Chapter 9- Auricula's

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Din Djarin's pov:

When we got back to Luke's room I attempted to dry my armour and he lay down in his bed still partially shaking. "Are you okay?" I asked. I obviously knew the answer but it was a way to get him to open up about his feelings, I could tell he wasn't okay.

"Still processing it all I suppose. To make matters worse im completely smashed. I guess I was right, no one in the galaxy likes me." He weakly smiled pulling the covers up to his chin.

"You cant say that because of one assassin you know. People in the galaxy like you." I reassured him. Although, I did want to know the motive behind the assassin (or whoever they worked for). The royal family on Alderaan haven't really done anything awful that would affect anyones lively hood or anything.

"But I agree, you are completely smashed. Go to bed, your father is already in a bad mood I can't imagine that finding out his son was drunk when he almost got assassinated will help." I tried to say it as gently as possible.

He hummed, "Good night Din." And he closed his eyes.

"Gold night Luke." I replied. Outside I heard more guards appear and take their place, I also saw some at the bottom of his balcony. I made my way over to it and locked the door just in case.

I stood by the balcony's glass doors for a while when Luke spoke up with his eyes still closed, "Could you sit down please?" He asked politely.

"Hm?" I hummed in confusion.

Luke still didn't open his eyes as he spoke, "Its just I can feel you looming over me and it is slightly unsettling. I would prefer you to sit down, just to feel a bit safer." He explained.

I nodded, "Of course." And sat down on the velvet love seat across from his bed.

He smiled softly, "Thank you." And he drifted off to sleep.

Time skip brought to you by all the angst I have planned for this fic :)

Before Luke woke up the next morning I made a quick trip to the city. I informed Senator Organa of what I was doing and why and he cleared it and put some extra guards outside of Luke's room to make sure he was safe.

As I attempted to navigate the busy streets I was getting more and more stressed. Why is dam planet so difficult to navigate? Eventually though I found what I was looking for.

Alderaan florists.

Perfect. I made my way inside, being hit by a strong floral scent and was greeted by a droid. "Can I help you sir?" The droid asked.

"I'm just looking for flowers." I said. Well no shit dumbass? What else would I buy in a florists?

"What kind are you looking for?" The droid asked.

"Umm... nice ones?" I replied. I don't know shit about flowers.

Im sure if that droid could sigh, it would of but instead if said, "Well we just got a new shipment of Auricula's if you would like to take a look at those?"

I nodded, "Sounds perfect." The droid led me to wall with bouquets of beautiful flowed from floor to ceiling. I pointed at one that caught my eye, "That one, that ones perfect."

The droid removed them from the wall and handed me the bouquet, "Good choice sir. That will be three credits."

I nodded and took the bouquet. I searched through a pouch and handed the droid the requested amount. Quickly, I left the shop and began to make my way back to the palace.

On the way back I revived quite a few stares. I suppose seeing a mandolorian carrying a bouquet of flowers isn't an everyday sight for these people.

These stares didn't stop inside the palace walls either. While I was walking Leia came up behind me, "Who are the flowers for?" She asked and I jumped.

"Leia. Good morning. Shouldn't you be locked im your room because of what happened last night like Luke?" I asked trying to deflect from the question.

"No they are only keeping him locked up in there because they can't trust him. They can trust me. Now don't avoid the question... who are the flowers for? They are very nice." She asked so clearly suspicious.

"Well I've got to get back to my station so..." I tried to quickly walk away.

She rushed to keep up with me, "I know they are for Luke." Shit, "Why?" She asked. "Do you love him?" She joked.

"Absolutely not!" I shook my head, "He just got upset last might when you revived flowers. He started talking about how he never gets flowers. And because of everything that happened last night I decided to get him some flowers. To cheer him up."

"Aww thats so sweet. Go get him lover boy!" She smiled and began walking away.

I quickly snapped my head around, "Hey I am not-"

"Lover boy!" She yelled after me.

I rolled my eyes and made my way up the endless spiral staircase to Luke's room. I took the tray from the chefs hand and then knocked on the door. "Come in." He said.

I opened the door and he looked up at me and smiled, "What's this? A bouquet?"

"Well you mentioned that no ones ever gotten you flowers and after last nights events I thought it might cheer you up." I handed him his breakfast and the flowers.

"Oh you didn't have to do that." He said while admiring the flowers and smiling.

"Did you not want the flowers?" I asked.

"Of course I do." He smiled, "Thank you..." He looked down at the flowers with a warm smile.

"Oh? Is that a genuine thank you?" I asked.

"Of course." He smiled. "Auricula's, my favourite."

My head snapped up, "Really?"

He nodded, "Yes. Leia revived some a few years back and I just fell in love with them. I stole them and turned them into a flower crown. She was angry but agreed that it suited me." He grinned as he retold the memory, "How did you know?"

"Lucky guess I suppose." I shrugged, good luck.

He held the bouquet close to his chest and breathed in the scent, "Thank you Din."

1075 words

Awww cute... but not for long mother fuckers.

Anyway, these are Auricula's:

Anyway, these are Auricula's:

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Pretty right?

Useless bodyguard ~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now