Chapter 4- Protective?

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Din Djarin's pov:

The next morning I may or may not of stormed into Senator Organas office, "You didn't tell me your son had weird magical powers!" I shouted slamming my hands on his desk startling him into looking up.

"Well good morning to you to Din Djarin." He smiled, "I was a afraid this may happen. Did he lift you?" He asked.

"Yes he did! How did you- actually no. How did he do that?" I ask kind of frantically.

He shrugged his shoulders, "We assume the force, it makes sense regarding who his parents are."

"You have those magic powers to?" I asked in disbelief. Is everyone on this planet magic.

Senator Organa chuckled to himself, "Oh my stars no. His real parents. His father was a Jedi after all."

"Your not his- a Jedi- what's a- adopted?" Too many questions were running through my brain at once. "Should you be telling me this?"

"Oh it's hardly classified information, they both know. They just don't know who their parents are." He informed me.

I nodded, "So he can just do... that?"

He sighed, "I was afraid to tell you, I thought you might not take the job, I completely understand if you want to leave now."

"No it's fine. Some twenty year old with magic powers isn't that threatening. Although, I would of like to of known beforehand so I could be prepared." I said.

"I understand. But I did hire you to be a bodyguard and you aren't exactly doing that right now." He said.

"Sorry Senator Organa I'll get right back to it." I straightened up and I exited his office.

As I walked down the corridors people nodded at me and said 'good morning'. It was awfully strange and something I've never been used to. To add to all this, I presume I would be staying here for quite some time which was another foreign concept to me, I'm quite used to moving around.

When I got back to my post on his door the other night guard turned to me, "Well my shift has ended so I must be going. He's still asleep in there." He said.

I nodded and moved in front of the door as he left. I stood there for a while wrapped up in my own thoughts kind of bored. What do I do now? I didn't have anyone to talk to because his bedroom is at the top of a lonely spiral staircase and there were no other rooms or corridors anywhere.

Eventually though someone came up carrying a tray.

I lifted my chin, "Who are you and what's your business here?" I asked. Is this what bodyguards do? I honestly don't know. Why did the Senator employ me? Sure I can fight but I don't know jack shit about being a bodyguard. I really am one of the most useless bodyguards.

The young man carrying the tray said, "Im here to bring the Prince his breakfast." He gestured to the tray of fancy, delicious looking muffins he was carrying.

I was just about to let him in when I remembered the absolute state the prince would be in from last night. I didn't want anyone to know about his little venture into the city so I pushed in front of him before he could enter and said, "I think it's best if I take that in." And took the tray off him.

He pulled back confused, "The old guard always let me in to give the Prince his food?" He wasn't trying to be rude he was just confused.

"Well I'm not the old guard. Now skedaddle." I shooed him away. He just shrugged turning around and making his way back down the stairs. I don't think the other staff members here are going to like me very much.

Once I was sure he was gone I knocked on the grand door and said, "Prince Luke, I have your breakfast. May I come in?" I asked.

From the inside I heard a loud grumble and then he groaned the words, "Yes, if you must." Which was slightly muffled halfway through which I presume was him pulling the covers over his head to block out the light. I walked in and saw exactly that.

When he heard me enter the room he came out from under the covers and winced at the light. "Where's Aurra?" He asked.

I looked around the room confused as to who he was referring to, "Who?"

He sat up lazily, "The guy who usually brings me the food?" he asked.

Oh that's who he's speaking about, "Oh well, I brought it in. I didn't know if he was an assassin in disguise." I tried making excuses.

"An assassin? Aurra? He could never." He laughed. I did not. "A little protective aren't you?" He mocked me pouting his lips and looking up at me.

I shoved his tray in front of him and walked over and leaned on the wall, "Thats my job. To protect you." I said in a monotone voice.

As he was eating his muffin he said, "No," and gestured to me with the half eaten muffin in hand, "your a bounty hunter. You don't know Jack shit about being a bodyguard. Actually in fact are you a useless bodyguard?" He was repeating everything I thought from earlier.

"How did you-" I thought best not to pry, "It's rude to talk and chew." I stated trying to change the topic, "learn some manners." I said bitterly.

As he chewed his spoke up again, "It's rude to lean on walls." He spat muffin crumbs out, "Learn some manners." He said smirking.

I got up off the walk and mumbled, "Disgusting."

He heard me, grinned and then rolled his eyes. I think he enjoyed the distaste I felt towards him.

He finished his muffin then said, "Oh and to answer your question from earlier, the Jedi can read minds. Or something like that. Something to do with the force." He shrugged, "I don't know all that much about it. Muffin?" He asked.

I crossed my arms, "No thank you." Although they did look pretty nice, I really did want one in reality but it felt rude to take one and besides I can't remove my helmet anyway.

He picked one up walked over to me and put it in my hand, "It's not rude. Also I need a showed a ways, take your helmet off and eat it, I won't see." He smiled walking off.

I accepted defeat and when he was in the bathroom and couldn't see me I removed my helmet and at the muffin. And oh my stars was it good.

1136 words
I really want a muffin. I only write this cause I want a muffin.

Useless bodyguard ~ DinlukeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt