12 - Books at a party

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"Fred, George" I called as I saw them whispering in a corner of the west wing hallway, as I rushed to them. "Hey Rebecca, what is the rush" Fred and George asked unanimously. "I need to get into the restricted section of the library before fifth period, which is giving us precisely one and a half hour" I said out of breath. "Fred" George smirked. "George" Fred smirked. "Let's get to it" they both said, and we started planning.

We sat down in the great hall plotting our way into the section. "So, George, you need to get Peeves after you, right into the library. Otherwise, this won't work" Fred started. "You have exactly 12.6 minutes for this to success, then Fred and I with use of Alohomora, breaks into the restricted section" I said thinking I was sounding cool. "And why is it that you don't ask for permission" George asked. I smirked. "And where is the fun in that" I said and looked over at Fred. "That more like it" Fred smirked. "Then let's get to it" he added, and we started our plan. "Good luck" I wished George as we parted.

Fred and I found the coroner closest to the curtain into the restricted area. "Now we just need to act normal and look like we are not hiding something" I said nervously rubbing my hands and looking over my shoulder. I had never broken the roles like this before. Yes, I had stolen lots of times from Snapes personal champers, but I really didn't think of that as breaking the rules. More like lending stuff from a teacher. "And we not going to do it like that" Fred said softly and placed his hands on top of mine to calm me down. It helped. I looked up to his hazel eyes and got completely lost in them. "Let's sit down here, and maybe you can tell me about what is so important, that you don't have time to ask a teacher for permission, they often just say yes. You know that" Fred said leading me to a chair by the window.

"I need it for my moon stone assignment. I really want to good in potion. That's all" I answered and bit my lip. "Snape is kind of cute" Fred smirked leaning up against a bookshelf. I gasped and let out a nearly soundless laugh, not to get caught. "Like that hair, looks so good" Fred added. "Well Snape is like Snaddy, right" I joked under my breath, trying not to burst into the giggles. "Oh yeah" Fred agreed with a playboy smirk. "Like don't people want to fuck the shit out of him" I joked again, trying to keep my voice down. "I do" Fred joked. And then we both cracked. "This is a library not a common room" Mrs. Pince hushed. "Sorry Mrs. Pince, we got a bit confused trying to find the library, see I'm a girl. Can't read maps" I whispered. "Oh, so we are already at the library" Fred whispered acting all surprised. We were a pretty good team. "Just be quiet" Mrs. Pince whispered.

"It's been a while since we had this much fun Becca" Fred whispered soft. He was still leaning against the bookshelf, with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked good when he did that and by the look of it, he knew. "It has, right" I whispered back. I got up from the chair by the window and walked over by Fred's side to lean up against the bookshelf too. "It's been kind of wired since the world cup, hasn't it" I asked, keeping my voice down. We wouldn't have Mrs. Pince being on our radar right now. "Yeah, maybe you are right. I had hoped to find the time to talk about this sooner" Fred started. "You have" I asked. A butterfly found its way from my stomach to my cheeks, making me feel the heat and tickles through my body. "Yeah, but we never have time to see each other these days" Fred added, but then he was cut off by a howling sound coming from the other end of the library. "This is our cue" Fred whispered, and we snug over to the entrance of the restricted section. "Alohomora" I whispered moved my wand around to find the right way to pick lock it. I was harder than most doors here at Hogwarts. But I got it opened and we snuck in. "We fucking did it" Fred cheered trying to keep his voice down. "Yes, let's find the book of forbidden potions or something like that" I whispered.

We walked down halls of bookshelf's; it couldn't be that hard to find. "What if Snape askes you about your knowledge of this potion, what will your answer be" Fred whispered. "I don't know. Maybe I just lie and tell him that McGonagall gave me the permission to go study here" I answered. Fred wrinkled his eyebrows. "And you don't think he will ask McGonagall about it then" Fred asked. "If I get caught, I just say ups, I guess" I said and smiled at Fred. "Oh, there it is" I said and took a book out of the shelf. "Let's get back then" Fred said and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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