ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

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Mina and Kirishima swam out to where the rock is, while Bakugo, being the smart one, stayed on the shore, watching the two.

As Mina dived under the water to see if she could catch a glimpse of the two, no luck. She came back up, "I don't see them anymore."

"They couldn't have gone that far." Kiri said, as he swam further. While the two sirens hid deep in the seaweed to not be seen, as the only thing was running through their minds. Fear.

"Did we scare them off?" Mina questions, still looking. "I think we did." Kiri says as they had no choice but to swim back to the shore. Giving the two sirens relief. "We couldn't find them." Kiri says.

"You dumbasses scared them off. Now let's leave." Bakugo started to head to the car. While the two sirens peeked out the water. "They're leaving, finally." Denki says. "Now we can sleep in peace." Just as the two were about to relax, a boat rowed near them out of nowhere and threw a net at them. Causing them to panic as Sero managed to dodge, Denki on the other hand got caught and was reeled in.

"We got one!" One of the sailors rang out in excitement. Denki was screeching loudly to get Sero away for him to not get hurt, but did he listen? No. Sero fought the sailors to get Denki back, by whacking, biting, and clawing them.

The screech caught Mina's attention, as she saw what was going on. "Those guys are hurting them!" As both Bakugo and Kirishima turned to also see what was happening. "We gotta save them!" Kiri says. "And get attacked as well? Not a chance." Bakugo says.

"Come on bro! They need our help!" Kiri, being the manly man he is, sprints out to go help, Mina following behind. As Bakugo stood there, annoyed. "You guys are idiots." As he runs and flies towards the boat with his quirk.

While Sero is still fighting to get Denki free, he didn't see the three coming over. All his attention was focused on getting him out. As he was stabbed with a spear. "Sero!!"

"Ah! It can talk!" Before the sailors could do anything next, boom! Explosion from Bakugo! Blinding them as they get Denki and Sero free, but Sero had fainted from bleeding.

"Hey! Where'd they go!"
"God dammit, they escaped.."
"We continue to search!"

Back at the shore, they dragged the two, setting Denki free. Denki crawled over to Sero and hissed at them, clinging to his body and staring them down.

"Hey, it's okay! We saved you guys.." Mina says, trying to reassure him, but all he did was hiss at her. "Look. We saved you and your little friend from becoming fish food. Be happy." Bakugo tells him, as Kiri seen the wound. "The gray one is bleeding!"

"I might have a first aid kit in the trunk, go get it!" Mina says as Kirishima got up and bolted to the car. "Hey.. I know you're scared.. but you can trust us." As Mina held her hand out gently, only to be bitten by Denki, she flinched back.

"Hey, watch it you little shit." All he does, is hiss and his fins stretch. As Kirishima runs back with the first aid. "I got it!" As Mina grabbed it. "Look, I can help your friend, just trust me." She took out some bandages and medicine.

"You look hungry..." Kiri says. As Mina inched closer, causing Denki to become more protective. "It's okay.." as she slowly reaches to touch his head, only to flinch back. "Look, I'll bandage him up ok?" She puts the medicine on the wound and bandages it. "See? All better" She backs away as he went to Sero.

"We fixed them, now let's leave." Bakugo says. "We can't just leave them here! What if they get caught again!" Kirishima says. "What, we can't just sneak them in."

As Kirishima and Mina slowly smirk, making Bakugo regret saying anything. "No."

"Oh come on!"
"Bakubro please, they can't be left alone!"
"No shitty hair!"

"Please????" As the two continue to beg, annoying him. "Fine! But if we get in trouble, I'm saying it was you extras."

"Good, cause you're watching them while me and Kirishima go get something to put them in" as Mina headed to the car. "Are you serious!?" Bakugo was now ferious. "Sorry Bakubro!" As Kirishima followed Mina. "This better be worth it."


As time passed by, both Kirishima and Mina snuck a big cooler into the car and drove back. While that was going on, Bakugo was having a stare-off with Denki, while Sero was just waking up. "You better not bite me or so help me I will blast you to the moon." Bakugo glared at Denki. As the two arrive.

They got out and carried the filled cooler with water. "We got this to put them in" Kiri says. "Have fun trying to get them in there." Bakugo got up and headed to the car. Mina scoffed, "not even going to help us!"

As the two tried to gain the sirens trust, nothing worked. "Is there anything else we can try?" Mina asks, as Kirishima was thinking, "maybe some food?" That got their attention very quick. "We'll get you two some food if you get in the cooler." Mina says, within a second, Denki went in the cooler, but Sero was in pain, so he needed some help getting in.

As Bakugo waited in the car, he saw the two with the sirens in the cooler. He was flabbergasted. "We're stopping at the store for them." Mina says. "You can't be serious."

"Very serious. So, what do you two even eat?" Mina asks. "Uhh, fish?" Kirishima guessed, the two nod. "Fish it is."


After stopping at the store for fish, and feeding the two, they went back to the dorms, where a few were already asleep. So they had to sneak them in.

As Mina peeked in to see that no one was in the lobby. "Clear!" She whispered out as Bakugo and Kirishima were carrying the cooler. "Which side are we taking them?" Kirishima asks. "The boys side, it would be weird for the girls side to smell like fish." Mina whispers as they head to the boys side.

They got in the elevator and went to Kiri's dorm, surprisingly successful with no one noticing. "That was easy." Kirishima says. "So now what, we brought two sirens into the dorms." Bakugo asks. "We keep it quiet, we don't want anyone else knowing about it." Mina says. The two peek from the cooler. "Good thing we're on break." Kirishima says, they just got on their break, so it should last for a while.

Mina and Bakugo left to their dorms, leaving Kirishima with the two sirens. As he flopped on to his bed, looking at the ceiling. "Today was tiring..."

As Denki and Sero just stared at him in silence, not knowing what to do. They were in a cooler filled with water, in a dorm room. What else could they even do.

"It might look scary for you two, but don't worry! You'll be safe with us." As he smiles at them, trying to reassure the two. He yawned, "see you two in the morning." As he fell asleep, leaving the sirens awake.

"Guess this is our new home?" Denki says confused, yet cautious. "Hope we return to the ocean soon..." Sero says, looking down. As Denki cuddled up to him, arms and tail wrapped around him, Sero did the same. They were now a cuddle ball and the two fell asleep.

How would you guys react when I say I have 3 unpublished stories to be published here?

Should I publish them?

 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕤 [SeroKami]Where stories live. Discover now