Eight - Fireworks

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After a long day of exploring the camp side, it was finally time to go to the arena. I had been waiting for this since George asked if I wanted to join them for the summer. Mr. Weasley got the tickets from a guy at the ministry and then he had asked his children if they wanted to bring some friends. And all I could think of was, that this family, was so nice and kind and deserved the world.

The walk to the arena was about 20 minutes long, and we all talked and joked on the way. it was nice to have a good time with these people and doing this moment I had totally forgotten what happened in June. I was free and careless. Happy actually. Fred was telling me so many good and funny jokes and I couldn't stop laughing the whole walk to the stadium. No one could make me laugh like Fred. It was an uncontrollable, tickling feeling from my stomach to my cheeks. And he looked so satisfied every time he made me laugh. Like Fred knew he was funny, but somehow, I could feel and tell that it meant something for him to se me this happy.

When we finally arrived at the end of the forest, the biggest arena I have ever seen appeared infront of us. I knew it was going to be big, but this was more incredible than I could ever imagine. Harry looked surprised too. We looked at each other and gaped. "It fits around 100.000 spectators" Mr. Weasley told Harry and I.

Mr. Weasley then showed us all to the nearest entrance. "Lodge seats" said the witch while checking our tickets. "And that will be the last time Weasley" a sallow voice said behind us. I knew by than that this was the end of my fun. The voice ran cold down my spine. No not here. Not now, I thought to myself. I didn't want to turn around to face them. I wanted to hide. To make them think I was dead and never to be found.

Lucius and Draco Malfoy were standing right behind us. I had just learned that Lucius was my mother's brother, and I had a hard time dealing with being related to the Malfoy family. That was maybe the hardest thing about learning my parents. Knowing that I belonged to a family line of dark wizards. I was not like them, not at all.

"What do we have here" Lucius Malfoy said, initially interrupting Mr. Weasley. They had been arguing something before Lucius eyes caught mine. Mr. Weasley, Harry and Fred quickly moved in front of me, to shade me from Lucius. "Lets find our seats, Draco" he added as he looked superior down at all of us as they left.

When we got to our seats I decided to sit down between Harry and Ginny. The match was breath taking, all the players where amazing. I wished that I would once be that good at quidditch. Both of teams had mascots. The Irish team had Leprechaun's and the Bulgarian team ha Veela's. I had never seen such creatures before. I carefully inspected the Veela's, since I had learned that their blood ran through my veins. They were so beautiful and the way they drew men insane was curios to watch. It was incredible to see when they used their power, how most of the male spectators were trying to get their attention. I wondered if I had the ability to do that, if I could just turn every guy I wanted to like me. Then I turned to look at Fred to se if he was impressed by the Veela's. But by the looks of it, he was only looking at the quidditch players. It made me a bit joyful that he wasn't affected by the beautiful woman dancing.

It happened so suddenly. Ireland won the world cup. I was so happy, because I obviously cheered on the Irish team the whole time. I was only making the bet with Fred to annoy him, but at this time I had totally forgotten about the bet and the kiss. We were all hugging each other, jumping and screaming. Just like we did when we had won our own quidditch tournament.

I finally hugged Fred and he hugged me back tight. It was nice and safe, burring my face into his chest. "Why are you so happy" Fred asked in a wondering tone. "Bulgaria lost, you know that right?" he added. "I was secretly cheering on Ireland; the bet was just to annoy you" I said. "I know" he said. I could tell by the way he had put the words, that he was smiling. I slowly removed myself from his warm hug, to see his freckled smiling cheeks. But Fred wasn't smiling like I had imagined. His face was soft, yet kind of mischievous. Fred carefully moved his left hand to my cheek and slowly moved his lips to mine. They were soft and warm, and it was like fireworks were going off. Also, fireworks were going off. It felt like hours and hours of kissing, and then I remembered that nearly the whole Weasley family was right there. I broke the kiss. "Fred" I said surprised and slightly pushed him away, but he just smirked. Classic Fred. Maybe no one had really noticed that we kissed. Or maybe they had but ignored it. "Thanks" Fred said.

"Let's get back to the camp side, everyone" Mr. Weasley called, and smiled at me. Oh, he knew. Everyone did. Everyone had seen it. It was a good kiss and it felt warm and soft. Plus, it took me by surprise. It was that kind of kiss every girl dreamed of. But why did he had to do it in front of the whole Weasley Family. I wanted to bury myself.

When we finally got to our tents, none of us were tired enough to go to sleep. Moreover, the noise around us was so loud, from the celebrates of the World cup. We therefore went to the boy's tent and got a cup of hot chocolate. Then we gathered us around at the small kitchen table to discuss the match, that we had just watched. When Ginny dropped her chocolate on the floor, and fell asleep, with her nose on the table, Mr. Weasley told us all, that it was time for bed.

I walked over to the other tent, with Hermione and Ginny. "Are you and Fred together now" Ginny asked tired, while rubbing her eyes. I was so surprised, that she asked that, so I didn't know what to answer. "Yeah, what was that kiss about" Hermione asked. "Oh, it was just a bet" I answered quickly. We went into the tent and changed to pyjamas. We went to bed, and I fell asleep as quickly as my head touched the pillow.

Then I suddenly heard Charley's voice in my dream. "Girls up now" he called. But then I figured that it wasn't a dream. I hurried out of bed, followed by Hermione and Ginny. "Get your coats" he started, but the tree of us just stood there drowsy and confused, looking at Bill, Charley and Percy. "NOW" Charley called, and the panic in he's eyes told us, that something was wrong. We hurried out of the tent, and we all noticed that the mood of the camp side had changed. There were no more battle songs, but only terrifying screams and the sound of fleeting people. I was terrified. I was holding on to Ginny's arm. Then I saw the boys. "Hermione, over there" I called, and we ran over to Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Mr. Weasley. "What is going on" I asked, I nearly cried. Tents was on fire; people were being attacked. "We must help the ministry" Mr. Weasley called to the oldest boys. "The rest of you, hide in the forest, stay together" he added, and ran after his tree oldest sons, who already had made their way towards the violence.

"Let's go" Fred called and grapped on to my hand. I was already holding Ginny's hand and George was right behind us. But I lost track of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

We were hiding behind some bushes. "Where is Ron" George asked. "I don't know, I thought they were right behind us" Fred said. "Please be quiet" I said "I think I heard something" I added. I got closer to Fred and draged Ginny with me. I then saw someone walking past us, he had a mask on, and a long black cloak. I gasped. Fred took his hand quickly around my mouth. The man stopped and looked around, but he couldn't see us, so he walked right past us.

We waited there for maybe twenty minutes before the riots settled and it felt safe to come out from our hiding place. Then we quiet and carefully went back to our tents and met up with the rest of the family.

Bill, Charley and Percy were already back, when we got to our tents. "Are you unharmed" Bill asked, while running to us. "We are fine" George said and looked worried around. I saw a sign in the sky, it was a skull with a snake twisted around it. "What is that" I asked. "It's you know who's sign" Charley answered, and looked worried at the sign, in the sky. "Where is Harry, Ron and Hermione" Bill asked. "We lost track of them in the forest" George started "we had hoped that they got here before us" Fred added.

When Mr. Weasley came back with Harry, Hermione and Ron, they told us what had happened, and then we were sent to bed. I was exhorted when I finally hit my bed again, but I was too worried to fall asleep.

I somehow manage to sleep. I knew that, because I got all jumpy when Mr. Weasley woke us up the next morning. We left the camp as fast as possible. After taking the port key to the Stoatshead hill, we walked through a little town called Ottery St Catchpole. We were all hungry for some good and solid breakfast, so none of us made a sound on our way to the Burrow.

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