Two - The Unexpected party invitation

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Things had been hard at first after having McGonagall and Dumbledor over. But after some weeks everything started to get back to normal. It was Sunday and I had been sitting on my window bench for hours looking out the window when I decided to go get some breakfast.

Lydia and Henry looked mischievous at each other as I interred the kitchen. I tried not to look at them while I made my way to the refrigerator to grab some juice. "Been spying on the new neighbors?" Lydia asked smirking at me. I took my time to answer. Then I took down a glass from the cabinet and poured the juice. "Why, are you dyeing to hear the gossip. '' I joked. "I've heard that they are wizards, and they have a boy around your age" Lydia teased. "I don't know him" I lied and then the awkward silence started, because Lydia knew I have been looking at Adrian like a creep, through my window for weeks. "When are the Wusly boys coming to get you, for the Quidditch world cup" Henry asked. He never understood quidditch, but I couldn't blame him for that. I had a hard time learning to understand and believe it or not, I also wasn't a master flying the first year I had a broom. "It's Weasley, and I'm already going Tuesday, so can we please go to Diagon ally tomorrow, so I can stay at the Burrow for the rest of the summer." I asked. Lydia and Henry looked at each other with teasing smiles covering both their faces. Then they both turned to look at me. Their grin was not one to wipe of their lips. "Is George your boyfriend? '' Lydia asked. "No, ew '' I said in disgust. "What about Fred, is he your boyfriend? '' Henry asked. "No, also ew. They are both just my friends. Besides that, I'm going to sleep in Ginny's room, so relax" I said embarrassed. "Is Ginny someone we should meet? '' Lydia asked. "Merlin's. Stop, I'm not dating any of the Weasleys and I'm never going to" I answered. "Okay we can all go to Diagon ally tomorrow, then we can meet up in London with Henry after he is done with work" Lydia suggested. "Thank you so much, I'll go write to Katie so we can meet up tomorrow" I said and rushed back to my room. "Can I borrow your owl" I yelled running up the stairs. "Her name is Firefly, and yes she can deliver your mail" Lydia yelled back.

Finally, the day came, where we could leave for Diagon Alley. The train took nearly an hour to get to London, so I was reading Quidditch Through the Ages, a comprehensive history of the game and its rules. I got it last year on my birthday and I had read it four times by now. For many it might have been boring to read a book this many times, but now that I was a team member on the Gryffindor's quidditch team, I had to find this interesting, and lucky for me, I did. I also had to understand the game more, to be sure I was good enough for making the team this school year. As we arrived at Tottenham court road, I closed the book and got off the train with Lydia. Then we walk to the Leaky Cauldron to meet Henry.

It was a hot summer day in the mid-august and I couldn't wait to get one of Florean Fortescue's ice creams.

Katie and I had been sending letters all summer to coordinate our trip to Diagon Alley. It was always more fun with Katie. She was my best friend. We have been inseparable since last year. She's clever, brutally honest, caring, funny, cute, interesting, patient with me, calm in the storm and the list goes on. What I love the most about her, is that she took me in, when I had lost a lot. She became my escape from the everyday and she had also introduced me to some cool and clever students at Hogwarts.

"Where should we go next" Katie asked, after we got out of Florean Fortescue's ice cream shop, both with a cone of ice cream in one hand. "Maybe Quality Quidditch?" I asked. We agreed and we walked straight to the shop.

"Wait, was that Adrian Pucey from Slytherin smiling at you" Katie teased. I blushed but tried to hide it and looked disgusted by her words. As I didn't wanted Katie to get us involved in any trouble. That was for sure what she did best. I can't remember any of Katies ideas ending up easy to get out of. "No. It wasn't... can I taste your toffee apple ice cream" I said slightly trying to chance the subject. "Marlins it was, and you smiled back didn't you" Katie screamed. She was so excited that she nearly dropped her ice cream. "Shut it, Katie". But she didn't hear me. Or she probably did, she just enjoyed making my life just a bit tougher for some stupid reason. "Let's go say hi" she said and although I tried to say no, we were staying in front of Adrian before I could blink. He looked vague as we, two Gryffindor girls spawned in front of him. But then he smiled politely at us. "Hi, um it's Rebecca and Katie right. We have played quidditch against each other" he asked. We both knotted. "I was going to meet up with Marcus Flint at Flourish and Blotts, do you want to join?" he added. Marcus Flint was the worst Slytherin I have ever met. He was a bully and he never played fair in quidditch. "No, we were just about to go to some other store. Sorry" I said awkwardly and tried to get away from the situation Katie had put us in. Katie rolled her eyes at me. "Did you have a great summer, Adrian?" Katie asked. Why was she talking to him? "Oh yeah, my parents and I just moved near London, in fact they are throwing a small gathering to celebrate tomorrow of all days, if you guys would like to come. I know it's last minute and we don't really know each other. But I would love to see you there" Adrian answered. "Oh, I'm totally busy tomorrow, but Becca can come, right Becca" Katie said and smiled. I looked very angry at Katie, but I don't want to be rude. "Yeah, of course I can come, even though it sounds completely weird to go to your parents' housewarming" I said with my teeth gritted. Adrian laughed, it was probably because of my attitude or the fact that it sure was wired that he had invited two girls to his parents' party. Not just two girls, but two Gryffindor girls he didn't really knew. "Yeah sure" he said kind of careless, but he was still looking into my eyes, making me feel that he wanted me to be there. "See you there Pucey" I said as Katie and I started to walk toward Quality Quidditch. I flustered up at but, so it was a good time now to hurry. "Hey um, Rebecca" Adrian called. I turned around. "Don't you need my address to come to my party" Adrian said and smirked. I blushed even more and walked back to him. He gave me a handwritten note with his address on. "Could I have seen you near High Street yesterday?" he asked curiously. "Maybe. Did you move to Epping" I asked, like I didn't know.

"Why did you do that, now I have to go to a party where I don't even know a house elf" is said being all self-conscious, knowing that it could only get awkward. "We all know that you have to get over a certain Hufflepuff, and Slytherin here could be a good example for that" Katie said. "Get over... What are you talking about" I asked, trying to sound innocent. "Don't even try to hide it girl".

 "Don't even try to hide it girl"

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