Nine - Memories of strawberries

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Mrs. Weasley was happy to see us all, she hugged us, and kissed us. But most of all, she was so sad that she had been in a fight with the twins before we went off. She nearly cried when she saw them. She must have been worried sick. I knew that I would have been.

The following week had no entertaining parts at all. Molly had told me to write to Lupin, and she was right. it was about time now. I also thought about writhing to Adrian, maybe he had already written to me, but he didn't know that I was here, so I decided to write a letter to both.

I sent my letter to Lupin the same day I wrote it, but I had Adrian's letter around for some days before deciding to send it. I was alone in the kitchen, reading it over and over, when I decided to go take a shower, and then send it afterwards. In the letter I told Adrian that I liked him. But I wasn't ready to be in a relationship, so I let him know that I was happy to be his friend and we maybe could hang out more when we finally got back to Hogwarts. I also wished him a great summer and wrote that I was looking forward to a nice friendship.

After showering, I went to Ginny's room, where I was staying, to get some clean clothing. I brushed my hair and tied it up in a messy bun.

Finally, I headed downstairs to send the letter. I felt much more comfortable after a good old shower. Ginny and Fred were looking like they were hiding something. "What have you guys been up to" I asked suspiciously. "Nothing" Ginny said nervous and gave Fred an elbow in the stomach. Something had clearly happened before I got downstairs, and I really wanted to know what was going on. "Yeah nothing" Fred added and ran his fingers through his hair. He mostly looked handsome and confident when he did that, but this time he looked so nervous. Fred was never nervous.

I went into the kitchen, but I was interrupted by Ginny. "Becca" she called and ran in front of me, blocking the doorway to the kitchen. "Seriously, what is going on, did someone put a confundus charm over you, or what" I asked annoyed. "No, sorry" Ginny said embarrassed and moved, but Fred griped my wrist. But I must had looked pretty pissed when I caught his eye, because he let go right away. I walked into the kitchen, and I couldn't find my letter. "Guys, did you see a letter" I asked. "Rebecca, ohm" Fred started nervously, but then Ginny interrupted. "Oh, yes, I send it with one of my own letters, so no worry's" Ginny said. "Oh, thank you" I said and smiled. "Who was the letter for" Fred asked. "Just Lydia" I lied. Why did I lie, Fred was one of my best friends, and I couldn't even tell him that I made out with a Slytherin guy this summer. Who was I. Help. "Oh ok, cool" Fred said and went upstairs. Ginny just stood there, smiled nervously and followed him. What was that about.

It was finally time to leave for Hogwarts, I had wished for this day the whole summer. I was so excited to see Katy and Cormac again. I had so much to tell Katie about my confusion over Fred, Adrian and Cedric. Why was Fred the first one on my mind. I could swear that if I had the chance, Cedric would be the one. But I never really gave Adrian a chance. Fred was out of the question; everything had just been back to normal after the world cup kiss. It was just a bet, no need to make it any more complicated.

We arrived at King's cross station. Went to platform nine and three-quarters. And then I spotted Adrian. "Could you look after my stuff, for just a sec" I asked Ginny, she agreed as I went over by Adrians side. He was talking to two other Slytherin guys, who looked at me like I had spilled troll bogies all over myself. I ignored that. It was common Slytherin behaver. "Hey Adrian" I said. I sounded so innocent. He said something I couldn't here to the other guys, they laughed and walked over to another group of Slytherin's. "Rude" I said, and Adrian smiled a little, but then his face turned could. "So did you get my letter" I asked. He giggled evilly. He made me feel uncomfortable, nearly like Marcus Flint had made me feel at Adrian's party. "Yeah, I got I loud and clear" he said harshly. "What... What do you mean" I asked. But he just turned around and walked over to his friends. Maybe Adrian was not like I though he was. I really though he was different. "What was that about" a common voice said beside me, and I knew who it was. "We snogged" I said with a pity but funny voice. "Dang it" Katie said and we turned to hug each other. "Oh my god, I have missed you" Katie said. When we hugged, I got a glance of Cedric.

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