ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8

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A few days have passed since the incident, and everything was starting to die down. Though, a lot of people were still on edge about the news.

Everyone in the dorms were doing their own things. Sero and Denki were chilling in Kirishima's dorm, bored. They have been stuck in the same room ever since the news was announced all over Japan, and they wanted to do something, but what.

"Who knew being in hiding in this day of age would be so... boring." Denki says, laying on the bed. "Back then, it would last for a day and everyone would forget about it or just think they're crazy." Sero claims. Denki sighed, "wish we could explore that city more, it seemed so.. pretty? Plus, I saw something that peeked my interest there." Sero tilted his head, "and that is?" He asked.

"I saw a place where it smelled sweet, and it looked cold." He explained. "Sounds interesting..." Sero thought about it and smiled. "We can check it out."

"Hey you two, just coming in to grab something." Kirishima says, walking in to grab some shoes. "Hey, me and Sero were wondering if we can go to that place I seen? It looked like a frozen sweet treat." Denki asks. "Oh, you mean that frozen yogurt place? It's amazing there!" Kiri says with a smile. "So that's what it is called.."

As Kiri gave them some money. "You two enjoy yourselves out there, just be safe." He walks out, leaving the two. Denki is smiling with happiness, which Sero thought was cute seeing him happy. "So, you ready to go?" Sero asked. "Yeah! Let's go!" The two then head out to the city for some frozen yogurt.


Once they got there, they were hit with an instant cool breeze. "Woah, that's cold..!" Denki shivered, Sero wrapped his arm around him.

There were so many flavors and so many toppings, it was hard to choose from!

"I want this one!" Denki points to the cheesecake one. "That one looks delicious" Sero says and looks at the orange flavor. "This one looks yummy too..."

As the two get their chosen flavors, they picked out their toppings, paid for the yogurt, and sat at a table. Denki took a bite and was filled with satisfaction. Same for Sero. "Delicious!" Denki says with a smile. "Very!" Sero agreed.

Once they finished their yogurt, they went to a park and walked. "That was so delicious... I want more!" Denki says. "Can't have too much, you'll get sick." Sero says, Denki giggled and grabbed on to his hand. Sero blushed a bit, but Denki didn't realize. "So, now what do we do?" He asks, looking at Sero in the eyes. Sero looked back, both staring into each others eyes.

They stood there for a couple of minutes before realizing and blushing, looking away from each other. "Anyways! Oh look, ducks!" Denki ran to the ducks and watched them, Sero followed behind. "They're so cute!" He sees two ducks swimming with each other, side by side.

"I miss swimming..." Denki looked down. "Yeah, me too.." Sero pats Denki on the shoulder, not realizing someone was screaming for them to move, as a frisbee hit Denki in the back of the head.

Which caused him to fall in, dragging Sero in with him.

People gathered, wondering if the two were okay. But they never came back up. They hid under the water as they were halfway in their siren forms. Scared to come back up.

"Are they okay?! They aren't coming back up!"
"Someone call the police!"
"Hey! You two okay?!"

The only thing they could do was either sit and wait for the people to leave, or swim out of there. They thought, until they heard sirens in the distance. The two decided to try and swim away as fast as they could.

Once they got a safe distance, they climbed out and tried to dry off. "What even hit me!" Denki wondered, but unexpectedly, Sero put his hand on Denki's cheek to face him. "You okay? It looked like it hurt..." Sero asked with worry. Denki stood there, flustered. He nodded, unable to speak now. "You sure? That looked like it hit you hard." Once again, he nodded, slowly reaching his hand to Sero's.

Sero smiles, "glad you're okay Sparky." Denki then snapped out, smiling. "Well, I never said this but you look handsome in those clothes." Sero blushed a bit, but smiled. "I could say the same for you love." As the two nuzzle each other. "Now, let's go before someone sees us." Sero says, as the two walk out of the park, back in their human forms.


The two had a very fun day, they went and tried so many things, seen new stuff. It was relaxing and fun!

"That was a great day! I loved it!" Denki says, walking to the dorms. "A day to remember, yes." Sero says with a smile, letting Denki inside first.

"There you two are! How was yall's date?" Mina asked with a silly smirk, the two blushed. "Date? What? It was just a fun day out!" Sero says, flustered. "I see how you two look at each other all the time, and I gotta say it's adorable!" She says smiling.

"Mina, you're embarrassing them" Kiri chuckles. "Oops! My bad!" She apologizes. "I mean... you could say it was.." Denki smiles.

"Hey, you extras coming to the pool or what." Bakugo calls out, which grabbed their attention. "There's a pool here? And none of you told us?!" Denki asks. "Yeah, there's a pool." Mina answers. "But, won't the others see us?" Sero asked. "It'll just be us and Midoriya there. Mr. Aizawa allowed us to go night swimming for once." Kiri explained. "And I'm not missing this opportunity!" Mina says.

"Yay! We can finally swim!" Denki says in excitement. "Now come on. We don't have all night." Bakugo says, and they all go to the pool for a swim.

Decided to do a little SeroKami date this chapter, since I noticed there wasn't enough of just the two being adorable with each othet, so why not havethem go on a date and hang out with each other.

But next chapter will be exciting, just you wait!

Until next time... buh bye!

 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕤 [SeroKami]Where stories live. Discover now