Chapter 10- Anarchy

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Din Djarin's pov:

It had been around a week since the assassination incident and palace security began getting very harsh. I was required to make sure I could see Luke at all times (apart from showering and changing of course) he was not even to be let outside of the palace walls (not even his own balcony and there is ten times more security.

It was very clear that all this was getting to Luke. He was irritable and would snap at everything you said, he would argue with me about the littlest things and he didn't speak to me much. I don't think he was trying to be rude, I think the heavier security was getting to him though - he's used to doing what he wants and now he cant do anything without it having to be checker ten times to make sure its safe.

But I didn't have time to worry about all that right now as I was now sitting across from the assaying from the other night. He was tied down to his bed to ensure Luke's safety as I had to be able to see him at all times.

Senator Organa had put me in charge of interrogating him. I would like to clear something up first, I don't know how to interrogate. However, Senator Organa said that because I was a mandolorian I must have some 'persuasive tactics'. I couldn't tell if he meant that gruesomely or sexually and honestly... I didn't want to know.

To be honest I felt awful Luke would have to listen to this conversation but I needed to make sure he was safe. Besides, it might give him some closure?

"Who are you working for?" I asked. That sounded like the right thing to say.

The assassin narrowed his eyes at me, "You know I will never tell you that." We had been going back and forth with the same thing for about an hour. We were getting nowhere. Suddenly though I had an idea.

"Oh you don't have to. I already know everything about you. The detectives here on Alderaan are marvellous, they have already figured out every single detail of your whole ordeal." I said slyly.

"Then why bother interrogate me?" He laughed.

"Because you have something else don't you. You have something you want to say." I said. Did he? I don't know? I was pulling this all out of my arse. We didn't know shit, but this could make him talk.

His facial expressions began to grow confused, shocked, unsettled. I was getting somewhere with him. "Your bluffing." He scoffed trying to convince himself of that.

"I know who you work for and I know that if you go back to him without a dead prince your going to die yourself. So, its much better to tell us everything and go to prison. The prisons on Alderaan are impeccable and very up to standard." Its true, they are. But he wouldn't be going to a prison on Alderaan. Those prisons are for petty crimes, he would be going to a much bigger and tougher prison in the outer rim, but he didn't need to know that.

Realisation hit his face, "Fine." He said bitterly, "Ill tell you everything."

I nodded, "Go ahead."

"My organisation is to bring down the all royals in the galaxy. This hierarchy doesn't benefit anyone but them! They lay in their lavish palaces and castles while people working twice as hard as them live in squalor! Most people in our organisation aren't targeting particular royals but I am." He said. Shit. I could feel Luke growing uncomfortable but let the assassin continue. "You, an irresponsible child live in luxury while my family die from exhaustion on this planet. I want your family to feel the pain I felt when I lost my son because of this capitalist bullshit!" He yelled and spat.

Swiftly, I moved Luke back as I watched the man grow more and more hostile. "But that isn't Luke's fault and you know that."

"Its all their faults! Every last one of them." He yelled. He quickly shifted into a low whisper voice and said, "There is a revolution coming. Soon there will be no royal family and the people will unite to put your peoples heads on sticks!" He yelled.

"I think we are done here." I grabbed Luke's arm and pulled him out the room. In the corridor he leaned against the wall opposite me. "Are you alright."
He stayed silent but clearly something was on his mind. "Hey. Are you okay? What's bothering you?"

Luke sighed, "What if he has a point? We are elite. There are people dying on the streets out there and what do we do? Throw parties! I'm irresponsible and awful and they are all right! I should of died that night, it would of done this planet some good." He stayed looking down at the floor.

"Don't say that. I agree, poverty is awful and the state the planet is not the best but they are trying to change it. It can not change over night and you know that. None of this is your fault, you deserve to live." I said.

"Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! Don't sugar coat it! I deserved to die that night and you know it, I'm sick of being babied all the time and treated like I don't understand. Because I do understand! They wanted to kill me to make a political statement! They wanted to kill me to show 'hey! You all care when this one guy dies how about you look outside the palace and see all the hundreds of people dying out there? Oh you don't care because they are poor!'" He kicked the wall and stormed off.

"Luke, you need to-" I began.

"Fuck off! Leave me alone, I don't need you! Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!" And he ran off.

I obviously followed him as he was not allowed to leave my sight. I wanted to give him his space, I really did but I knew it wasn't allowed because he was still on high alert. Tonight is going to be a very tense night.

1050 words

Brace yourself for the next few chapter broskinis :)

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