ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10

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Morning has arrived, as both Kirishima and Midoriya were in the back of the truck all night. The two were tired, but they couldn't sleep. They want to save Sero and Denki.

The two have been silent the entire ride, til it came to a stop. The two peek to see they were in a different part of Japan. At some sort of aquarium. They could hear the guy getting out of the truck and talking to someone.

"If it isn't the crazy guy. Haven't we told you to leave? We heard enough about your supposed siren story." A guy said, clearly annoyed. "Well do I have news for you, look in the back." The guy the two followed was coming to the back, they hid.

"That tank, right there." The suit guy says. He pulled off a covering to reveal two frightened sirens hugging each other, tails wrapped around one another. The guy was flabbergasted. "So you were telling the truth... they do exsist."

"You can put them anywhere. Now where's my money, we had a deal." The suit guy said. "I'll go get it now!" The other guy ran off, as they unloaded the tank. Kiri and Deku peeked out once more. "How do you suppose we get them back?" Midoriya whispered. "Well... we can't go in in only swim trunks..." Kiri answered. They forgot their clothes back at the dorms. "The nearest clothing store is probably miles away..."

As they watch the man enter the building, they waited until the coast was clear and got out. Looking at their surroundings, the two were in another city. "Well, we can check if there is one. It might take us a bit though." Midoriya says. "Let's go then." The two went into the city to find a clothing store.


Back at the dorms, everyone is awake. But some have noticed that Midoriya and Kirishima weren't in the lobby. Only Momo, Mina, Iida, and Bakugo knew what was going on. Everyone was questioning if the two were okay.

Mr. Aizawa walked in. "Mr. Aizawa! Have you seen Kirishima or Deku? They haven't come down from their dorms.." Ochaco asks. "It's weird, considering they would be the first few to wake up, ribbit" Tsu says. "I am sure you are all worried about those two. But don't worry. Me and a few of you classmates know what is going on. But for all of your safety, we cannot explain." He says.

Everyone was getting worried about them. "Now, I'll need the kids from last night to come outside with me." As Momo, Bakugo, Iida, and Mina followed him outside.


Back with Kirishima and Midoriya, the two finally found a store to get some clothes, but they couldn't go inside. There was a policy on the door. "How are we gonna get anything, we can't even go inside." Kiri questions, as Midoriya thought of something. He saw a worker in the store.

"Excuse me, me and my friend need spare clothing. Our clothes got taken when we went swimming." He talked to the worker. "I can give you both some clothes, but please stay outside." As the worker went to the back. "First Mina, now you." Kiri says surprised.

A few minutes pass, and the worker came back with a pair of clothes for the two. "Here you both go. Have a nice day." Kirishima and Midoriya went back and put on the clothes they got.


Inside the building, a group of people were surrounding the tank holding Sero and Denki. Denki hid his face from the people in fear while Sero held him close, staring at them all with anger. "Now now eveyone, give them some space. We need to put them in tanks to get them ready." A voice rang out, it was the guy in the suit.

Sero snarled at him. "Oh now hush. You'll make me millions the two of you." As he pushed the tank towards some bigger empty tanks.

Sero tried his best to calm Denki down, but it was going to become worse. As two other people walk in. "Now, put the yellow one in that one, and the grey one in the other."

As the two people grabbed them and tried separating them. Causing a panic, Sero kept biting and whipping his tail at the people while Denki clinged tightly to Sero. To the point he dug his claws into his skin, making him bleed a bit. "Let go you stupid fish!" One of them said, trying to break them apart. It took half an hour just to finally separate them and put them in separate tanks.

Denki tried to get out, but he kept getting put back in. He screeched and cried, wanting Sero back. As for Sero, he is pissed. He clawed at the walls and rammed into the glass, screeching loud.


A few hours pass, the place became packed. Kirishima and Midoriya made their way inside to blend in with the people.

"Wonder where they would be..." Midoriya whispered, looking around. "They can be anywhere" Kiri whispers.

But on the cameras, the guy in the suit was watching them. He knew they would come to save them. "Keep an eye on those two. If they get near the sirens, grab them. We don't want our prized possessions escaping." As people were sent out, to keep them away from Sero and Denki, little did they know. Backup would soon arrive.

 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕤 [SeroKami]Where stories live. Discover now