Chapter 6- Embroidery

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Din Djarin's pov:

The next morning before the sun had even begun to rise I returned to my position outside of Luke's door. I swapped with the guard that had covered for me the night before. I was still slightly exhausted but also dreading the day I had ahead of me. From what Senator Organa and Princess Leia had told me I was in for a real treat.

A few hours later, the chef came up the stairs and didn't even try to argue with me, he just gave me the tray and went back down the spiral staircase. The other guard that is positioned at the door doesn't talk to me and doesn't exactly care whatever I do.

I knocked on the door and I heard Luke grunt a 'come in'. When I walked in I said, "You know you should really ask who it is before you say come in. I could of been murderer." I said.

Luke rose from under the covers rubbing his eyes, "Im sure whoever wants to kill me won't be all that bothered about knocking." He said.

I shrugged, "I suppose not." I handed him the tray of food and went back to where I usually stand by his dresser.

"Sit down." Luke said once he had swallowed a bite.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Sit down." He repeated, "It's awfully hard to eat when I have you just ominously looming in the corner of my room. Come on, sit." He patted the spot in front of him on his bed.

Slowly I moved forward and sat down in front of him. I sat tensely not exactly knowing how to sit on a bed in full armour. "We need to be at the seamstress's for ten thirty. Do you know where that is because I have no clue."

"I do yes. It should only take us five minutes to get there." He smiled. "Scone?" He offered me one of the scones on his plate, "I am going for a shower anyway, once I've finished this one."

I gratefully took the scone from his hands, "Are the only things you eat sweet foods?" I joked.

Luke shrugged, "I like sweet things." He stated plainly, "Besides a savoury breakfast is so boring." He complained.

"But more nutritious." I suggested.

"But boring." He said again, "Also these are the best scone ever. I'll be back in a minute. Tell me what you think of the scone." He smiled and got up. He made his way over to his bathroom and closed the door.

Once I heard the water start running I took my helmet of and took a bite of the scone. Luke was certainly right, These were the best scones ever but then again this is like the second time I've had scones... ever.

Time skip brought to you by that thing I brought that hasn't been shipped and now I'm stressing the seller is scamming me :)

As me and Luke were walking through the corridors of the palace on our way to the seamstress's he asked, "So... what did you think of the scone?" He smiled up at me.

"I have to agree with you on what you said earlier, it is the best scone ever." I said.

His grin widened, "Thank you! Leia always sag's they are too dry." He rolled his eyes.

He opened the door to the steams tress's and she turns around in excitement, "Prince Luke! I have not seen you in forever." She came rushing over and hit his arm, "Your really must visit more."

Luke held his hands up in surrender then said, "I apologise. But there are only so many robes you can make me before my father starts to worry about the cost." He joked. It was strange seeing Luke talk to someone normally as I am always so tense around him ; I never have a conversation like this with him.

The seamstress rolled her eyes, "You know I would make you anything free of charge." She laughed.

"And you know that I can't accept that." He joked making his way further into the room and I just stood ominously behind him.

She looked up and saw me, "Oh and you must be Din Djarin." She smiled. She quickly turned back to Luke though, "Right so I hear the theme is white and gold?" She checks.

Luke smiled and nodded, "Yes that is correct."

Well I'm going to look ridiculous. Everyone else at this party will be wearing nice white gowns and robes with gold accents (I presume) and I will be standing there with full armour on and a white cape for a little pizazz.

"I presume you will be getting what you usually get for formal events Luke?" She confirmed.

He nodded and then said, "Yes but maybe add a bit more pizazz to the trail on the robe." He then turned his head to look up at me.

I knew he couldn't see but I rolled my eyes under my helmet.

She nodded, "More pizazz got it." She turned to face me, "Senator Organa has just put you down for a cape? Is that alright with you?" She asked. I nodded. She smiled, "Alrighty then! Well start on your cape first and then once we have finished that we will work on your robes Luke."

She turned around working her way through some draws pulling out things she needed.

Time skip brought to you by soul music. I love soul so much.

She finished designing, fitting and making my cape in one hour. And honestly it was a beautiful white cape with gold stitching and gold rose embroidery along the bottom. How she had done this in an hour I don't know? Its not exactly my style but she said it will suit me and shes the professional so I trust her word.

However, it had been six hours since she had started Luke's robed and they still weren't finished. She was designing them for quite sometime because Luke kept changing his mind. I felt sorry for the poor woman having to redraw the same rose over snd over again until it was 'just right'.

But eventually he settled on a design and she got to work on his robes. I knew it was going to take longer than my cape because... well its more than a cape. But I didn't expect it to take this long. He didn't let me see the design or the robes while she was working on it so I just sat alone on a chair while Luke was behind a screen.

"Are you ready?" He asked peeking his head out. I nodded. He glided out and the robes flowed behind him. They were the same white fabric and gold detailing that I had with a white dress shirt with a small embroidered rose and a pair of tailor trousers. Honestly it was stunning.

"So what do you think?" He asked in a serious tone his posture immediately shifting,

"Its nice." I smiled under my helmet and nodded.

The seamstress gave me a death glare putting her head in her jade as she leaned over her work desk.

"Just nice?" He asked horrified.

Now I realised what it was about, "Well you didn't let me finish my sentence first." I quickly tried to recover the situation before the poor (lets be real probably underpaid) seamstress, had to work on a whole new set of robes. "Its jaw dropping I suppose. You will defiantly turn some head with it. And honestly the cape... wow." I was just telling him what he wanted to hear and it was working.

He smiled, "Really? Thank you, I got mine to match yours." He was grinning widely.

Princess Leia is not going to let that one sillies easily is she?

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Useless bodyguard ~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now