Chapter 5- Shame

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Din Djarin's pov:

Throughout the day, Prince Luke wondered around his room doing whatever, sometimes reading sometimes just making things float. I could see he was bored but I just stood there. Eventually, he sobered up a little bit and I was so relieved it was just in time for dinner.

We both made our way down to the awfully grand dining hall they had in the palace. His father and mother greeted us both and Prince Luke sat down. I just stood a safe distance away from his chair.

Princess Leia lifted her head up and said, "Father, can Din Djarin not join us to eat?"

Senator Organa nodded, "Thats a lovely idea! Come come, sit down. Join us for a meal."

"I apologise, but it is against my creed to remove my helmet. So I am afraid I won't be able to join you. I shall eat in my quarters later." I said and then nodded in respect. I knew my meal wasn't going to be as lavish as theirs but it's better then the food I usually make myself.

Prince Luke joined in on the conversation, "Oh well at least sit down, it feels like we are excluding you when you stand up there." He patted the empty seat next to him, "come sit."

Awkwardly and slowly I sat down next to Prince Luke. Not knowing exactly what to do in straightened my posture a bit so I didn't look lazy and just sat... in silence. This is an extremely uncomfortable experience.

"Ah! Before I forget," the Senator began, "me your mother and your sister have organised a party in two days time. It's to find potential suitors for your sister." He said. I saw Princess Leia role her eyes at the statement and I silently chuckled to myself.

"What about a party to find suitors for me?" Prince Luke wined.

"Well when you stop being... we'll like this darling we will consider it." His mother said.

Prince Luke scoffed, "What do you mean like this? Do you mean myself?" He asked.

His mother laughed, "No we mean, rebellious, angsty teenager, an alcoholic, a flirt. The list goes on. How much time have you got?" She sarcastically mocked him.

Prince Luke sunk down in his chair trying to hide his face which was bright red in a sulk. He mumbled something about how 'stupid this all is' and pouted. I am honestly loving becoming a royal guard because this is absolutely hilarious.

Senator Organa clapped his hands together, "No let's get back in topic. Tomorrow you will be fitted for an outfit and Din," he turned his attention to me, "could we get you a new cape perhaps? Maybe one that would fit the theme a bit more?" He asked.

I nodded, "Thats fine."

"Great! Now obviously you will be accompanying Luke to the party to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Please make sure he is safe and isn't drinking, no one wants a drunk Luke meltdown at this party okay?" He said.

As the conversation went on I saw Luke sink down in his chair more and become more and more embarrassed. I was loving this.

"Finally, please remember Luke that this is for your sister so no funny business. Don't try and flirt with the suitors like you tried to at the Senator party please." He smiled sarcastically.

Prince Luke scoffed, "Excuse me? I hardly see how I was flirting with any of them."

His mother chipped in, "You wrapped your arms around him and insisted he danced with you. That's flirting darling." She smiled and went back to eating his food.

He covers his face with his hands and then looked up at me in a 'get me out of here' sort of way. I was too busy focusing on what his mother had said. Wrapping his arms around him and insisting he dance with him. That's exactly what he did last night. Could he...? No I'm overthinking this. He was blackout drunk last night.

Finally this tense family meal (plus me) came to end and Senator Organa and Queen Breha Organa left the room. Prince Luke had already made his way out and I was trying to catch up with him when Leia stopped me. "Where did you take him last night?"

"What?" I asked. I knew exactly what she was talking about but she didn't know that.

"He gave you puppy eyes didn't he?" She laughed, "I didn't expect you of all people to give into them. Just know that if our father finds out you are dead."

"I don't know what your talking about. Now excuse me I must get back to... guarding your brother." I said and began to leave.

She shouted after me as I opened the door, "Or kissing him!"

As I was leaving I said, "Absolutely not!" And closed the door. I honestly did like Princess Leia. She was witty, funny and knew how to catch you out. That's what made her dangerous.

When I caught up to Prince Luke he asked, "What did Leia want?"

"Oh just talking about how your not a good drunk Prince Luke." Nice save, "Although I already witnessed that last night."

Prince Luke groaned, "Ugh, Prince Luke. Gross. Just call me Luke, it's a lot better."

"That's unprofessional though?" I said.

"You took me to a club last night. I think we are passed unprofessional." He joked.

"No no no! You dragged me to club and threatened me with your mind powers!" I corrected him.

"Mind powers?" He laughed, "You mean the force?" He joked looking up at me with a sarcastic face.

"Yes, that. I wouldn't of done anything if you hadn't of thrown me off of a balcony with the force." I said.

"Oh okay? Do you not like it when I do this then?" He asked. I felt
My feet slowly rise of the ground against my will and I began to panic.

"No I don't! Put me down this instant!" I demanded. He dropped me on the floor and I almost fell over.

He raised his hands in surrender, "Good to know them."

1035 words

I have soooo many chapter ideas it's insane.

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