I said closing my eyes, anxiously awaiting her response. She said nothing. "He told me he loved me."

"And what did you say?" She asked.

"I panicked and didn't say anything." I responded.

She hit my arm, "You idiot!" She laughed. "You love him too right though?"

I sighed, "I do. I really do."

"Yeah, it was so obvious. Some people owe me money now." She smiled.

I stopped rushing and turned to her, "You bet on this?" I asked in disbelief.

"Irrelevant. You need to tell him how you feel. That is if you feel forever about him. If you don't though you might as well give up now and get your sorry arse off this planet." She said staring at me.

I nodded, "I know. I'm going to check outside the palace, it's probably best if you stay here and look."

She nodded, "Good idea." I started to leave when she shouted after me, "And Din?!" I turned, "Tell him how you feel." She smiled.

I smiled, nodded and then ran. I needed to find Luke before someone hurt him, or he hurt himself. I ran outside the palace gates and suddenly I was out on the busy streets of Alderaan again. I looked around in a panicked frenzy and had no idea where to look.

The first place I checked was the club we had went to. After searching through a busy crowd (even for the morning) I concluded he was not there.

Where was he?

The next place I checked was where I had bought the flowers. He wasn't there either. To be honest I don't know why I thought he would be there in the first place.

Where was he?

Then I had an idea, the river. The same river I had plummeted into when chasing after an assassin. If he sat along the pillars of the tall balcony he wouldn't be seen and it would be very easy to get to from his room.

I pushed my way through the crowds (reviving a few offended glares) and bolted for the river. One million thoughts racing through my head but I was only listening to one. And that one was Leias voice saying, "tell him how you feel."

I slowed as I finally reached the river and spotted Luke sitting leaning against the pillar. Exactly where I thought he would be. I ran towards him and he jolted and pointed a blaster at me. I put my hands up in surrender, "It's just me."

He sighed and slowly lowered the blaster. He looked back down at his feet, "What do you want?"

I came over and sat down next to him, "I wanted to make sure you were alright. You gave everyone quite a scare you know, especially your sister." He deliberately looked away from me. "And me."

He looked at me, "What?"

"I was worried. I didn't know if you were in harms way. My heart was beating so quickly it could of powered a cruiser." I laughed. "I needed to make sure you were alright."

Luke scoffed looking away again, "And why would you care?"

I cupped his cheek making him look at me, "Because I love you Luke."

He didn't look me in the eye, instead he looked towards the floor, "Your just saying that because you want to make me feel better."

"I'm not." I said. Now I would like to say that what I did next was a decision I didn't think I would make and especially not for the Prince of Alderaan, but I did. Slowly, I removed my helmet and saw Luke's reaction as I did. He looked shocked (and possibly fear).

I pulled his face closer and kissed him. He lifted his hands and wrapped them around my neck just like he did when we were dancing. We kissed to a rhythm. It felt desperate and needy yet sweet and timely. It was quick but wasn't rushed and most importantly it was true.

He pulled away slowly but stayed close to my face. He was breathing heavily when he said, "So... what does this mean?" He asked.

"It means I love you." I smiled. "Oh and it may or may not mean you have to marry me now because you have seen my face. That or I kill you."

"Second option please." He joked.

I scoffed and hit his arm.

"Are we okay now?" I asked.

He nodded, "We always were. I was just being a whiny child." He smirked, "Hey you said it yourself." He laughed and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Wow I love you." I said in complete realisation.

"I love you too."

1184 words

Haha nice. Fics not done yet btw :)

Useless bodyguard ~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now