One - The dream

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I've had the same dream every night since my fourth school year at Hogwarts. It always started out as a peace full, yet odd dream. Then suddenly everything turned dark. And the last thing I remember from the dream is a green sharp light. The dream was a memory, a memory that was not easily erased. I soon discovered that the remembrance was about my mother's sudden death.

The events over the summer had been hard on me, so to tell you my story, I'm not going to start from the beginning. I'm going to remember them step by step. It's not that my memory had been Obliviated or anything. It's just easier for me to start right here. But just to get to know me a little, here is just a bit of my childhood.

I had grown up in a town outside London, with my guardian Lydia and her muggle fiancé Henry. Lydia took me in when I was almost two years old. She had been told that she could not have children of her own, so when my dad asked her to take care of me, even though she had major disagreement with my father's decision, she couldn't turn it down. We lived in Epping just outside of London. A little old town filled with charming streets.
Henry came into our lives when I was around 7 years old. Lydia told him right away, when things got serious between them, that she was a witch, and that she was raising a little girl with the same condition as her. Henry fell even more in love with her and accepted the adventures and challenges that come with living among two witches. As for my dad. I never saw him again. That was until my fourth school year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I had always been aware that he was still alive. But with the fact that he gave me up, I had never in my life thought that he would turn up as the new defense against the dark arts teacher. It took me some time to figure it out. But it was a chair swung to my face. And it made my school year much more difficult than I had ever imagined. And as I was on my way downstairs some of the events from the recent school year flicked before my eyes.

When the period ended, I walked up to Mr. Lupin to give him the homework assignment from the last DADA class. "That was fast, '' Professor Lupin said, like he was confused. "Is that a bad thing?" I asked, a little worried. What if I had screwed up. I really wanted to impress him. He was such a good teacher. "Not necessarily," Professor Lupin said, with a big smile. "Sorry Professor '' I started, and he looked up "You are not by any chance from London sir" I asked, "No, no I'm not" he said with a comfortable voice, while he shook his head. "Oh, okay. I could just swear that I've seen you before" I said curries. "Take some chocolate... it's okay" he said while he was pointing at a pack of chocolate at his table. "Thanks Professor" I said while I took the chocolate and walked out of the classroom.

As I walked out of the classroom, I heard two voices from each side of the doorway. Fred and George were standing leaned up against the wall, just outside the classroom. "Uh she got the chocolate, '' Fred and George said, while they walked on each side of me. "Jealous," I asked confidently. "Not really," George said. "We got some fun to do, Clark," Fred said playfully, while he played with my blond curly hair. "Guys we have Quidditch soon" I said while I tried to stop Fred ruining my hair. "There is just no fun in you, Clark" George said "Coming Fred" he added. Fred smiled at me and went the other way.

I wonder if he knew back then. If I was his daughter. I don't know what's worse. Not realizing that your daughter had attempted Hogwarts, or knowing that she was sitting right there, right in front of you, not being willing to say or do anything about it.

Henry and Lydia gave me some days to rest when I came home from one om the most traumatizing years at Hogwarts I've ever had. I know it sounds selfish, because since I've started Hogwarts a lot of dangerous and traumatizing stuff had happed. Like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named living in the back of our defense agents the dark arts teacher's head. Then the chamber of secrets opened, and a giant basilisk was trying to kill all muggles at the castle, and luckily it didn't have any lock killing any. But these times I've never been in real danger.

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