Chapter 17- Acceptance

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Din Djarin's pov:

It was early in the morning and Luke was now sitting across from his parents and I stood behind his chair. He had spent all of last night and this morning panicking and I'm shocked he didn't have a heart attack. Both Leia and I had reassured him that everything would be fine but it didn't help him at all. Once Luke gets worked up it's hard to bring him back down.

Senator Organa was taking about all the arrangements for him and Archilla's meeting but I could only really hear Luke's heavy breathing. He really was panicking.

"And then we shall- Luke are you alright? Your looking a little pale and your breathing is all over the place. Are you feeling alright?" He asked putting his papers down.

"Well I- I need to speak to you both about something very important." He said and it sounded like he was holding back tears.

Both his mother and his father perked up. His mother said, "Of course dear, you can tell us anything." She smiled and I really hope she sticks to her word.

"Okay," he released a shaky breath, "I cant marry Archilla because my heart is already someone else's." Wow that was phrased both dramatically and poetically.

"Excuse me? Who is she?" Senator Organa asked.

Luke shakily laughed out of panic, "Well he is Din Djarin. The man standing right behind me." He said.

Senator Organa raised an eyebrow and looked up at me, "Is this true?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes sir, it is."

Senator Organa nodded slowly, "I see." He clapped his hands together, "Well I guess we shall have to cancel Archilla's flight and inform her family not to come then." He smiled. "And I guess I have a son in law."

Luke smiled out of shock (and so did I), "So your cool with this? What about the whole economy thing and political stance thing?" He asked. It felt like a trap.

His mother took his hands and said, "Oh darling, we're not monsters. If we knew you had your heart set on someone else we never would of arranged this. We want you to be happy, besides it's better then that one Leia is seeing at the moment." She laughed.

"Wait Leia is seeing someone?!" He asked.

She laughed and covers her mouth, "Oops shouldn't of said that."

"We are proud of you." Senator Organa smiled, "But you do know you will have to announce your marriage to pretty much the whole galaxy. And you know the responses you may get." He warned.

Luke nodded, "I know father and I am prepared for that."

Time skip brought to you by my new back pack that I really like.

It had been broadcasted to the entire galaxy. Me and Luke stood next to each other on a podium. Luke had said, "Recently my life changed for the better, recently I was awoken. Love is something that drives many communities and cultures and is celebrated throughout the galaxy. Marriage is a beautiful thing that should never be for anything but love. And I really do love someone." I still remember the smile that broke on his face.

"I am here to tell you that stance, power nothing like that matters. I want Alderaan to be a place of acceptance and diversity for all. And so I stand before you here to announce that I shall be marrying Din Djarin later this year." He smiled and turned to me and had pulled me into a hug. I remember the crowd before us cheering. I remember the letters we received from people telling us we were inspiring.

622 words

Awww cute. Also sorry it's a bit shorter.

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