Four - Definitely something there

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"You were born into a dark time. Your mother and I were doing everything we could to protect you. But I made a burden on your mother, and I had to leave. She couldn't be safe with me, a werewolf. I was a dishonor to her and her family. She was the daughter of  Abraxas Malfoy and little sister of Lucius Malfoy. I should never have married her. I've made her an outcast" Remus started and took a long pause. "The night of your memories was a night I regret the most. It is truly unbearable what happened. I was putting you to bed, you weren't completely comfortable with me yet. Sirius had just left. He had been over for dinner. You really liked Sirius. he was good with kids. Then when you were finally asleep, I heard some tumbling noises from downstairs. I called to see if your mother was ok, but she didn't answer. I ran downstairs only to find her dead in our hallway. I took her in my arms, and I cried. After your mother's funeral, it occurred to me that I couldn't take care of you, and that was why I contacted Lydia."

It was early morning, and I was quite hungover, for the first time in my life. My head was spinning just a bit and the only thing on my mind was the words Remus spoke to me, back when I was at the hospital wing. But that was nothing a bubble bath and some toast with butter and a cup of tea couldn't handle.

Just as I had gotten dressed, and all packed up I heard the horn from a car. I looked out of my window and a gray car was parked in front of our apartment. It was Mr. Weasley and surprisingly the twins. Normally we would have used the flue powder, but Lydia and Henry had tried to fix our fireplace for quite some time. It has been unsuccessful with the placing of destination over the last two years. So there for Mr. Weasley had rented a car, so Lydia and Henry didn't have to think about getting me to the Burrow.

My insides exploded into happy fireworks in a second. To see that the twins joined in on the road made me feel so happy. I had missed them so much. George was my best friend of all, we shared everything, mostly everything. Something was only for Katie and I. Fred was kind of my best friend too. We just always got in trouble hanging out. I wasn't telling Fred everything like I was telling George and Katie. Even though they were identical twins, their friendship was so different to me. And I really cared for both of them in such different ways.

The only thing to do now, was to get my stuff downstairs, say goodbye to Henry and Lydia and finally go to the Burrow.

As we arrived outside the borrow, I could clearly see that it was a wizard-built ramshackle multi-story dwelling, that needed magic to keep it from falling apart. It was on the other hand so charming, and I couldn't wait to go explore the grounds and house with Fred and George. They had told me that there was a ghost in the attic, gnomes in the garden and an adjacent pasture that has been pressed into use as a Quidditch pitch.

George and I had been sitting on the backseat talking the ears of each other about the stuff we had done this summer, the stuff we could do together and of cause the quidditch world cup. Fred had been radio silence the whole ride, but maybe it was because George and I hadn't shut up since the moment we left Epping. "You are going to love the canary creams, they taste delicious, but then... puff, you have the head of a bird." George said with big eyes. I laughed through the whole ride. I felt so amazing and free as George was telling me about all the great things he and Fred had invented over the summer.

We finally got out of the car. I walked to the car's trunk to get my stuff. "No let me help you" Fred voice spoke behind me. "Don't sneak up on people like that, Fred" I said, as I nearly had a heart attack. Fred, George and Mr. Weasley helped me carry my stuff into the kitchen.

The interior of the Burrow was cozy and lived in, with a jumbled and cluttered array of furniture and trappings. "This is lovely" I gasped as I entered the kitchen. "OH, REBECCA MY DEAR, SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN" Mrs. Weasley yelled as I walked into her tight hug. "Oh Mrs. Weasley you have such a lovey home" I stated. "Thank you darling. Just let me know if you need anything. Lydia have told me everything. And you can come to me with whatever you need". Mrs. Weasley said while she placed her hands on my cheeks.
"Is Rebecca here" Ginny asked, while she ran down the stairs "What about Harry" she added. "Only Becca. We are getting Harry when dad gets home from work" Fred said as he walked past me. "And he just left five minutes ago" George added. Then Ginny ran over to hug me. "How was your summer" She asked. "Fine, how was yours" I answered. "It was brilliant, luckily the summer isn't over yet. I can't wait to show you around here and catch gnomes in the garden with you" Ginny answered. "Me neither" I smiled, and Ginny ran upstairs again.

It was all very overwhelming. But I didn't know what it was. I just already needed some air. "Missed me" Fred asked with a low sore tone and wrapped his arm around me from behind "oh dear I can't live without you" I joked. Fred smirked "Let's take it upstairs then" Fred said with a mischievous grin on his face. I turned around to face him, thinking about what was on his mind. Did he really want to make out with me. I rolled my eyas and punched his arm. "Maybe you could just show me around, before you take me to your bed" I said sarcastically rude. "You must be the famous Rebecca Clark" an unknown voice said behind us. I jumped out of Fred's arms immediately and turned to see who the mysterious person was. "Hi, I'm Bill. Nice to finally meet you" Bill said and leaned against the doorway. Bill was tall, thin, handsome and had red hair like the rest of the Weasley family. He had the hair in a ponytail and he had an earring with a fang dangling from it. He wore clothes that would not be out of place at a rock concert. "Hi, so nice to meet you, Bill. I'm Rebecca as you know" I said awkwardly. The atmospheria in the room got awkward and Fred and I just knotted at each other, smiling uncomfortably. Was something going on between Fred and I. Everything had certainly chanced over the summer. "I clearly interrupted something here!" Bill said curiously and of cause he had a big smirk on his lips, only making the situation worse. "Nothing was interrupted brother; Becca just finds you attractive" Fred joked. Even though it was true. Bill was very attractive. "Wow no, don't out me like that" I sarcastically as I panicked inside, then I smiled to Bill and followed Fred upstairs.

"Unfortunately, you will be staying in Ginny's room, mum apparently didn't want any unexpected grandchildren yet" Fred said calm walking upstairs. I chuckled and followed right behind him. "And how would she get those unexpected grandchildren" I asked looking over my shoulder to face Fred. He smirked a wide smirk. "Oh, Rebecca. Darling. When a man loves a woman" Fred started. "Oh no stop.... Wait, do you love me Fred Weasley" I asked sassy. Fred turned to face me. He was looking down at me, even more then normally because he was standing some steps above me on the staircase. We were just standing there, just near Ginny's room. "No" Fred said offended. "Fine" I said as I powerwalked beside Fred, took onto the doorknob and hurried into Ginny's room. Just to slam the door in his face. I leaned against the door, holding my breath. Smiling ear to ear. Fred Weasley had changed over the summer, and that made my inside go crazy. I had chanced too. And there was definitely something there. It's so good and so horrible at the same time. It was like a billion butterflies were flying from my stomach to my cheeks. And then I opened my eyes.

"Ginny... Hi" I gasped. Ginny was sitting on her bed, looking disgusted at me. "You like Fred" she busted out. "Noooooo" I said slowly wrinkling my eyebrows. "Yes, you do, don't even try to hide it" Ginny said while she got out of her bed. "Besides, he probably likes you too. He has been all wired the last couple of days" Ginny added. I slowly sat down on the chair at her small disk. "Wired how" I asked curiously. "I don't know, like he was nervous or something" Ginny said careless. I didn't think she didn't care about it. She was very nosey when it came to gossip like that, but in a cool and respectful way I would say. A real girls girl.

And then it hit me, Fred didn't like me. Not like that. He had found me after an attack of a werewolf at the end of last school year. The werewolf who turned out to be my father. Fred hadn't changed over the summer I had, and he was not comfortable around me after what happened in June. I didn't blame him. It was much for anyone to find a close friend bleeding in the school's hallway. "Oh, I don't think it's like that, Ginny" I said and smiled.

 "Oh, I don't think it's like that, Ginny" I said and smiled

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