ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2

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A few centuries have passed...

Over the years, people have forgotten about the myth. Which only a few still think the myth is real.

But that would all change today...


"Oh come on Bakugo! It'll be fun!" A red, spiked-haired boy yelled out, trying to drag his blonde friend, Bakugo, out the car. "I said I didn't want to come here shitty hair! You two extras dragged me."

"Oh stop being a party pooper, the beach will be fun!" A pink girl called out. As Bakugo got out the car. "I hate the beach."

"Oh you hate evrything, now let's go!" The girl runs out to the beach, followed by the other two. Their names being Kirishima and Mina. "I'll get everything set up, while you two have some alone time." As Mina started setting up the towels and other beach stuff, while the other two decided to go walk on the old dock.

"This shit will break if we even stand on it even longer." Bakugo says, annoyed. "Hey, it's still standing surprisingly after what we learned in class, remember?" They were taught about the docks being destroyed by some unknown disaster.

"It's probably those sirens we were told about.." Kiri stated. "You believe in that crap?"

"Who wouldn't! It sounded real!" Bakugo rolls his eyes, not interested in it. As they leaned on the railing, Kirishima's eyes caught a glimpse of something in the water, "what's that over there?"

It soon caught the others attention, which led to a big rock far out the water, there was something laying on it. "It could just be some dead animal. Nothing to be concerned of." Bakugo was about to leave, "I think it just moved bro."

As he took out his phone to get it to the camera to get a closer look.

"What the hell is that" Bakugo asked, seeing what was on Kiri's phone, "is he okay?"

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"What the hell is that" Bakugo asked, seeing what was on Kiri's phone, "is he okay?"

As Mina comes walking to the two, "alright boys, I have everything set up! What are you two doing?"

"May have seen something, don't know what or who it is" Kirishima explained, making Mina look as well. "Looks familiar, almost similar to that picture back in class." The three were shown a picture of two sirens when they were learning about the myth.

"Look, that myth is fake as hell. I don't believe it." Bakugo says while crossing his arms, stubborn as ever. "Well.. it's scary that it looks like one of the sirens from the picture..." as Kirishima looked back at his phone camera to realize they were gone.

"Now they're gone." He put his phone away. "You probably scared it off shitty hair."

"Let's just go back to our spot, I brought snacks!" As the trio head back to their spot on the beach, not knowing the yellow creature gotten closer to them in the water.


The day went by with Bakugo, Mina, and Kirishima all chilling out and eating their snacks, playing in the water and everything. They were gathering their stuff, until something caught Kiri's eyes.

"Hey. Are you gonna stand there or what." Bakugo called out, but Kiri didn't dare to move, for he has the look of slight fear on his face.

"Is he coming?" Mina called out. "Oi! Shitty hair! What are you-" as Bakugo looked and went quiet, along with Mina.

What they were seeing, was the yellow creature standing on the rock, and it wasn't alone this time. There was a black creature. The three were staring at the two, while the two were staring back, not moving an inch.

"If we move back slowly, maybe they won't notice." Mina whispers. "Are you stupid? It's just some dumb extras playing a prank on us. Hey! Stop fucking around!" Bakugo yells out, as the two were now targeting him.

The two creatures jumped in the water. "Let's just go, wasting our time." As Bakugo turned, only to get tackled down. Both Mina and Kirishima screamed out of fear. As Bakugo used his quirk on whoever tackled him. "If you don't get off me, then I will blow you to hell!!"

He got up quickly and turned, only to be face to face with the yellow one. Getting a closer look, Bakugo was seeing a resemblence.

"What the hell" within an instant, it snapped at him with an aquatic clicking sound, making him jump back a little. "Run while you can!" Mina yells, as she runs back to the car, leaving Kirishima and Bakugo alone with the two creatures.

"I'm gonna make sure you become sushi within the next five minutes." Bakugo threatened, as they hissed at him. "Dude, we should just leave them alone." Kirishima tells him, not wanting to fight them. "Now die!!" As he let off another explosion, causing the two to fall back. Giving them a chance to get to the car.

Once the boys got in, Bakugo started the car. "Luckily I got a picture of them." Mina exclaims with her phone in hand. "Let's get out of here before anything else happens." As they pull out and start driving away, leaving the two flabbergasted fish on the beach.

 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕤 [SeroKami]Where stories live. Discover now