Chaoter 18- Till death do us part

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Din Djarin's pov:

It was finally the day. The day I would be marrying Prince Luke Organa. It was still completely bizarre to me that I was marrying a Prince but I didn't have time to think about that. Me and Luke had both agreed that I could keep my armour on. Also I knew what Luke was wearing, the robes from the night he almost got assassinated.

I know, it sounded crazy when I heard it to but honestly the reason behind it was beautiful. He had said that he wanted to reclaim the robes as he felt they had been stolen from him. That night had been so traumatic but he wanted to put that behind these robes, he didn't want that to be what he knew them for. He wanted them to be robes that brought him joy and happiness.

I had decided to support him and that and I wore my cape from that night. We both agreed to keep the wedding small, me, him, his parents, Leia and no one else. We met in the deep forests which were decorated with lights and beautiful fabrics were tied around the trees to make a circle.

Luke looked me up and down, "You look amazing." He smiled and said softly.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm wearing what I always wear."

"And you look lovely." He smiled.

"Well thank you. You look as stunning as ever." I smiled at look. It was true, he really did. He looked elegant yet so friendly and beautiful. "Well let's do this."

Leia and his parents were waiting and we just decided to start no formal introduction.

"Din Djarin, it's funny to think the first time we met I made you take me to a club. Sorry father. You hated dancing yet did it anyway because you knew it made me happy. That's what I admire about you, you never put yourself first and always make sure I'm happy. I love you Din Djarin and I will stay with you and protect you till death do us part." He smiled.

Senator Organa was crying and I was resisting the urge to laugh but Luke's vows brought me to tears.

"How do I follow that up?" I laughed through the tears. "Luke Organa. When I first met you I thought you were irritating and annoying, and although that may still be- im joint of course. Your kindness is something I shall never forget, you love others regardless and are so welcoming and friendly. That's what I admire about you Luke. I love you Luke Organa and I will stay with you and protect you till death do us part." I pulled his in and hugged him. We obviously couldn't kiss now but when we got back I knew we would.

We were both crying hysterically now, "You crying made me cry!" He said.

"You know what would cheer you up right now?" I asked.

"Scones." We said in unison and we both made our way to the table of food where his parents anew Leia were waiting.

The evening was lovely and I wouldn't trade it for the world. We danced, we drank and we ate until we were close to being sick.

By the end of the night his mother and father were dancing together, Leia was asleep from drinking so much and we were lying against a tree. He slowly looked up at me and smiled, "I love you so much."

"I love you too."


Useless bodyguard ~ DinlukeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin