Chapter 8- Defence

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Din Djarin's pov:

As we walked through the corridors making our way to the party I said, "You made us late you know. We are five minutes late now."

Luke laughed and rolled his eyes, "Oh boo hoo. I'm fashionably late." He stated.

"Sure." We approached the grand doors to the hall and Luke swing them open. The room was packed with people, chattering dancing to the music playing softly, it was beautiful to even look at. A few heads turned to see who was entering the room so dramatically but nothing dramatic. He walked through and I followed behind him.

He turned around and said, "Im just going to speak to that lot over there." He smiled and rushed off.

I didn't bother to follow him knowing I would just be shunned away. And so I stood against a wall trying to ignore the few stares I was reviving. I understood why though. The people staring were wearing floor length gold gowns with fancy up-do's or smart robes with beautiful hair. And there I stood with armour on and a cape that looked extremely out of place.

I made sure that I could still see Luke. He was on the other side of the room chatting with people who looked around his age, he seemed to be having a good time. I suppose its good that he gets to socialise with people his age once a year, there cant be that many in the palace, it must be lonely.

I stood awkwardly until Princess Leia approached me, "Din! You look amazing." She smiled. She had her hair in an extravagant up do with gold accessories and a majestic white dress with gold detailing. She was just being kind when she said I looked amazing.

"Princess." I bowed my head out of respect, "You look as beautiful as ever." I smiled. I want to know who their parents were so I can see the people who had genes this good.

"Shouldn't you be looming over my brothers shoulder making sure he doesnt accidentally inhale a drop of alcohol." She laughed leaning against the wall with me.

I shrugged, "I'm making sure he has his space as well. I don't want to 'embarrass' him in front of his friends."

Leia laughed, "Oh please. They are not his friends." I turned my head to look at her in confusion. "They are sons and daughters of senators that are rebellious like him. Did you not notice him just take a shot?" She smacked my arm.

My smile immediately dropped, "I'm gonna have to go. Have a nice party." I patted her shoulder and rushed over to where Luke was getting more drinks off the table. I grabbed the back of the collar of his shirt pulling him away from the drinks and said, "No, no, no, no, no."

He groaned.

I dragged him all the way back to where I was standing before and asked, "What were you thinking?"

He shrugged, "One shot cant hurt." He said.

I tilted my head, "One? Really?"

He laughed, "Okay three."

"Three?" I asked.

"Five. Are you happy now?" He rolled his eyes.

"Five! When did you think you could have one let alone five!?" I whisper yelled.

"I didn't, but I wanted them, so I got them." He shrugged.

"You are not leaving my sight. You will stay with me and if you want to go somewhere I am going with you. I don't want your father to know you've had five shots already this evening." I said firmly.

He rested his head against the wall and groaned, "You ruin all my fun!" He complained.

"Im making sure you don't die! Be grateful." I replied.

We slipped into an uncomfortable silence and both just watched Leia. She was conversing with the guests so smoothly. One of the guests offered her a bouquet of flowers and she accepted them thanking them then handing them to a droid (to be put in water I presume).

Luke spoke up, "No one gets me flowers."

I turned my head to look at him, "What?" I asked.

"Flowers. I've never revived them. I suppose I have once, from my mother on my birthday but never from a guest. Leia is the one who gets the flowers. However the public does like her more than me so it makes sense." He said in a sad gentle tone.

"Thats not true." I reassured him.

"You don't have to lie." He weakly laughed, "I know they don't like me, they all have a fair reason to. Im irresponsible, irritable and straight up annoying."

I shrugged, "Okay? Maybe you are, doesn't mean they don't like you. They're just a bit more wary around you." I suggested.

He sadly smiled, "Thanks that makes me feel so much bet-" he was cut off though by a blaster shot that just about missed his head and loud shrieks.

I pulled my blaster from my belt standing in front of Luke. Senator Organa was right, this was the perfect time to assassinate someone. The assassin however wasn't all that good.

I quickly sprinted after him pushing a few guests out the way. I followed him out the door and onto the balcony, a few other guards had came out and the assassin was now backed up into a corner against the railing with the guards pointing their spears at him and my blaster pointed at his head.

There was only one escape, one escape I knew he would take. Quickly he looked down and then jumped. I quickly sprinted after him plummeting down with him into the lake below. What a coward.

When I broke the surface of the water I quickly swam after him grabbing him by his collar and punching him repeatedly. I would of used my blasters and killed him but they were busted from the water.

When I was sure he was passed out I swam back to land with him and was met with a lot of guards, Senator Organa and Luke who was shaking. I dropped him on the ground and said, "He should be passed out for a bit."

Senator Organa, "Thank you Din. Guards! Take this man to the interrogation cell please. Tonight we need double security outside of everyone's rooms. Din," he turned his attention back to me, "I will need you to keep watch in Luke's room this evening just in case. Is that alright?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes of course Sir."

"Good. If you would please escort Luke back to his room." He said.

I made my way over to Luke who was still shaking and as we began walking I asked, "You weren't hurt were you?" I looked him up and down to make sure.

He shook his head, "No. I wasn't. It just missed." He didn't seem very present and was still in a trance from the events that had just took place.

Slowly (as to not startle him) I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and said, "There is nothing to worry about. This will not happen again. Also, that assassin defiantly doesn't know how to use a blaster." I joked trying to lighten the mood. He gently laughed with me. "Now you need to get some sleep."

1231 words

Din Djarin doing his job instead of taking Luke to a club?!?! No way.

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